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I hate overblown optimism

[Mar 28,2007 3:06pm - Niccolai ""]
Does this bother anyone else? when people are overly happy and cheerfull?

This is the case alot with the non drug using ska kids in my area. They are overly happy and use the world happy to describe things.

I want to torch them with map gas and clobber them with steak.

[Mar 28,2007 3:08pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i am extremely elated and overjoyed that you have such a profound hatred for happy. you truly have brightened my day and i think that is perfectly radical. thank you niccolai.
[Mar 28,2007 3:09pm - Niccolai ""]
FUCK J00000000
[Mar 28,2007 3:12pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Mar 28,2007 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
haha agreed. feigned happiness sucks balls.
[Mar 28,2007 3:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Happy Happy... Joy Joy
[Mar 28,2007 3:28pm - the_reverend ""]
this thread k'd my b.
[Mar 28,2007 3:30pm - ariavette ""]
agreed.. it's one thing to be happy.. it's another to be so overly perky that you just sound like a freaking idiot..
[Mar 28,2007 3:32pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
I hate Tyler from Dissector/IWEIPH too.
[Mar 28,2007 3:33pm - dreadkill ""]
i like prozac. it makes me happy.
[Mar 28,2007 4:31pm - This_Is_Heresy ""]
I tried Prozac once, just for kicks. My buddy was just handing them out. Fucking worst/weirdest experience ever. Half of me thinking "This day kinda sucked" they other half being like, "C'mon now, it wasn't all bad there silly!" My mind was arguing with itself. I was a schitzo for like 3 hours.... Never again...
[Mar 28,2007 5:06pm - the_reverend ""]
you harshedmy mellow
[Mar 28,2007 5:08pm - RichHorror ""]
I hate being optimistic, period.
[Mar 28,2007 5:11pm - shatteredliz ""]
Hmmm...well I'm a pretty optimistic person. It also means I expect the best from people, and get disappointed from time to time. But I like thinking that for the most part things will trun out well, because most of the time they do!

But I don't think I'm one of those annoying cheerleader types, am I?
[Mar 28,2007 5:20pm - Lamp ""]
Being pessimistic or optimistic is lame. Complete emotional detachment from all people, places, things, and ideas in the world is where it's at. With most things anyway. Some things just mean too much to me. Everything else just makes me angry.
[Mar 28,2007 5:22pm - Niccolai ""]
being optamistic is not a bad thing, but people over do it and it really pisses me off.

In fact, my away message was "I hate overblown optimism" and the very person I was referencing that was pissing me off responded to the away message and said 'me too'.

I wanted to kill
[Mar 28,2007 6:00pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Most people that are happy have bi-polar disorder.
[Mar 28,2007 7:28pm - Lamp ""]
Bipolar disorder is a figment of the imagination of whoever has it, that goes for everyone.
[Mar 28,2007 8:31pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
I agree with Lamp that both pessimism and optimism is stupid. Just be a realist.
[Mar 28,2007 9:17pm - NIGGER ""]
Delusion sure does suck.
[Mar 28,2007 11:24pm - sxealex ""]
ska kids still exist? i thought they were extinct.
[Mar 28,2007 11:30pm - CNV  ""]
[Mar 28,2007 11:31pm - CNV  ""]
I am trying to be optimistic
[Mar 28,2007 11:32pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
CNV said:[img]


[Mar 29,2007 12:01am - Troll ""]
I don't know......

....This thread is half empty.
[Mar 29,2007 12:10am - Execution_Style ""]
RichHorror said:I hate being optimistic, period.

Yeah, pretty much.
[Mar 29,2007 2:07am - Niccolai ""]
sxealex said:ska kids still exist? i thought they were extinct.

Delusions of grandeur, my friend.
[Mar 29,2007 10:39am - ariavette ""]
This_Is_Heresy said:I tried Prozac once, just for kicks. My buddy was just handing them out. Fucking worst/weirdest experience ever. Half of me thinking "This day kinda sucked" they other half being like, "C'mon now, it wasn't all bad there silly!" My mind was arguing with itself. I was a schitzo for like 3 hours.... Never again...

it takes two weeks to enter your system ..
[Mar 29,2007 12:40pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
i work at a mutherfuckin coffee shop in saratoga ny. this is the worst display of overly happy caffine wasted rich yuppie college students. it makes for great entertainment!
[Mar 29,2007 12:55pm - Lamp ""]
I think if I had your job, someone in a polo shirt would be going facefirst into the fireplace.
[Mar 29,2007 1:41pm - madukes  ""]
it has come pretty close to that
[Mar 29,2007 3:47pm - This_Is_Heresy ""]
ariavette said:
it takes two weeks to enter your system ..

Well maybe it wasnt prozac then. I've come to find that the kid was kind of a tool. Whatever the fuck it was, did not react favorably with my brain.
[Mar 29,2007 5:45pm - Agrippa ""]
[Mar 29,2007 5:49pm - Archaeon ""]
sxealex said:ska kids still exist? i thought they were extinct.

They're EVERYWHERE in my school

[Mar 29,2007 6:41pm - Lamp ""]
Let's break out the checkered pants and go to a Lemon Lime Tennis Shoes show! :krusty:

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