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Planet Earth

[Mar 25,2007 9:13pm - hungtableed  ""]


Anyone else watching this? I wish I had a high def. tv so bad right now.
[Mar 25,2007 9:29pm - powerkok ""]
It is unreal in HD. Unreal.
[Mar 25,2007 9:31pm - hungtableed  ""]
I'm seriously sooo fucking jealous. Other than being in complete awe of the shear ridiculousness of this program all I could think of is how much better it'd be in HD.
[Mar 25,2007 9:46pm - ZJD ""]
What is planet earth?
[Mar 25,2007 10:30pm - powerkok ""]
On discovery.
Fucking amazing cinematography.
[Mar 25,2007 10:41pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I don't have HDTV.

I'll just download the HD version.

I wuv you bittorrent.
[Mar 25,2007 10:52pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
this has been absolutely awe-inspiring
[Mar 25,2007 10:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lotsa fishies.
[Mar 26,2007 9:28am - tunafishtouch  ""]
the uk version is way better.
[Mar 26,2007 9:38am - hungtableed  ""]
I am almost inclined to believe that if I download the torrent it will waaaay better on my lcd monitor than on my shitty tv.
I want to download it just so that I have it, this has been the best program I've seen in a very long time. Period.
[Mar 26,2007 10:33am - Yeti ""]
this was insane. i dont have HD, and it was still incredible. the best part of all was the great white breaching while catching the seal. i thought Sigourney Weaver was a great choice for narration.
[Mar 26,2007 10:36am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thing was my favorite- mothafucka can dance yo.

[Mar 26,2007 10:42am - ariavette ""]
this show was amazing. def. a " have to see it to believe it" kind of thing... that great white shark was huge! .. yeah i liked that bird dance too... pretty cool...
[Mar 26,2007 10:44am - ariavette ""]
also that vampire octopuss with the blue lights on it's tentacles... so cool
[Mar 26,2007 3:34pm - hungtableed  ""]
ariavette said:also that vampire octopuss with the blue lights on it's tentacles... so cool

holy shit, right?
I think that I am going to purchase this series - it's only $80 for all 11 parts. I was wondering if I should purchase the HD version even though I don't have an HD-DVD player. I know I will one day and this is the type of program where HD matters.
[Mar 26,2007 3:37pm - pam ""]
So wish I had cable right now.
[Apr 25,2007 3:44pm - COLONOLWARTHOG  ""]
Well.... i got HDTV..... on a 42" plasma...
Yup.... its bad ass.......
[May 3,2007 10:12pm - xanonymousx ""]
this series is so amazing....
i'm watching something on migration right now then this.
it really makes you appreciate all of the natural beauty of earth.

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