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fuck work/back to work no appreciation thread

[Mar 12,2007 6:22pm - dyingmuse ""]
i fucking hate my job!!!!!

first week was ok, one day on 2 days off cause it was cold out, back for a few days off for the weekend. But today after a long weekend I had to do lay out today. i realized that it was true, I still hate my fucking job and will probably be doing this till the day I die!!!! bleak fucking life!
Bent over like a fucking asshole all day doing one course all the way around a 1000 square foot building!!!! my back is fucking killing me and i hate my job. I want unemployment again!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck work
[Mar 12,2007 7:12pm - Ryan_M ""]
Hear hear dude.
[Mar 12,2007 7:20pm - Niccolai ""]
what do you do?
[Mar 12,2007 7:25pm - dreadkill ""]
he lays brick
[Mar 12,2007 7:29pm - the_reverend ""]
1000 sq feet? that's not a building, that's like 2-3 rooms in a "normal" house. you probably meant 10,000 sq. ft which is still a small building.

I was fixing web-bugs all day. sucks.
[Mar 12,2007 7:32pm - dreadkill ""]
i was being hungover on rttp all day
[Mar 12,2007 7:38pm - Niccolai ""]
dreadkill said:i was being hungover on rttp all day

+1. minus the hangover.

[Mar 12,2007 10:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i have the words "fuck work" on a bumper sticker on the back of my car. my job said i'm not aloud to park out front.
[Mar 12,2007 10:37pm - dyingmuse ""]
ooops, no SQ feet

sorry, 1000 feet of wall length wise X's 3 stories in spots
definitely not the biggest building I have worked on (by a mile) But when 1 mason is doing it by himself bent over picking up 40 pound blocks(thank Christ they aren't the 86 pound 12 inch split faced ones) and bending down to lay it, sucks on the back. The other thing that sucks is that the engineers designed the entire building without the masons in mind, so it is all fucking cuts and their steel is all out of plumb and non of the walls range, the concreate guys set the rebar all in the wrong spots so I was cutting block with my hammer all day, and their foundations were all too high acording to my grade marks. fucking hate structual steel buildings!!!!!

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