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Why I hate the media

[Mar 13,2007 4:33pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

two white people get car jacked by racists blacks, raped, beaten, tortured, mutilated, breasts cut off the girl, penis cut off the guy. they sodomized the guy, and gang banged the girl...poured draino down her throat. Lit the guys body on fire after dumping him on the tracks.

know what, not a single mention was ever made in the news.

why? because the news doesn't want to be seen as hate mongering.

yet they will report the instant something bad happens to a poor black guy.

not to mention all the other things our media never reports on.
[Mar 13,2007 4:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thats probably the worst thing i have ever heard.
[Mar 13,2007 4:40pm - the_reverend ""]
now why is the fresh prince of bel-air going ta do that.
funny, there is plenty of things reported from stations when I google, including court TV.

those people look like if they were alive, most people here would wish them dead anyhow.
[Mar 13,2007 4:44pm - mOe ""]
thats a hate crime if i've ever heard one. Thats probably some of the most gruesome shit that i've ever heard about. And the fact that it was kept from the media is even worse. Whether or not the black men did what they did because the people were white wasn't clearly defined though. Not stickin up for the guys or anything, but it isnt. This attacks sounds like countless attacks that have happened to blacks over the past 100 years, but on the other hand it doesnt make it right. Those dudes need to burn. Regardless of their skin color.
[Mar 13,2007 4:47pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
"This next song is called 'car jacked, raped, beaten, tortured, mutilated, breasts cut off the girl, penis cut off the guy. they sodomized the guy, and gang banged the girl...poured draino down her throat. Lit the guys body on fire after dumping him on the tracks.' Fuck shit up!!!!"
[Mar 13,2007 4:49pm - the_reverend ""]
I think it would be funny if they got sodomized with their own dicks for like 2 days.
[Mar 13,2007 4:52pm - dreadkill ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:"This next song is called 'car jacked, raped, beaten, tortured, mutilated, breasts cut off the girl, penis cut off the guy. they sodomized the guy, and gang banged the girl...poured draino down her throat. Lit the guys body on fire after dumping him on the tracks.' Fuck shit up!!!!"

that made me cackle
[Mar 13,2007 7:04pm - Troll ""]
Wow, this world is a cluster fuck.
[Mar 13,2007 7:08pm - Niccolai ""]
hahah one of those black guys looks liek Will Smith.
[Mar 13,2007 7:23pm - Troll ""]
Whatever dude. *shakes head*
It is a well done piece of propaganda though. I get a kick out of how its says "by four Blacks" right off the bat.
...Hmmm? Looks like someone's trying to start the Helter Skelter.
[Mar 13,2007 7:24pm - the_reverend ""]
that's what I said
[Mar 13,2007 7:26pm - Troll ""]
the_reverend said:I think it would be funny if they got sodomized with their own dicks for like 2 days.

oh, ok?!? This is all I saw ^
[Mar 13,2007 7:38pm - Troll ""]
Troll said:
...Hmmm? Looks like someone's trying to start the Helter Skelter.

I rest my case.

I would not fight a war for these white utopist nut jobs.

[Mar 13,2007 8:18pm - yummy ""]
I can't think of much to say other than, is it really that boring where they live? Fuck...take up scrabble, smashing mailboxes, or something...
[Mar 13,2007 8:25pm - sxealex ""]
yea at the end it says resist... resist what? what the fuck are u resisting? yea they should go to jail no shit. the end.
[Mar 14,2007 12:01am - ZJD ""]
sxealex said:resist what?

Diversity and multiculturalism.
[Mar 14,2007 12:16am - tylerl ""]
as long as these guys are punished fairly who cares how much the media covers it?
[Mar 14,2007 12:36am - davefromthegrave ""]
tylerl said:as long as these guys are punished fairly who cares how much the media covers it?

white people
[Mar 14,2007 12:57am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
eh I have no feeling for the whole racist propaganda, but I never saw this on the news ever, and I remembed when for four weeks straight they covered the story of some black dude being dragged behind a truck.

I think two people being raped, tortured, sodomized, mutilated and more would warrant atleast some kind of coverage.

but it's not politically correct to show black on white crime.

there's another video that's worse, shows this black dude saying how he hates whites, he runs over picks up a bat and starts smashing this car with some poor family in it who just got out of freindly's.

and then there is that guy who was on cspan talking about "exterminated whitey, it's the only way the black man can live in peace."

I blame it all on the jews though, those crafty sobs, stone cold should just give them all the stunner while he drinks stevewiesers over there body.
[Mar 14,2007 8:38am - DreamingInExile ""]
[Mar 14,2007 10:41am - Yeti ""]
the media machiiiiiiine
knows what to doooo
knows how to feeeed
the poison to yooooou
[Mar 14,2007 10:44am - ariavette ""]
wow.. that's pretty fucked up...
[Mar 14,2007 10:50am - aeser ""]
while i agree that the media pushes the mentality of white guilt, still, you know how many fucking news worthy stories never get covered? but if britney spears shaves her head or janet jackson flashes a tit you can be damn sure it will be well covered. part of this is just that they can't possibly cover everything, and part of it is that they do in fact suck shit.

yesterday the NY Times had the headline: "study finds that computers increase productivity".

