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[Mar 22,2007 4:00pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I got a new car so now I can go to shows anywhere I want. I'm also thinking of a trip to Boston sometime soon. I need to catch some Cambridge shows.

My car is a 95 Chevy Cavalier.
[Mar 22,2007 4:02pm - mOe ""]
new cars that work fuckin rule
congrats, dude
[Mar 22,2007 4:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Sweetness, can’t you smell the sweetness?
My penchant for slicing flesh
You’d bear no witness
My sickness
A most foul sickness
The odor of death still clings to me
So sweetly
Too sweetly

Living canvas just scream and scream
For the last and the only son of divine sickness

I carve flowers in their flesh
I always mourn for their deaths
To see a fragile canvas rot and wither to dust

The sweetest sweet scent of their fresh let blood
Utter revulsion for what I’ve done
This gross repugnant mission is my cross to bear
My strength is in their pain
Pure hate, pure hate
Sacred yet profane
Ordained, ordained

My life has taken this vicious turn
An absurd icon that you might learn
That flesh is weak
A soul maligned you cannot trust
Because hiding behind a pleasant smile
Can be a tormented mind defiled
Natured in a world that cultures hate

My sensitivity
My brutality
It’s all relative
[Mar 22,2007 4:45pm - Archaeon ""]
ripping corpse :bow:
[Mar 22,2007 4:51pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I got a new car so now I can go to shows anywhere I want. I'm also thinking of a trip to Boston sometime soon. I need to catch some Cambridge shows.

My car is a 95 Chevy Cavalier.

[Mar 22,2007 6:46pm - blue ""]
Sweetness, sweetness i was only joking
When i said i'd like to smash every tooth
In your head

Oh ... sweetness, sweetness, i was only joking
When i said by rights you should be
Bludgeoned in your bed

And now i know how joan of arc felt
Now i know how joan of arc felt, oh
As the flames rose to her roman nose
And her walkman started to melt
Oh ...

Bigmouth, la ... bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
In the human race

Oh, bigmouth, ha ha ... bigmouth, la
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
In the human race

And now i know how joan of arc felt
Now i know how joan of arc felt, oh
As the flames rose to a roman nose
And her hearing aid started to melt
Eek !

Oh, bigmouth, la ... bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
With the human race
Oh ...

Bigmouth, oh ... bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
In the human race

And now i know how joan of arc felt
Now i know how joan of arc felt, oh
As the flames rose to a roman nose
And her hearing aid started to melt
Oh !

Oh, bigmouth, oh ... bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
In the human race
Oh ...

Bigmouth, oh ... bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
In the human race
Oh ...


Goodbye, and thankyou ! goodbye !

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