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What do you think of these whole "Get Paid To Take Surveys" deal?

[Mar 14,2007 9:40am - SteveOTB ""]
What do you guys think of them? Has anyone even tried them? I've been thinking about it to see if they work. I mean my brother filled one out before and got a gift certificate to Barnes & Noble. I could use some extra cash and I even thought about doing it so I can put a little more money towards the band. Think I'd be a moron if I tried? All of them cost money to sign up which of course is the catch.
[Mar 14,2007 9:41am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 14,2007 10:19am - xmikex ""]
One time I got paid a dollar to do a breadstick study for Pizza Hut. Best hour I ever spent.
[Mar 14,2007 10:24am - SteveOTB ""]
xmikex said:One time I got paid a dollar to do a breadstick study for Pizza Hut. Best hour I ever spent.

Did you get free bread sticks?
[Mar 14,2007 10:24am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the only legit surveys in my opinion are for the Arbitron Ratings Systems. If you keep track the radio stations you listen to and then send in the form you get like $5. I end up makin $20 cause i bullshit one for each of my family members and didnt tell them.
[Mar 14,2007 10:36am - Yeti ""]
this guy i work with does those, and gets paid for them. they are legit.
[Mar 14,2007 10:45am - ariavette ""]
yeah my bestfriend went to a gatorade one yesterday.. got 25$ just for sipping some gatorade and filling out a survey.. took 20 min she said and she got paid...
[Mar 14,2007 10:52am - anonymous  ""]
they shouldn't cost anything to sign up, they just want more people in their database.
[Mar 14,2007 10:58am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
do you have links to the legit ones?... i might wanna try this out.
[Mar 14,2007 11:00am - SteveOTB ""]
Here's one I found:

[Mar 14,2007 11:03am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
$50 to join? ugh.
[Mar 14,2007 1:02pm - xmikex ""]
SteveOTB said:xmikex said:One time I got paid a dollar to do a breadstick study for Pizza Hut. Best hour I ever spent.

Did you get free bread sticks?

you goddamn know it. with more dipping sauces than I've ever imagined.
[Mar 14,2007 1:06pm - brian_dc nli  ""]
that's it...I'm finally going to the pizza hut in Franklin. I've been told by the locals that it's bad news, but now i have to make my own mistakes.
[Mar 14,2007 2:54pm - Dar ""]
I got a call once from a lady who asked me if I'd participate in a survey, I was realllly bored and she had kind of a cute voice so I said fine
Asked me some mundane questions about stuff we owned, 15 minutes later she thanked me and asked me for my address so they could mail me a "special gift" to thank me
I told her it's fine, I really didn't want them to mail me anything and she was like "you don't want CASH?!?!" which seemed unbelievable to me, so I gave her my address and told her I was calling her bluff, and sure enough I got a letter like a week later with like 2 crisp dollar bills. Whoop whoop.
Then they asked me to sign up online for more surveys, I never did, and after a few weeks they mailed me another $5 as incentive.
[Mar 14,2007 3:15pm - succubus ""]
I made aaron do a 90 minute time share with me, it was couples only...2 hours later, we got our $80.
I'm a member of a couple of online places that are of course, free to join and u get stuff in return, like cash and gift cards. I even posted a deal a few weeks ago to get free stuff and no one replied. Oh well I got my freebies. If u wanna sign up, give me yer email, bcz if u sign up under me I get stuff to
[Mar 15,2007 10:17am - the_reverend ""]
that time-share thing was horrible. it was more like 2 1/2 hrs.
[Mar 15,2007 10:32am - SteveOTB ""]
I'm seriously debating on trying these get paid to take survey things. I need the extra cash so if it does work this will help soooooo much. Plus PayPal and my credit card both have fraud protection, I'm all set with sending money orders or concealed cash.

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