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New Mayhem

[Mar 20,2007 8:42am - GoatCatalyst ""]
anybody got a link?

heard the one song they put up - lookin' for the full-length.
pretty sure it's floating around out there.
[Mar 20,2007 10:21am - Kinslayer  ""]
Buy it.
[Mar 20,2007 10:21am - Kinslayer  ""]
When it's out that is...
[Mar 20,2007 10:25am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
I plan to. Patience is not a virtue of mine.
[Mar 20,2007 10:31am - jebus_crispex ""]
Did anyone see that metal documentary "Metal: A Headbanger's Journey"? The Mayhem interview at Wakken was hilarious.
[Mar 20,2007 11:20am - GoatCatalyst ""]
Necrobutcher is such a cretin! Makes me hearken back to milwaukee '97 when i risked life and limb by cutting no less than 200 rabid hessians to get mayhem's autographs. Thems was the days.
[Mar 20,2007 12:16pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
There were German Soldiers there in 97'?
[Mar 20,2007 12:33pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
[Mar 21,2007 4:31pm - tunafishtouch  ""]
promo didn't leak yet, dood.
[Mar 21,2007 8:54pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
dang. it's ok... i've got Kroda to keep me occupied
[Apr 18,2007 4:01am - Dwellingsickness ""]


You are welcome:spineyes:
[Apr 18,2007 5:46am - anonymous  ""]
GoatCatalyst said: Makes me hearken back to milwaukee '97 when i risked life and limb by cutting no less than 200 rabid hessians to get mayhem's autographs. Thems was the days.

Fucking fanboy... did you come up for air to tell them "You guys are my gods, I've downloaded all your albums?"
[Apr 18,2007 7:37am - GoatCatalyst ""]
you're the cocksucker posting anonymously at quarter-to-six in the morning... why don't you tell me what a fat prick-in-the-mouth tastes like?
[Apr 18,2007 5:00pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
fanboy....haha, another word to add to my list of shoot me if I ever am caught saying it, Along with True,Kvlt,Grim. The list goes on.
[Apr 18,2007 5:03pm - C.dead  ""]
The new track is fucking awesome. I can't wait, as they havent released anything good (as Mayhem 2) since "Wolfs Lair Abyss", which i indeed do love.

The 24th it comes out at Newbury. Be pickin that up.
[Apr 29,2007 11:33am - Ryan_M ""]
So far I've only heard 2 new songs on a Mayhem MySpace page. They sound really good, Hellhammer's drums actually sound like drums and not so mechanical, and Atilla sounds cool too, he doesn't sound annoying like on DMDS. I think I might actually spend some cash on this.
[Apr 29,2007 11:58am - SM Nose Chief  ""]
hey todd if youre online could you send me those thru aim, i cant unzip files.

my s/n is high54cancer

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