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reminder: get your free DND iced coffee today!

[Mar 21,2007 12:31pm - succubus ""]
i just got mine

french vanilla & coconut flavored
[Mar 21,2007 12:32pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I got mine this morning on my way to work.

I too got french vanilla and coconut. Yummmmz
[Mar 21,2007 12:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
how are the drive through lines? ridiculous?
[Mar 21,2007 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
already got one.. going to get another in an hour.. and then another around 4
[Mar 21,2007 12:40pm - Granny_Monster ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:how are the drive through lines? ridiculous?

The one I went to wasn't too bad, but it was one of those double drive thru dealy-bombs.
[Mar 21,2007 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
[Mar 21,2007 12:42pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I refuse to go through a drive through, every time I do, they fuck up my coffee. I'd rather take the extra 5 minutes and walk inside
[Mar 21,2007 12:47pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Is this an all day thing?
[Mar 21,2007 12:52pm - Yeti ""]
DreamingInExile said:I refuse to go through a drive through, every time I do, they fuck up my coffee. I'd rather take the extra 5 minutes and walk inside

majority of the time its never faster anyways. i'll see a line of cars at the drive-thru, but no one inside, and i'll go in and come back out before anyone has moved.
[Mar 21,2007 12:54pm - DreamingInExile ""]
yeah, that's the way I see it too. I've got a dunkins right at the end of the street by my office, and it's ALWAYS faster to go inside
[Mar 21,2007 12:57pm - succubus ""]
YEP, it's all day!

The DND on Islington is faster with the drive thru...the girl who runs it ROCKS! There is usually a line and it moves so fast! Even though there is no one inside...the times I've seen people go inside I wind up going through, getting my coffee and they are still inside...when she's not there though...WATCH OUT, it's hell!
[Mar 21,2007 1:32pm - the_reverend ""]
just back from #2
[Mar 21,2007 1:53pm - mOe ""]
FUCK, i completely forgot!
i pass like 3 of them on the way to work. I should have stopped at all of them to get one. Will this be all day? I may grab one on the way home.
[Mar 21,2007 1:54pm - Granny_Monster ""]
succubus said:YEP, it's all day!

[Mar 21,2007 2:07pm - mOe ""]
thanks grams
[Mar 21,2007 2:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
free coffee + no line = score!!!

[Mar 21,2007 2:13pm - succubus ""]
Mar 21,2007 2:07pm - mOe]
thanks grams
? pfft!
i got my second one too!
[Mar 21,2007 4:57pm - Nash nli  ""]
is this at all dunkins?
[Mar 21,2007 5:03pm - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
Days like today prove how Dunkin Donuts is so much better than Krispy Kreme. ..and every other day does too.
[Mar 21,2007 5:08pm - Lamp ""]
Saying that Dunkin Donuts is better than Krispy Kreme is like saying being punched in the balls feels better than being kicked in the balls.
[Mar 21,2007 5:13pm - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
krispy kreme is gay
[Mar 21,2007 5:15pm - succubus ""]
Nash nli said:is this at all dunkins?

yes all and for 24 hours..see press release below:

Dunkin' Donuts Puts Winter 'On Ice' by Heralding First Day of Spring With First-Ever Nationwide 'Free Iced Coffee Day';
Dunkin' Donuts Restaurants Across the Country to Offer Free Iced Coffee All Day on March 21
CANTON, Mass. March 1

CANTON, Mass., March 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Dunkin' Donuts, the largest coffee and baked goods chain in the world, wants to help customers put winter "on ice." On Wednesday, March 21, the official first day of spring, Dunkin' Donuts will host its first-ever all day, nationwide "Free Iced Coffee Day."

For 24 hours on March 21, customers can visit any participating Dunkin' Donuts restaurant in the country and receive a free 16 oz. cup of Dunkin' Donuts' premium iced coffee, which is double-brewed to ensure full flavor with every cup.

"We look forward to treating everyone to a free cup of our delicious, freshly brewed iced coffee to celebrate the arrival of spring," said Robert Rodriguez, Dunkin' Donuts brand president. "As the category leader, Dunkin' Donuts has been brewing iced coffee for more than 25 years and we are thrilled to be kicking off another iced coffee season with this all day, nationwide event."

Iced coffee is fast becoming as "hot" as the classic cup at Dunkin' Donuts. While iced coffee sales typically spike in summer months, Dunkin' Donuts has seen rapid growth year-round, including during the winter months. Iced coffee is the second most frequently sold product after hot coffee at Dunkin' Donuts.

According to NPD CREST data, Americans drank more than 450 million servings of iced coffee in restaurants in 2006 -- a 16 percent increase from 2005 -- and Dunkin' Donuts sold more than 150 million servings of iced coffee last year.

Millions of iced coffee lovers turn to Dunkin' Donuts because they recognize the quality of its iced coffee. Dunkin' Donuts has been at the forefront in developing an innovative process for brewing iced coffee, which has set the standard for the industry. The unique process, called double brewing, uses twice the amount of coffee when making the beverage to achieve consistent flavor and freshness that are never compromised at the expense of serving it cold. The result is a smooth, rich taste sensation-iced coffee that is never bitter or watered down.
[Mar 21,2007 5:17pm - Joshtruction ""]
I got a thread about this in a few minutes... Stay tuned. And thanks for the heads up on this Carina!!!
[Mar 21,2007 5:27pm - succubus ""]
hah..can't wait to read yer story...
[Mar 21,2007 5:29pm - hungtableed  ""]
Is this a large iced coffee? I want to go get one when I go pick up my sub.
[Mar 21,2007 6:35pm - the_reverend ""]
#3 in the car. that's on top of my usual L hot FV with creme and 4 splenda.

josh: you win a prize. diabetes.
[Mar 21,2007 7:45pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
I am only on #3 so far, I am trying to sample as many different flavors as possible.

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