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[Mar 19,2007 9:30pm - succubus ""]
haven't made a thread like this in a while.

the only good thing about being sick and not going to shows has been staying at home working on my silversmithing

i'm still too sick to go through the trouble of settings up a nice backdrop and lighting. so i just grabbed my camera and said screw the flash.

I only use real silver, no cheapo crap stones either and all hand made

this bracelet cuff has an amber stone and it's a gift for a friend:


bangle bracelet:


a bracelet and 2 rings. You can't see the stone too well but it's a blue topaz faceted stone i bought.

anyone care to share pics of their hobbies etc?

[Mar 19,2007 9:31pm - RichHorror ""]
How do you put a strangled black hooker on the interweb?
[Mar 19,2007 9:32pm - succubus ""]
duh...take a photo!
[Mar 19,2007 9:42pm - NIGGER ""]
Among men, blacks (28.5%) are about six times more likely than whites (4.4%)
to be admitted to prison during their life. Among women, 3.6% of blacks and
0.5% of whites will enter prison at least once. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Based on current rates of incarceration, an estimated 7.9% of black males
compared to 0.7% of white males will enter State of Federal prison by the
time they are age 20 and 21.4% of black males versus 1.4% of white males will
be incarcerated by age 30. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Some have noted that more black men are in prison in America than are in
college. (The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)


[Mar 19,2007 10:02pm - the_reverend ""]
wider f/stop!
[Mar 19,2007 10:07pm - yummy ""]
not bad Carina
[Mar 19,2007 10:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
NIGGER said:Among men, blacks (28.5%) are about six times more likely than whites (4.4%)
to be admitted to prison during their life. Among women, 3.6% of blacks and
0.5% of whites will enter prison at least once. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Based on current rates of incarceration, an estimated 7.9% of black males
compared to 0.7% of white males will enter State of Federal prison by the
time they are age 20 and 21.4% of black males versus 1.4% of white males will
be incarcerated by age 30. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Some have noted that more black men are in prison in America than are in
college. (The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)



[Mar 20,2007 12:55am - dreadkill ""]
yes, boss nigger!
[Mar 20,2007 12:56am - dreadkill ""]
i took a picture of my cock a couple weeks ago and sent it to a broad
[Mar 20,2007 12:56am - Mike_Giallo ""]
One of the cheesiest movies I've ever seen.
[Mar 20,2007 12:56am - Mike_Giallo ""]
dreadkill said:i took a picture of my cock a couple weeks ago and sent it to a broad

The other night I came on my computer screen to some girls myspace picture, took a picture of it on my camera phone, then sent it to her.
[Mar 20,2007 12:59am - RichHorror ""]
Isn't that the girl you're having the drug/fuckfest with?
[Mar 20,2007 12:59am - Mike_Giallo ""]
[Mar 20,2007 12:59am - RichHorror ""]
Mike Giallo knows how to treat the ladies.
[Mar 20,2007 1:00am - dreadkill ""]
a drug/fuckfest sounds great right about now
[Mar 20,2007 1:00am - dreadkill ""]
a girl sent me a pic of her twat, so i responded in kind with a picture of thor
[Mar 20,2007 1:01am - Mike_Giallo ""]
I have to wait two more weeks...
[Mar 20,2007 1:01am - Mike_Giallo ""]
dreadkill said:a girl sent me a pic of her twat, so i responded in kind with a picture of thor

Haha, as would any decent man.
[Mar 20,2007 1:02am - dreadkill ""]
i'd send her a pictuere of my hairy asshole next time but i already made doobers with her, so the point is moot.
[Mar 20,2007 1:02am - Mike_Giallo ""]
You have to teach me more of your lingo so I can use it in every day covnersation.
[Mar 20,2007 1:03am - dreadkill ""]
i have my own retarded language that only dogs and large women understand
[Mar 20,2007 1:04am - RichHorror ""]
You must have an engorged vagina and run a karaeoke [I DUNNO HOW TO SPELL THIS WORD WTF] bar to understand Ken.
[Mar 20,2007 1:05am - dreadkill ""]
i've fucked several women since karaoke bitch
[Mar 20,2007 1:05am - dreadkill ""]
she's old news. i informed the accursed crew. they are stuck in the past.
[Mar 20,2007 1:05am - RichHorror ""]
She was my favorite.
[Mar 20,2007 1:05am - dreadkill ""]
i've fucked and not called many women since then
[Mar 20,2007 1:06am - RichHorror ""]
I am superior to you because I manage to both not call AND not fuck them.
[Mar 20,2007 1:06am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 20,2007 1:06am - dreadkill ""]
you have failed
[Mar 20,2007 1:07am - dreadkill ""]
last week i managed to shit my pants and bang a girl in the same night, in that order.
[Mar 20,2007 1:09am - RichHorror ""]

You have benefitted hugely from our friendship.
[Mar 20,2007 1:10am - dreadkill ""]
you taught me to accept myself and not be ashamed of who i really am.
[Mar 20,2007 1:11am - Mike_Giallo ""]
dreadkill said:last week i managed to shit my pants and bang a girl in the same night, in that order.

That's the best thing I've heard today.
[Mar 20,2007 1:14am - dreadkill ""]
i got in the truck to follow her back to her place for ugly-makings and i tried to fart, but i shit myself. then we got to her place and i said i had to piss, so i went in the bathroom for 15 mins and shitted again, then we made doobers. her sheets were black, so i didn't leave visible stains.
[Mar 20,2007 1:15am - Mike_Giallo ""]
And she couldn't smell that shit?
[Mar 20,2007 1:17am - Mike_Giallo ""]
I think the best feeling ever would be to fuck while getting a tattoo, if that could happen in anyway, holy shit...
[Mar 20,2007 1:18am - dreadkill ""]
there's a prn featuring people fucking while getting tattoos
[Mar 20,2007 1:18am - dreadkill ""]
Mike_Giallo said:And she couldn't smell that shit?

she was wicked into me
[Mar 20,2007 1:20am - Mike_Giallo ""]
I love it when a girl is so into me she doesn't e ven notice I just shit in her bed.
[Mar 20,2007 1:21am - dreadkill ""]
haha, excellent
[Mar 20,2007 6:36am - succubus ""]
wow..what a turn this thread took..
[Mar 20,2007 7:33am - paganmeg  ""]
on a different note, Carina, that amber bracelet is amazing.. how much would you charge for something like that?
you're getting really good at the silver jewelry making!
[Mar 20,2007 10:18am - shatteredliz ""]
Damn girl! That's amazing. The bezel in that amber bracelet is so smooth. You're a professional!!
[Mar 20,2007 10:34am - succubus ""]
Yay, girls saw my thread! Woo hoo... Meg, I would only charge you for the materials.
[Mar 20,2007 10:35am - succubus ""]
Oh and I made the bezel myself too.
[Mar 20,2007 10:47am - the_reverend ""]
there are girls here?
[Mar 21,2007 9:41am - succubus ""]
yes and they are my pretties!!!
[Mar 21,2007 12:02pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
fucking and getting a tattoo would probably resultin a pretty shitty tattoo but it would be cool
[Mar 21,2007 12:04pm - dreadkill ""]
that is a great fuckin bezel

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