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Simpsons/Family guy march 25 2007

[Mar 26,2007 12:40am - the_reverend ""]
"you're out of shape even for an american."
[Mar 26,2007 12:50am - the_reverend ""]
hoy shit, this is the best simpsons in like 2 years!
[Mar 26,2007 1:30am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 26,2007 6:41am - Metal Mega-Stud  ""]
Homer's evolutionary footsteps during the opening credits... wow.
[Mar 26,2007 8:08am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Metal Mega-Stud said:Homer's evolutionary footsteps during the opening credits... wow.

And Moe quickly de-evolutionizing.:moe:

[Mar 26,2007 8:08am - i_am_not_me ""]
I haven't seen a single new episode of the Simpsons in nearly 2 years. Been working Sundays since then because my boss sucks.
[Mar 26,2007 8:17am - the_reverend ""]
get a better job or get a tivo
[Mar 26,2007 8:26am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:hoy shit, this is the best simpsons in like 2 years!

did you like how i taped the shows?
[Mar 26,2007 8:34am - anonymous  ""]
didnt see the family guy but wasnt impressed by the new simpsons episode..maybe i missed something
[Mar 26,2007 8:38am - xmikex ""]
The opening credits of the Simpsons was the best part. Everything else was a real shitbomb.
[Mar 26,2007 8:51am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
new simpsons = garbage. SNL is starting to have better writers. if the new movie is anything like the last 5 seasons, its gonna be a shitfest too.
[Mar 26,2007 8:55am - the_reverend ""]
the page one joke wasa pure gold.
[Mar 26,2007 9:54am - the_reverend ""]
yes carina, of course I liked how you recorded it.
[Mar 26,2007 10:29am - d_Blumpkin nli  ""]
alot of the landmarks in Chelmsford Mass are also landmarks in The Simpsons.... Horray Chelmsford... thats about the only thing we got going for us
[Mar 26,2007 10:35am - Mess ""]
battle of the springfield's
[Mar 26,2007 10:40am - xmikex ""]
d_Blumpkin nli said:alot of the landmarks in Chelmsford Mass are also landmarks in The Simpsons.... Horray Chelmsford... thats about the only thing we got going for us

can you give an example?
[Mar 26,2007 10:42am - d_Blumpkin nli  ""]
one of the background artists was from chelmsford so he incorporated alot of our landmarks into the show... ie the adams library in chelmsford is the town hall in springfield. alot of restaurants are in there as well (Tony and Ann's, Zesty's etc...) look up chelmsford mass on wikipedia
[Mar 26,2007 12:16pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Simpsons hasn't been good since like season 8 or 9. When the writters left to go to Futurama, everything went down hill in Springfield.

The Simpsons movie will probably be pretty bad, but I'll still see it anyways because it's The Simpsons movie.

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