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[Mar 19,2007 1:17am - anonymous  ""]
I love the_reverend. I love him so much. let me start with a few nifty factoids about the_reverend to show you that I love him so much. First off he wears XXXL shirts so he can get his hang on. this is over size 48" pants so he gets his hang on even more. if that wasn't enough, size 11 wide xvaaaaaaaaaaansx so he looks like he's getting his skate on.
Ok, his AIM is huggybear1349 because he both loves the fictional character huggybear AND the black plague.
I know that he's got a girlfriend but that just shows how truly truly AWESOME this dude is. dooooooooooooood. what I would do to be his friend and use his website's forum to so how much I know about him. YES!

he graduated from my highschool in 1966 and went on to graduate top of his class at MIT in 1968. Rumor has it, in just 2 years he got a triple doctorate and a minor in spanish. I heard he's developing a wayback machine to take pictures of concerts that he missed.

he drives an escalade but in 2 years, he will be driving a hummer!!! so cool!!! there is nothing cooler than a hummer. so kewl H2 fo shizzle. hummer with spinny rims HELLSYEAH!!

ok I'm dun.. maybe.
[Mar 19,2007 1:36am - Fuck off  ""]
and we give a flying fuck because?
[Mar 19,2007 1:39am - sxealex ""]
it wont phaze her that u dont care... shes jaded
[Mar 19,2007 2:32am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Dude you are so cool posting her info like that. Be careful what you do,guy, I bet she could kick your ass.
[Mar 19,2007 7:14am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i don't get it...are you just upset that she won't tongue your balls or something?
[Mar 19,2007 8:37am - SteveOTB nli  ""]
I smell a stalker. That chic is talented as hell on guitar though.
[Mar 19,2007 8:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Go Fuck a Goat!
[Mar 19,2007 9:00am - succubus ""]
ok a while ago i remember some posts about this band and it sounded like they were coming from a girl who sounded VERY jealous...anyhow, it's not cool posting people's personal info

i only replied because i just saw this was on top.

let it die
[Mar 19,2007 9:05am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Laurel rocks my world.
[Mar 19,2007 9:07am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
anonymous said:Kevin Kilcoyne from the band Veins N Cables.

anonymous=that guy
[Mar 19,2007 10:59am - xmikex ""]
anonymous said:I love the_reverend. I love him so much. let me start with a few nifty factoids about the_reverend to show you that I love him so much. First off he wears XXXL shirts so he can get his hang on. this is over size 48" pants so he gets his hang on even more. if that wasn't enough, size 11 wide xvaaaaaaaaaaansx so he looks like he's getting his skate on.
Ok, his AIM is huggybear1349 because he both loves the fictional character huggybear AND the black plague.
I know that he's got a girlfriend but that just shows how truly truly AWESOME this dude is. dooooooooooooood. what I would do to be his friend and use his website's forum to so how much I know about him. YES!

he graduated from my highschool in 1966 and went on to graduate top of his class at MIT in 1968. Rumor has it, in just 2 years he got a triple doctorate and a minor in spanish. I heard he's developing a wayback machine to take pictures of concerts that he missed.

he drives an escalade but in 2 years, he will be driving a hummer!!! so cool!!! there is nothing cooler than a hummer. so kewl H2 fo shizzle. hummer with spinny rims HELLSYEAH!!

ok I'm dun.. maybe.

I heard that girl got an STD from Tony Iommi. That's just what I heard though.
[Mar 19,2007 11:09am - DreamingInExile ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:Laurel rocks my world.

Laurel's cool shit, she's hung out with the shroud crew a bunch of times, never a dull moment!

dosen't matter that someone doesn't like the members of Jaded or not, they're a good band, not entirely my cup of tea, but they're all talented individuals.

I move for either a deletion of this thread or an intervention from aaron to edit out the info on the initial post (since we've posted in the thread already, and he has a hard time removing threads once they've been posted in)
[Mar 19,2007 11:14am - Super Happy Funtime Harry  ""]
DreamingInExile said:FuckIsMySignature said:Laurel rocks my world.

Laurel's cool shit

[Mar 19,2007 11:22am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yes, delete this thread.
[Mar 19,2007 11:23am - metal_church101 ""]
Delete or edit this thread.

Anonymous posting of personal information isn't cool.
[Mar 19,2007 11:38am - anonymous  ""]
xmikex said:anonymous said:I love the_reverend. I love him so much. let me start with a few nifty factoids about the_reverend to show you that I love him so much. First off he wears XXXL shirts so he can get his hang on. this is over size 48" pants so he gets his hang on even more. if that wasn't enough, size 11 wide xvaaaaaaaaaaansx so he looks like he's getting his skate on.
Ok, his AIM is huggybear1349 because he both loves the fictional character huggybear AND the black plague.
I know that he's got a girlfriend but that just shows how truly truly AWESOME this dude is. dooooooooooooood. what I would do to be his friend and use his website's forum to so how much I know about him. YES!

he graduated from my highschool in 1966 and went on to graduate top of his class at MIT in 1968. Rumor has it, in just 2 years he got a triple doctorate and a minor in spanish. I heard he's developing a wayback machine to take pictures of concerts that he missed.

he drives an escalade but in 2 years, he will be driving a hummer!!! so cool!!! there is nothing cooler than a hummer. so kewl H2 fo shizzle. hummer with spinny rims HELLSYEAH!!

ok I'm dun.. maybe.

I heard that girl got an STD from Tony Iommi. That's just what I heard though.

glad you're in the know about what girls have the latest stds.
[Mar 19,2007 11:44am - GoatCatalyst ""]
I'll take an STD from Tony Iommi
[Mar 19,2007 12:00pm - xmikex ""]
I heard every girl on Myspace has been within 3 centimeters of Geezer Butler's grundle weather they're aware of it or not. Just sayin.
[Mar 19,2007 12:08pm - Super Happy Funtime Harry  ""]
xmikex said:weather...?

or whether, perhaps.

xmikex said:.......Just sayin.

