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Hostile Takeover: War the Whiplash Video

[Mar 19,2007 4:15pm - fitefanSHO  ""]

Boston's own Hostile Takeover are an up and coming heavy metal act. This is video of a recent gig filmed at The Whiplash in Stoughton, MA. The crowd was great, the music was tight, and there was pure insanity in the mosh pit. If you like heavy metal from Boston, or just heavy metal from anywhere, you'll enjoy Hostile Takeover. Please feel free to leave feedback. Check out Hostile Takeover online at www.myspace.com/hostiletakeover1.
[Mar 19,2007 4:41pm - anonymous  ""]
Awesome video. When do they play there again?
[Mar 19,2007 5:32pm - anonymous  ""]
I was at that show. it was sick.
[Mar 20,2007 9:41am - passerby‘er  ""]
I can't figure out how to watch this. Sorry guys. My computer isn't good enough to download this
[Mar 20,2007 4:36pm - fitefansho  ""]
it should just open up, it's hosted on vMix...it may take a sec to load but once it does you can view it. If you really want to see it and can't for whatever reason, email me at fitefansho@hotmail.com and I'll make sure you can.
[Mar 20,2007 4:38pm - passerby‘er  ""]
I changed my mind. I'm no longer interested. Sorry
[Mar 21,2007 9:09am - fitefansho  ""]
you're missing a great video.

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