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help anyone?

[Mar 9,2007 6:20pm - anonymous  ""]
i tried out for a band today and didnt do as well as should have and i got some advice to learn and expand my knoledge and scales as well as work on technique. anybody have any sites or tips. i play bass.
[Mar 9,2007 6:22pm - sxealex ""]
[Mar 9,2007 10:04pm - davefromthegrave ""]
try out for a shittier band.
[Mar 9,2007 10:22pm - Niccolai ""]
Sorry, bro, scales are not going to make you better at trying out for bands.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the band in question showed you some songs and you were having problems playing them back?

If that's the case then you need to practice whatching what people play and playing it after.

I had that problem when I started playign bass. I could pay some really good shit, had good coordination and knew my way around the neck, but when it came to watching someone play something, even something simple, I couldn't play it back.
[Mar 10,2007 11:01pm - anonymous  ""]
thanks niccolai but the scales and theory knoledge where what they where looking for. if they gave me there sheet music id have there set down in probably a week. they where probably thinking of the writing process. not to mention i was very cold a kind of nervous to wether or not i was gonna be able o play the atheist song all the way through.
[Mar 10,2007 11:08pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
How many songs could you learn in a week? I'm used to working with musicians that can learn a whole set in one 3 hour band practice so maybe they're the same way.
[Mar 10,2007 11:55pm - Ryan_M ""]
anonymous said:the scales and theory knoledge where what they where looking for.

anonymous said:i got some advice to learn and expand my knoledge and scales as well as work on technique.

Eh...sounds like the band you're trying out for is just looking to play technical shit just for the sake of being technical. They don't care about mood and feeling, they just want to dazzle audiences and impress girls with nimble fingers flying over fretboards.
Fuck scales and theory and rules and all the technical mumbo-jumbo. Lots of great musicians are self-taught and can't read music - they just play, and develop their own style and techniques.
[Mar 11,2007 9:35am - JDDomination ""]
For the record, no bad blood between us. I tested George on things that are required knowledge for my band. Major scale, minor scale, pentatonic scale, subdivisions(whole notes through 32nd notes), techniques, and how tight he played the songs. And so everyone knows who we are talking about, the band is DOMINATUS. www.myspace.com/dominatus
George is a really good player, but not experienced or educated enough right now. He will be someday. Keep at it like I said George.
[Mar 11,2007 9:39am - JDDomination ""]
Ryan_M said:anonymous said:the scales and theory knoledge where what they where looking for.

anonymous said:i got some advice to learn and expand my knoledge and scales as well as work on technique.

Eh...sounds like the band you're trying out for is just looking to play technical shit just for the sake of being technical. They don't care about mood and feeling, they just want to dazzle audiences and impress girls with nimble fingers flying over fretboards.
Fuck scales and theory and rules and all the technical mumbo-jumbo. Lots of great musicians are self-taught and can't read music - they just play, and develop their own style and techniques.

I care about every aspect of the music; mood, emotion, technique, dynamics, and the girls. www.myspace.com/dominatus
New songs soon, you'll hear what we sound like now.
[Mar 11,2007 10:11am - sinistas ""]
I'll echo a previous sentiment: try out for a different band.
[Mar 11,2007 10:27am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
If I ever try to talk in measures or time signatures in any of my 3 bands, they just look back at me like I'm speaking Chinese. "No, don't count it like that, it's just 4 of the doodley doodley doodley riffs, and 3 of the chugalug deet deet deet's!"
[Mar 11,2007 11:06am - handinjury ""]
Reading music is useless in extreme metal, when I was 16 I started learning how to read music(I figured why not, I am learning scales and music theroy) at the same time I was getting into deathmetal, and then noticed that being able to read music was a waste of time(as in applying it to metal) and would never do anything to improve my guitar playing. I have never had someone hand me music staff and say "heres the riffs".(tab is the way :spineyes If I was playing a differant grene(jazz, classical) of music then I could see it being usefull.
Stuff you should know: note value(triplets, 16ths etc),scales, music terms( standard guitar stuff like hammer/pulloffs, lagato, a powerchord is a 5th!!, major and minor 3rds ...blah blah blah)
[Mar 11,2007 11:08am - handinjury ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:If I ever try to talk in measures or time signatures in any of my 3 bands, they just look back at me like I'm speaking Chinese. "No, don't count it like that, it's just 4 of the doodley doodley doodley riffs, and 3 of the chugalug deet deet deet's!"

Oh thats funny shit, back in the day( 95') I used to name all the riffs because that helped the drummer remember the riff order( and they say pot makes you stupid!) and I would have "the map" taped to a mic stand at practice.
[Mar 11,2007 11:49am - powerkok ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:If I ever try to talk in measures or time signatures in any of my 3 bands, they just look back at me like I'm speaking Chinese. "No, don't count it like that, it's just 4 of the doodley doodley doodley riffs, and 3 of the chugalug deet deet deet's!"

Yup....in HCN it was frigga-digga's, jnt jnt's, and fruntalunt flewwm's.
[Mar 11,2007 3:59pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
One of our newer songs is more of a jun jun jun jun jun jun weeeeee. jun jun jun jun jun jun frub frub. meow meow meow meow.
[Mar 11,2007 8:17pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
All three of my bands talk in both real musical terms and the dun duns and dee dees.
Typical conversation in my bands.
"I like that riff when you do the tripple-its better than the way you do it now"
"What riff?"
"The riff that goes dundundundunddeedee dooo"
[Mar 12,2007 12:19am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haha, I just looked through some old papers that served as simple roadmaps and guides for brand new songs, and noticed that I had nicknamed two different riffs in this song "horse" and "fuck" to differentiate between them.....

[Mar 12,2007 2:31am - reverend_cziska ""]
Just give up. Your life is worthless. Nobody loves you and suicide would solve all of your problems.
[Mar 12,2007 3:21am - Joshtruction ""]
where are you from?
[Mar 12,2007 9:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

... now thats a hit single right there.
[Mar 12,2007 9:09am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Damn straight.
[Mar 13,2007 5:53pm - anonymous  ""]
everythings cool between us. i didnt even think about checking out scales and whatnot, witch i should have, but to get back to the topic so that i may learn them and develop better technique does anybody have an sites that can help me out?

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