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ATTN: Tmobile sidekick II users

[Mar 19,2007 12:51pm - Niccolai ""]
What is the general opinion on this phone? My friend is going to sell me his sidekick II (He just got a 3) for under a hundred bucks so I figure it's a pretty good deal.
[Mar 19,2007 2:21pm - succubus ""]
i like it.
just make sure nothing is broken and all the buttons work

but honestly..$100 is too much $$ How much under $100? I could have gotten a new III for $125 from t mobile but i wanted a free one since i got the 2 for free
[Mar 19,2007 2:25pm - Niccolai ""]
50 bucks with accessories.
[Mar 19,2007 2:36pm - succubus ""]
damn..if only i could get a deal on the III i'd just give you my phone. the only accessory i have is the charger (electric outlet)
[Mar 19,2007 2:46pm - Niccolai ""]
I'm going to find out what kindof discounts I can get on a new phone later today. I've had my phone for like a year now, and haven't upgraded, so I'm going to find out what it would cost me to get a blackberry pearl or SK3.

If it's over 150 then i won't bother and I'll just get the 2 from my friend.

Have you had any issues with yours though? Is anything a pain in the ass on it, etc?
[Mar 19,2007 3:38pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I've been looking into the new Blackberry Pearl, it's right around $199 with a 2 year extension on your contract, which is why I haven't bought one yet.

I'll probably look into one closer towards june, they're slowly going down in price
[Mar 19,2007 3:43pm - dertoxia ""]
if you actually pay for your phone then you are getting ripped off. yeah i know buying a completely unlocked phone off ebay is a totally different story. but if you have a plan with some company then you shouldnt have to pay a fucking penny for a phone. They make soooooo much money off you with the monthly services fees. all you gotta do is walk into any corporate run store (not some shitty mall kiosk) and demand a free phone. if they don't give you one then just threaten to walk. they'll start pulling out rebates and coupons outta nowhere. i got a pretty sweet sony ericsson for 12.99 which was just for 2 years of insurance. the phone itself was free.

oh and a friend of mine got a razor for 99 bucks with a 100 dollar rebate. so he actually made a dollar.
[Mar 19,2007 3:49pm - SteveOTB ""]
dertoxia said:if you actually pay for your phone then you are getting ripped off. yeah i know buying a completely unlocked phone off ebay is a totally different story. but if you have a plan with some company then you shouldnt have to pay a fucking penny for a phone. They make soooooo much money off you with the monthly services fees. all you gotta do is walk into any corporate run store (not some shitty mall kiosk) and demand a free phone. if they don't give you one then just threaten to walk. they'll start pulling out rebates and coupons outta nowhere. i got a pretty sweet sony ericsson for 12.99 which was just for 2 years of insurance. the phone itself was free.

oh and a friend of mine got a razor for 99 bucks with a 100 dollar rebate. so he actually made a dollar.

T-Mobile was trying to sell me a phone before that was like $150.00, I managed to talk them down to free. Have them open a new box up so I can see it then I bounced. That's what those stupid people in the middle of the mall get for bothering me. They're like fucking pop-up ads I swear.
[Mar 19,2007 3:53pm - succubus ""]
i bought mine from amazon because they give better rebates
i actually got $50 for my sidekick

to answer yer question abt the phone
i've heard of people with issues, but no issues with mine
except for the fact that sometimes someone will try calling me and my phone won't ring...then if they leave me a voice mail msg...and i check my messages and i don't have any...then the next day...there's the voice mail message.

the other issue is i try to place a call and i get "wireless network services are down"..basically i have to shut the phone off and turn it back on and it's ok

i've called customer service a few times about both of these issues and the answer is always the same..."you should turn your phone off once a day so it resets"...personally i don't get it but whatever
[Mar 19,2007 4:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
damnit i wish i new this stuff before i got set up (or locked in rather.) i've had my POS phone for like 5 months now and i hate it. i have verizon ...think i could get a free upgrade? any advice is helpful.

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