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Dark Funeral to appear in satanic porn film

[Mar 6,2007 12:15am - Samantha ""]

Controversial Black Metal Band Dark Funeral To Appear In Club Satan

has also recorded a song especially for the soundtrack

--press release

Porn valley- In 2004 one crazed Dark Funeral fan in Mexico, Rodrigo Orlas murdered a Catholic priest during a sermon in Santiago. In 2006, the band incited a riot in Peru, when legions of fans destroyed the venue and vandalized nearby buildings and cars. Now in 2007 Dark Funeral welcome controversy again by appearing in the closing scene for the first authentic satanic adult movie Club Satan.

Dark Funeral, legendary for their Satanic lyrics and frightening appearance, were thrilled to be in the movie written and directed by Shane Bugbee, an actual priest in the Church Of Satan. The entire band was filmed while performing live on their latest tour and during the performance pulled Paris Gables onstage for a mock sacrifice.

Dark Funeral not only star in 'Club Satan: The Witches Sabbath', but has also recorded a song especially for the soundtrack, which will be released at the same time as the movie.

Bugbee feels that the appearance of Dark Funeral will only enhance the impact that Club Satan has on society.

"Dark Funeral is a natural for CLUB SATAN - their music sets a serious vibe.. it has power, an almost supernatural energy... an energy that has emotions and inspires action - I mean just look what happened in Spain."

For more information, check out www.clubsatan.com
[Mar 6,2007 8:20am - Metal Mega-Stud  ""]
I can clearly recall a time not too long ago when Dark Funeral and CoS publicly distanced themselves from one another.

[Mar 6,2007 10:41am - Yeti ""]
Samantha said:an actual priest in the Church Of Satan.

this is fucking LAME. wow, did he learn all his ways from the Waldenbooks version? its publicity stunts like this that the already weakened-by-commercialism black metal scene doesnt need. if you are going to proclaim the title "black metal", then follow the ideals, or at least pay the proper respects to your forefathers. yes, Dark Funeral has been around for a long time, but not with the original members, and Magus Caliglia is a douche who's voice sucks. you are not Themgoroth, give it up.
[Mar 6,2007 11:24am - xmikex ""]
I thought the church of satan tried to distance itself from hokey shit like this? I dunno, not like I care either way, but read Lords of Chaos, and read what Anton Levay had to say in it.... kinda seems like it doesn't really match up.
[Mar 6,2007 11:49am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah it's cheesy, but that won't stop me from watching the porn. I'll bet it's hilarious.
[Mar 6,2007 2:10pm - Samantha ""]
largefreakatzero said:Yeah it's cheesy, but that won't stop me from watching the porn. I'll bet it's hilarious.

It sounds like it should be pretty hilarious. Some of the porn stars actually refused to do one scene because they felt it was too blasphemous. Ha ha!


As the press release explains it, during the final scene of Club Satan, "Shane Bugbee instructed the actors to ejaculate on a ceramic Jesus head statue. At this point the actors refused saying that Bugbee 'just went too far' and walked off the set. One actor of the Jewish faith remained and executed the final blasphemous act before Paris Gables smashed the Jesus head statue on the floor."
[Mar 6,2007 2:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh thats priceless
[Mar 6,2007 2:32pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
More like Dork Funeral, GAY
[Mar 6,2007 2:37pm - xmikex ""]
this looks way more like a job for Nifelheim than Dark Funeral. Am I wrong?
[Mar 6,2007 7:00pm - retzam ""]
Hahahaha this is too funny.
[Mar 6,2007 7:07pm - Jimmy Justice  ""]
This is great.
[Mar 8,2007 5:51am - anonymous  ""]
Yeti said:Samantha said:an actual priest in the Church Of Satan.

this is fucking LAME. wow, did he learn all his ways from the Waldenbooks version? its publicity stunts like this that the already weakened-by-commercialism black metal scene doesnt need. if you are going to proclaim the title "black metal", then follow the ideals, or at least pay the proper respects to your forefathers. yes, Dark Funeral has been around for a long time, but not with the original members, and Magus Caliglia is a douche who's voice sucks. you are not Themgoroth, give it up.

caligula does suck his voice is AWFUL even on cd
[Mar 8,2007 10:27am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
I prefer to hail the sacraments of abortion and child abduction as opposed to such frivolous, hollow acts.
[Mar 8,2007 10:45am - Yeti ""]
Dark Funeral loses all credibility for this one. this really bothers me.
[Mar 8,2007 10:55am - W3 nli  ""]
if this is anything like that Zombie Porn from last year itll be retarded.

however did you know Eddie Van Halen scores some porns now. how did that slip by RTTP.

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