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Best Mullet

[Mar 15,2007 4:58am - shatteredliz in brooklyn  ""]
So. I'm sitting here in the airport watching CNN, and they just showed this 9 year old who won a trophy for having the best mullet. Now THAT'S news!
[Mar 15,2007 5:05am - Lamp ""]
A 9-year old boy just died in a country CNN's never heard of. And again.

...aaaand again.
[Mar 15,2007 5:08am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, it's pretty good.
[Mar 15,2007 10:35am - Yeti ""]
i knew this dude that had the most amazing mullet. he got compliments on it everywhere we went. it became more of a mane, but it was essentially a mullet. this thing was out of control, i've never seen anything like it to this day.
[Mar 15,2007 10:47am - SteveOTB ""]
I'd like to think that Wade has the best mullet.

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