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NAER MATARON sign to Season of Mist

[Mar 12,2007 9:36am - the_reverend ""]
We're happy to announce we just inked a deal with Greek black metallers NAER MATARON, whose forthcoming album will be released via Season of Mist. Here's the band comment:

"The last period was really victorious for NAER MATARON, we composed the harshest and most extreme music we ever had, for our new album. So, the next big step was taken, as we are now proud to announce our signing to Season of Mist. We are more strong and enthusiastic than ever before and feel that we are also supported henceforth in the same spirit. To this point, we wish to extend our salute to the hordes that supported our black metal war machine throughout the last 13 years and especially thank Michael & Season of Mist for giving us the chance to deliver what will be the most extreme and uncompromising work of NAER MATARON to date."

Stay tuned for more news, or check www.naermataron.com.
[Mar 12,2007 11:58am - c.dEAD  ""]
Awesome. I just got "Discipline Manifesto" and it is solid stuff. Very unoriginal, but great. Also, Nordvagr from Mz412 and Folkstorm does the intros.
[Mar 12,2007 12:28pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I've only heard The River at Dash Scalding...it's not bad.
[Mar 12,2007 12:39pm - c.dEAD  ""]
"...it's not bad"

Sure andy, i still love you even when your not fucked up.

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