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Damn the man!!!! FREE DND content.

[Mar 21,2007 5:52pm - Joshtruction ""]
OK so I woke up today after finally getting some rest from a long few days. My buddy Jon comes over and like normal we are bored. Of course I take my trip here to read the threads and see what is going on. Thats when I found out today was free coffe day at DND. Well I had this bright idea of seeing how many coffe's it took for me to puke. So I started on the journey to soak up as much free coffe and cost them as much money as possible.

So it starts out rather slow. I downed 3 in a matter of minutes since DND's are everywhere. This is where we made the promise that no matter how sick, dizzy, shitty, and gross we felt we were drinking them all. So we drove quite a bit and tried out every single flavor there is. I gotta say, there is a lot more than I thaght!!!! Some gross, some great, some plain, and some insane.

Fast forward 30 minutes... OK, now I am burger king making video of my friend hurling all over the place. Then comes mine... Then comes his again. Great times. Did we quit? HELL FUCKING NO!!!! Thats when we decided to save all the cups. We managed to hit another 17 DND's and puke more than I ever have my whole life. I was puking almost every sip.

Now I stay away from caffine so I am not used to what the shit does to you. My eyes were dialated beyond beleife, hyper as hell, kind of shaking, and in constant cold sweats. This escapade is all over and I am having trouble typing from my hands shaking. I forgot about all this until I realized how bad I was. My lesson learned here is get decaf if you are going to do this. Thats shits rough.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzz-d_hGN6g It won't work yet, but give it 30 minutes to clear.
[Mar 21,2007 5:59pm - the_reverend ""]
wait til your ass starts running frm the hole you burnt in you stomach lining.
[Mar 21,2007 6:01pm - Joshtruction ""]
the_reverend said:wait til your ass starts running frm the hole you burnt in you stomach lining.

I gotta say I puked a majority of it up, but yeah I got the shits.
[Mar 21,2007 6:24pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm getting #3 right now...
[Mar 21,2007 6:27pm - Joshtruction ""]
the_reverend said:I'm getting #3 right now...

but do you have thier drivethrough promotional sign in the backseat of your car?
[Mar 21,2007 6:30pm - the_reverend ""]
touché you earned it.
[Mar 21,2007 6:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Next time use one of these for your adventure

[Mar 21,2007 6:38pm - Joshtruction ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:Next time use one of these for your adventure


oh man I wish!

[Mar 21,2007 6:41pm - Joshtruction ""]
Puke video is now working. It's rathy shitty though. Missed the good stuff.
[Mar 21,2007 9:11pm - atthehaunted ""]
Damn ur an animal
[Mar 21,2007 9:14pm - atthehaunted ""]
or maybe slightly retarded i think a lil of both
[Mar 22,2007 7:23am - DreamingInExile ""]
AHAHAHAHA, this is priceless... if I didn't have to work yesterday I probably would have done something along those lines...
[Mar 22,2007 7:37am - the_reverend ""]
off to dunkins!
[Mar 12,2012 8:02am - Boner  ""]

jwencxi said:NAPOLI - Il Napoli soffre ma passa. La squadra di Mazzarri batte 2-1 il Cesena e si qualifica per napoli store napoli i quarti di finale di Coppa Italia: affronterà al San Paolo la vincente di Inter-Genoa, sfida in programma giovedì 19. Doveva essere la notte di Vargas (che ha debuttato giocando i primi 45 minuti ed è apparso ancora avulso dagli schemi), ma a trascinare gli azzurri - privi di Lavezzi in tribuna - sono stati ancora una volta Cavani e Pandev, già protagonisti delle ultime due vittorie azzurre in campionato con Genoa e Palermo. Dopo il gol iniziale di Popescu che aveva gelato i tifosi azzurri nel primo tempo (nell'occasione sfortunata deviazione all'indietro di Vargas), il Napoli ha reagito nella ripresa e ha ribaltato il risultato con il 15/o gol stagionale (dopo i 10 in campionato e i 4 in Champions) di Cavani, abile a ribadire in rete una corta respinta del portiere Ravaglia su punizione di Pandev, e con il quinto maglia calcio gol stagionale proprio del macedone (il migliore degli azzurri), autore di un contestatissimo gol su punizione nel finale (per Arrigoni e i suoi la palla non era entrata). Esce a testa alta dalla Coppa Italia il Cesena, autore di una buonissima prestazione.

100% back'd:middlefinger:
[Mar 12,2012 11:39am - DYA is SCHOOL POOPIN‘  ""]
Thread title doesn't specify 1st or 2nd edition; Gygax would not approve.
[Nov 30,2012 2:53am - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
Was hoping this was a dungeons and dragons thread
[Nov 30,2012 11:09am - Ghoulash ""]
i just sent this thread to dunkin' upper management.
[Nov 30,2012 11:13am - Ghoulash ""]
you're in trouble Mr!
[Nov 30,2012 12:34pm - AndrewBastard ""]

DYA%20is%20SCHOOL%20POOPIN‘ said:Thread title doesn't specify 1st or 2nd edition; Gygax would not approve.

floatingeyecorpse said:Was hoping this was a dungeons and dragons thread

[Nov 30,2012 12:43pm - Mark R  ""]
Joshtruction is my role model
[Nov 30,2012 12:50pm - Boozegood ""]

AndrewBastard said:
DYA%20is%20SCHOOL%20POOPIN‘ said:Thread title doesn't specify 1st or 2nd edition; Gygax would not approve.

floatingeyecorpse said:Was hoping this was a dungeons and dragons thread


ALSO THOUGHT THIS, but still satisfied with content. I want to go on this same coffee adventure.
[Nov 30,2012 12:54pm - DYA is DM  ""]
Roasted beans fall, everyone dies.
[Nov 30,2012 4:01pm - trioxin245 ""]
I already drink like five cups a day of strong ass coffee, that's why I'm always rttping on EDGE

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