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Vader vs. Decapitated

[Mar 5,2007 11:13pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Mar 5,2007 11:15pm - powerkok ""]
Decapitated easy.
[Mar 5,2007 11:15pm - powerkok ""]
ps Vader rules.
[Mar 5,2007 11:16pm - powerkok ""]
pss make it a poll.
[Mar 5,2007 11:17pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Oh sorry.

[Mar 5,2007 11:21pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
I'm torn. Decapitated started out as Vader Jr.
[Mar 5,2007 11:22pm - dreadkill ""]
thegreatspaldino said:I'm torn. Decapitated started out as Vader Jr.

exactly, which is why i'd go with vader. it's like choosing between napalm death and nasum. i love nasum, but they were influenced by napalm death, so i have to choose napalm death.
[Mar 5,2007 11:59pm - Aegathis ""]
Decapitated,Ive heard alot of Vader and never thought they were anything special.
[Mar 6,2007 12:01am - theaccurseddrummer ""]
I would say Decapitated, but only because they learned everything they know from bands like Vader. If I had to only listen to one or the other, it'd be Decapitated, but I'm glad they're both around. Two awesome bands.
[Mar 6,2007 4:19am - anonymous  ""]
passerby vs. blackmetallady
[Mar 6,2007 4:25am - deadlikemurf ""]
anon vs. ymous
[Mar 6,2007 6:58am - Archaeon ""]
thegreatspaldino said:I'm torn. Decapitated started out as Vader Jr.

very true. But decap has changed their sound every album which vader has been doing the same thing for their whole career

[Mar 6,2007 7:16am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Vader....Been a fan of them since the beginning, never really got into decapitated.
[Mar 6,2007 8:55am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this looks split right down the middle.

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