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Dimmu's new album

[Mar 23,2007 8:11pm - Hoser ""]
Fucking incredible.

I am insanely impressed with Hellhammer. They are at the peak of their songwriting in my opinion.

Every song twists and turns through all aspects of European metal as a whole.

I know that there will be naysayers, but this is simply my opinion. This is a very well written and calculated album. Genius.
[Mar 23,2007 8:16pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
agreed...i loved it at first listen and like it more and more after repeated plays
[Mar 23,2007 8:24pm - Hoser ""]
Myself as well. It took about 50 listens to get to the point where I gave it legendary status.
[Mar 23,2007 8:30pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
legendary is a good word
[Mar 23,2007 8:48pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I read on another message board:

"The "return to metal roots" basically stands for: less then perfect production, for that fancy "Polished-Yet-Raw" sound... The drums are pretty good, but everything else is forgettable."

[Mar 23,2007 8:50pm - Hoser ""]
That "other" metal board can bite my sack....it's a great, great, great album.
[Mar 23,2007 9:15pm - powerkok ""]
I love it.
[Mar 23,2007 9:16pm - Kevord ""]
I wrote Dimmu off a long time ago. But I am very impressed by this new album.
[Mar 23,2007 10:47pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Kevord said:I wrote Dimmu off a long time ago. But I am very impressed by this new album.

why would you do such a thing?! every album has been consistently awesome

oh yeah...opinions *smacks head*

you always forget about those on the damn internets
[Mar 24,2007 12:30am - Ryan_M ""]
SacreligionNLI said:every album has been consistently awesome

Eh, I didn't really care for "Spiritual..." and the last half of "Puritanical..." was forgettable for me, but I love the first 4 songs on it. "Enthrone..." is by far my favorite, "Death Cult..." was incredible as well, and this new album is pretty killer also.
[Mar 24,2007 12:39am - Hoser ""]
Altogether quite amazing. As I said, I've been a long time fan and as a worshipper of Puritanical....this has got to be my favorite.

Although Puritanical,,,well,,,ahhhhh.....see I love that album.

Soooooahhhhhh....I need to give this one 15 more listens.
[Mar 24,2007 3:43am - Phrozenspite ""]
this album hasn't quite hit me yet... I guess I found their grandiose splendor to be the unique element for them... so far this seems like every second tier Sympho-black album to me... I don't hate it but it doesn't really stand out in any memorable way
[Mar 25,2007 4:51am - DREADkill ""]
hellhammer is my favorite metal drummer, so i'll have to check this one out.
[Mar 26,2007 12:03pm - powerkok ""]
Hellhammer, IMO, on this album, outplays Nick Barker on Puritanical.
I LOVE this album. Its very simple, but it will fucking haunt you.
I find myself hummin the melodies quite a bit.

3:05 in 'The conspiracy unfolds' ...The guitar riff. That is the most absolutely simple, yet DISGUSTING riff, I have ever heard.
[Mar 26,2007 12:14pm - passerby‘er  ""]
This album bores me because there's too much going on
[Mar 26,2007 1:10pm - dreadkill ""]
i've always liked hellhammer more than nick barker. he's a more well-rounded drummer.
[Mar 26,2007 1:14pm - tylerl ""]
it's okay, i feel like this is just a repetition of their last album and they usually change it up a little with each album
[Mar 26,2007 1:29pm - jonnyc  ""]
wait. I thought it wasnt out until next month. what am i missing
[Mar 26,2007 1:45pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
That does not mean people cannot get hold of it.
[Mar 26,2007 2:42pm - anonymous  ""]
Ryan_M said:Eh, I didn't really care for "Spiritual..." and the last half of "Puritanical..." was forgettable for me, but I love the first 4 songs on it. "Enthrone..." is by far my favorite, "Death Cult..." was incredible as well, and this new album is pretty killer also.

maybe that's where the big difference is...i absolutely love SBD. a couple of the songs seem repetitive but overall i think it's one of their best

[Mar 26,2007 2:44pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
^^^ was me...even though the NLI doesn't truly verify it

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