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SLEEP appreciation

[Mar 12,2007 11:11pm - ZJD ""]
I put on Dopesmoker today for the first time in a while and zoned out. This band is amazing. I don't read too much about stoner metal on this board, but these guys are the fucking kings. If I ever started doing drugs, it would probably be to better appreciate a band like this, but I don't think that's possible.

Ride the dragon toward the crimson eye
Flap the wings under Mars red sky
The reptile pushes itself out into space
Leaving behind, the human race

Aaron, maybe you should make an appresh tag.
[Mar 13,2007 12:29am - davefromthegrave ""]
this band is awesome. that is all
[Mar 13,2007 12:30am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I like sleep. I get lots of it. Sleep is important to my well-being.

Har har har, snorkel snorkel.
[Mar 13,2007 12:36am - the_reverend ""]
it had to grow on me.
I thought it was boring at first
[Mar 13,2007 1:26am - ZJD ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I like sleep. I get lots of it. Sleep is important to my well-being.

Har har har, snorkel snorkel.

Whoa! How lucky you must feel to have posted that first! :bow:

Really though, that sleep is almost as good.
[Mar 13,2007 1:31am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
ZJD said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:I like sleep. I get lots of it. Sleep is important to my well-being.

Har har har, snorkel snorkel.

Whoa! How lucky you must feel to have posted that first! :bow:

Really though, that sleep is almost as good.

It was a joke, geez. A corny one at that.
[Mar 13,2007 3:08am - W3 @ work and NLI  ""]
Drop Out of Life With Bong in Hand.
Follow the Smoke Toward the Riff Filled Land.
[Mar 13,2007 3:24am - Dwellingsickness ""]
I sleep alot.
[Mar 13,2007 3:38am - Lamp ""]
I wonder if I'll ever wake up before 3 in the afternoon again. I guess today will be that day because I set my alarm for 11am.
[Mar 13,2007 4:33am - sinofangels-ray ""]
there is no greater band !!!!
[Mar 13,2007 8:34am - xmikex ""]
much to the dismay of a lot of people around me.... I LOVE this band. Sometimes it's all I can stand to listen to on the train to work in the morning.
[Mar 13,2007 9:44am - Ryan_M ""]
I bought a copy of Dopesmoker once - it wasn't bad, it was way too slow for me though, I couldn't really get into it.

I read that while recording this, the guys had all these charts on the walls to keep everyone in time because the song was so slow.
[Mar 13,2007 11:44am - HailAtWork  ""]
sinofangels-ray said:there is no greater band !!!!

'cept maybe High On Fire..haha
[Mar 13,2007 11:48am - Kinslayer  ""]
sinofangels-ray said:there is no greater band !!!!

[Mar 13,2007 11:51am - MadOakDevin ""]
I like sleep way better than newer high on fire.
[Mar 13,2007 12:53pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Matt Pike
[Mar 13,2007 12:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wish i had a fully packed bong whilst listening to this
[Mar 13,2007 2:38pm - retzam ""]
I didn't read anything, but I have Holy Mountain and it's great great great.
[Mar 13,2007 2:41pm - W3 nli  ""]
BlackoutRick said:Matt Pike

you do realize there were other people in the band besides him right, or is that all you know about the band.

go away.

Om is way better then High on Fire well at least everything after Art of Defense.
[Mar 13,2007 2:42pm - blue ""]
holy mountain owns me so hard
[Mar 13,2007 4:19pm - Josh Xsoa  ""]
true Gods
[Mar 13,2007 6:11pm - HailAtWork  ""]
Asbestos Death
[Mar 13,2007 7:57pm - Troll ""]
^ A.D.

I think Dopesmoker/Jerusalem was a bore.
Holy Mountain was is their swansong.
[Mar 13,2007 8:02pm - Troll ""]

If anyone is thinking about buying an Om album based soley on reputation of its(two)member's is in for a let down. Don't waste your money!
[Mar 14,2007 2:42am - anonymous  ""]
nigga please Om is a good listen, hellva lot better then High on Fire.

shiiiiiiiiiiit please.
[Mar 14,2007 1:15pm - HailAtWork  ""]
Om is great, they get better with each album, but they don't touch High On Fire. Besides, those bands are far too different to compare anyways.
[Mar 14,2007 4:44pm - W3 nli  ""]
fuck you and your lame assed High on Fire.

ill take Om any day over that rehashed cheese.
[Mar 14,2007 5:21pm - BlackoutRick ""]
W3 nli said:BlackoutRick said:Matt Pike

you do realize there were other people in the band besides him right, or is that all you know about the band.

go away.

Om is way better then High on Fire well at least everything after Art of Defense.

Settle down, prick!! Sleep is better in my opinion as well but High on Fire kicks ass, too.
[Mar 14,2007 6:33pm - W3 nli  ""]
haha or what youll karate chop thru a monitor.

High on Fire is rehashed bullshit for hot topic kids
[Mar 14,2007 7:45pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
W3 nli said:haha or what youll karate chop thru a monitor.

High on Fire is rehashed bullshit for hot topic kids

i dont think so bro...
[Mar 14,2007 7:46pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
[Mar 14,2007 8:39pm - W3 nli  ""]
sinofangels-ray said:i dont think so bro...

haha settle down
[Mar 15,2007 1:19pm - BlackoutRick ""]
HAHAHAHA!! You're an anonymous poster so I can't do shit. Twat.
[Mar 15,2007 4:20pm - W3 nli  ""]
actually im hardly an anonymous poster, youre just a jackass who doesnt actually know jack shit about the people who visit this forum.

go back to your lil AAF forum and sing your lil songs about how hard your life is.
[Mar 15,2007 5:21pm - MadOakDevin ""]
I actually only really like the first Om release. Variations of something something. I haven't listened to it in probably a year tho.

I would have to say i like High on Fire more than Om.
[Apr 26,2007 3:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i just dropped $20 on the cd Jeruselem. not bad... but a bit too repetitive in my opinion...even for stoner doom such as this. i'll test it out on a nice blunt cruise though and see if that makes for a better setting.
[Apr 26,2007 4:27pm - ZJD nli  ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:i just dropped $20 on the cd Jeruselem. not bad... but a bit too repetitive in my opinion...even for stoner doom such as this. i'll test it out on a nice blunt cruise though and see if that makes for a better setting.

Try and find Dopesmoker, it's what Jerusalem was meant to be and includes a live track (i think the only recording actually) of Sonic Titan, which is great. I guess I don't know if Jerusalem as ST, but I assume it does not.
[Apr 26,2007 4:52pm - HailAtWork  ""]
How about those Asbestos Death 7"'s that are finally coming out on cd...giggity. It actually sounds somewhat decent too.
[Apr 26,2007 6:06pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
does anyone know where i can get dopesmoker with out paying for it.
[Apr 26,2007 6:09pm - ZJD ""]
Soulseek? Dopesmoker is one hour long track so it might be hard to find people sharing it.

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