[Mar 19,2007 12:17pm - RichHorror ""]
'Just cuz you don't understand what's going on, don't mean it don't make no sense. And just 'cuz you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good.' - Suicidal Tendencies
[Mar 19,2007 12:22pm - xmikex ""]
Super Happy Funtime Harry said:xmikex said:weather...?

or whether, perhaps.

xmikex said:.......Just sayin.

I thought I recognized you, you're the paper clip from Microsoft Word right? That's great. We already have a guy here who critiques spelling, and grammar though. I'm sorry.
[Mar 19,2007 12:29pm - Super Happy Funtime Harry  ""]
xmikex said: We already have a guy here who critiques spelling, and grammar though. I'm sorry.

it's ok, he's on vacation and told me there were slackers here, but hey please feel free to follow me thru different threads and be king of rttp.
[Mar 19,2007 12:36pm - SteveOTB ""]
Delete this thread, they're cool chics. No one should have all their infomation posted on the internet for everyone to see. That's just wrong.
[Mar 19,2007 12:37pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Rich Horror, you wouldn't know 'crazy' if Charles Manson was eatin' Froot Loops on your front porch!
[Mar 19,2007 12:48pm - xmikex ""]
Super Happy Funtime Harry said:xmikex said: We already have a guy here who critiques spelling, and grammar though. I'm sorry.

it's ok, he's on vacation and told me there were slackers here, but hey please feel free to follow me thru different threads and be king of rttp.

You should be so lucky.
[Mar 19,2007 4:05pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Hey Rev, edit that stuff out or something, If there was ever an appropriate time for you to step in as site admin, this is it.
[Mar 19,2007 4:08pm - SteveOTB ""]
What if you report it as spam?
[Mar 19,2007 4:09pm - dreadkill ""]
people from this site are going to go to her address and masturbate outside her bedroom window
[Mar 19,2007 4:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
dreadkill said:people from this site are going to go to her address and masturbate outside her bedroom window

done and done. :shocker:

[Mar 19,2007 4:14pm - Super Happy Funtime Harry  ""]
i just think its funny, everyone on here wants this deleted but it'd go away if everyone just stopped bumping the thread.

[Mar 19,2007 5:29pm - succubus ""]
FUNNY, exactly what i said above, i said STOP REPLYING but people are being morons and keep replying.

don't post asking for it to be deleted, if you've been on the board long enough, you should know as soon as someone replies to the thread then it cant' be deleted. the only thing is that aaron can edit the original post, a pain in the ass, but possible, only if you look, some people quoted the original thread therefore making it even more time consuming for him to go and edit that...so if you quoted it...edit it yourself

oh wait no one cares, people will keep replying and quoting..

[Mar 20,2007 8:45am - tool  ""]
This post is stupid
[Mar 20,2007 11:23am - metalmayham666  ""]
What sort of asshole would post this shit. Moderator get rid of this.
[Mar 20,2007 12:01pm - xmikex ""]
Jacuzzi in the kitchen?.... DAYYYM!
Majoring in chiropractory?.... DAYYYYM
Kevin Kilcoyne?...... who the hell is Kevin Kilcoyne?
[Mar 20,2007 12:24pm - metalmayham666  ""]
Who do we think posted this anyway. I noticed it didn't mention the size of her moms tits. I find that a little weird.
[Mar 20,2007 2:59pm - buster medley  ""]
xmikex said:Jacuzzi in the kitchen?.... DAYYYM!
Majoring in chiropractory?.... DAYYYYM
Kevin Kilcoyne?...... who the hell is Kevin Kilcoyne?

Worst thread ever
[Mar 24,2007 11:04pm - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 25,2007 12:51am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 25,2007 1:15am - the_reverend ""]
no one noticed.
[Mar 25,2007 1:17am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i noticed a while ago...don't worry
[Mar 25,2007 1:26am - the_reverend ""]
you arne teven logged in how could you possibly count?
[Mar 25,2007 1:58am - davefromthegrave ""]
hey jerk stop bumping the thread
[Mar 25,2007 1:59am - Dwellingsickness ""]
haha that is awesome
[Mar 25,2007 9:19am - anonymous  ""]
xmikex said:anonymous said:I love the_reverend. I love him so much. let me start with a few nifty factoids about the_reverend to show you that I love him so much. First off he wears XXXL shirts so he can get his hang on. this is over size 48" pants so he gets his hang on even more. if that wasn't enough, size 11 wide xvaaaaaaaaaaansx so he looks like he's getting his skate on.
Ok, his AIM is huggybear1349 because he both loves the fictional character huggybear AND the black plague.
I know that he's got a girlfriend but that just shows how truly truly AWESOME this dude is. dooooooooooooood. what I would do to be his friend and use his website's forum to so how much I know about him. YES!

he graduated from my highschool in 1966 and went on to graduate top of his class at MIT in 1968. Rumor has it, in just 2 years he got a triple doctorate and a minor in spanish. I heard he's developing a wayback machine to take pictures of concerts that he missed.

he drives an escalade but in 2 years, he will be driving a hummer!!! so cool!!! there is nothing cooler than a hummer. so kewl H2 fo shizzle. hummer with spinny rims HELLSYEAH!!

ok I'm dun.. maybe.

I heard that girl got an STD from Tony Iommi. That's just what I heard though.

tony Iommi has an std?
[Mar 25,2007 3:08pm - anonymous  ""]
I love how someone changed it so that the thread is about The Reverend.
[Mar 25,2007 6:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thats so awesome

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