there's also no shortage of news stories of black people comitting crimes, so it's not like they have this ban on reporting about black people doing anything bad.

but yea, the news sucks.
[Mar 14,2007 11:08am - cav ""]
but why to they have to refer to them as "the blacks" ? doesnt that prove that theres a little bit of racism behind the whole thing. i mean i feel bad for the people and i understand the frustration but id rather see them refered to as "subhumans" or "savage beasts" the whole time rather than "the blacks"
[Mar 14,2007 11:13am - mOe ""]
but cav, thats what they are...
[Mar 14,2007 11:18am - cav ""]
haha, ya but calling them "the blacks" equates them to the level of animals, i wouldnt mind "the black men" or even "black folk" just because you can easily say "white men or white folk" but no one calls white people "the whites"....oh look at the whites makin trouble again lol. i dunno just the vibe i got. i think they only referred to them like that one or two times anyways. still a very sad story.
[Mar 14,2007 11:29am - hungtableed  ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_izIyJn84fo&mode=related&search=

two white people get car jacked by racists blacks, raped, beaten, tortured, mutilated, breasts cut off the girl, penis cut off the guy. they sodomized the guy, and gang banged the girl...poured draino down her throat. Lit the guys body on fire after dumping him on the tracks.

know what, not a single mention was ever made in the news.

why? because the news doesn't want to be seen as hate mongering.

yet they will report the instant something bad happens to a poor black guy.

not to mention all the other things our media never reports on.

wow. me and y_ddraig_goch agree on something...weird.
[Mar 14,2007 11:36am - the_reverend ""]
you guys talking about race is like watching lisa lampanelli talk about race. the only person here who's ever even seen a black person is moe. and I'm pretty sure (from what I've read here) he's lying about that.

is anyone else surprised that MSD posted more than just "I'd still hit it"? I stand by my convictions that if a picture was posted of these people when they were living, most people on this site would wish something like what happened to them would happen to them. well, you get your wish.
[Mar 14,2007 12:50pm - Yeti ""]
the_reverend said:I stand by my convictions that if a picture was posted of these people when they were living, most people on this site would wish something like what happened to them would happen to them. well, you get your wish.

haha that is so true.
[Mar 15,2007 8:44pm - yummy ""]
there you go again rev. You are getting feisty. I have to say, I do a lot of walking throughout the day (I'm a mailman) with much time to think and am still speechless and disgusted by this act. I don't see race being much of an issue here but I guess the mainstream media does, not to beat a dead horse.
[Mar 15,2007 8:46pm - the_reverend ""]
you know what, you look like a mailman. probably cause you are always giving people the "speedy delivery" if you know what I mean.
[Mar 15,2007 8:52pm - yummy ""]
I'm speechless yet again. Is that what I do?
[Mar 15,2007 8:54pm - the_reverend ""]
how 'bout we play ABC's rules. SHOULDDA SAID!

"takes on to know one"
[Mar 15,2007 9:11pm - yummy ""]
I don't think that quite explains how I "look" like a mailman.
[Mar 15,2007 9:32pm - the_reverend ""]
way to be a sparkling wiggle.
[Mar 15,2007 9:40pm - yummy ""]
Not as much as "Chris Farley".
[Mar 15,2007 11:11pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
yummy said:there you go again rev. You are getting feisty. I have to say, I do a lot of walking throughout the day (I'm a mailman) with much time to think and am still speechless and disgusted by this act. I don't see race being much of an issue here but I guess the mainstream media does, not to beat a dead horse.

Do you ever steal porn from peoples mail? :bow:

[Mar 15,2007 11:24pm - NIGGER ""]
White people kept us as slaves, man. By any means necessary. ANY means, yo.
[Mar 16,2007 12:32am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
NIGGER said:White people kept us as slaves, man. By any means necessary. ANY means, yo.

muslims had whites as slaves, millions of them.
[Mar 16,2007 1:12am - CNV  ""]
If it was vice versa there would be round the clock coverage and riots in the streets


[Mar 16,2007 1:54am - minor threat  ""]
Minor Threat - Guilty Of Being White Lyrics

I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I don't know who
You blame me for slavery
A hundred years before I was born


I'm a convict
Of a racist crime
I've only served
19 years of my time

[Mar 16,2007 2:03am - tylerl ""]
you're an idiot if you really think white people generally have it worse off than black people. we live in the northeast so we might not see it as much, but racism (the conventional kind) is all over america
[Mar 16,2007 2:12am - sxealex ""]
hey minor threat was right dont blame us... but i dont think they meant lets breed new nazi propaganda. affirmative action based on race is dumb... why not do it based on class. now there is a biggotry that could use some finacial aid. that way people wont get angry when a non-white person is hired for job just to fill a requirement.
[Mar 16,2007 2:14am - sxealex ""]
CASE. deval patrick would get a job over a poor white guy with the same requirements in some afirmative action governed situations... who needed it more?
[Mar 16,2007 6:13am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
sxealex said:CASE. deval patrick would get a job over a poor white guy with the same requirements in some afirmative action governed situations... who needed it more?

Apparently he needed the caddy and million dollar drapes more too.:pukeface:

[Mar 16,2007 9:07pm - yummy ""]
no, I have not stolen porn mail.

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