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Why do all women drivers hang tons of colorful and shiny vision-obstructing objects from their rear-view mirrors?

[Mar 30,2007 8:41am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'd really like to know.

Every women driver between the ages of 16 and 35 dangles fistfuls of Mardi Gras beads and blindness-inducing crystal dolphins from their mirrors.

Get fucking dead.
[Mar 30,2007 8:49am - Granny_Monster ""]
I just have an air freshener, wtf are you tawkin' bout?
[Mar 30,2007 8:51am - Mess ""]
they want to be fucked
beads on the mirror = tattoo on the lower back
ram them off the road and break out the "kit"
[Mar 30,2007 8:52am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
By "kit" do you mean my knife and clown outfit?
[Mar 30,2007 8:53am - Mess ""]
[Mar 30,2007 8:55am - succubus ""]
i don't have anything hanging from my rear view. guess that's just another reason you love me!
[Mar 30,2007 9:03am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
You are correct.
[Mar 30,2007 9:11am - largefreakatzero ""]
The blue glass dolphin is the worst one.
[Mar 30,2007 9:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
so they can blame accidents on that instead of their shitty driving abilities.
[Mar 30,2007 9:33am - xmikex ""]
I was driving down Comm ave once and I saw this car struggling to make a turn like it was trying to navigate around molten lava or something. I finally got pissed and drove around it and what did I see... some stupid ass girl driving with her windshield obstructed by a bunch of bright orange flyers. Apparently it wasn't worth the 8 seconds it would have taken to just take the flyers off her windshield when she got in the car like a normal person. It's not like they weren't noticable either. They were 8 x 11 and bright bright orange. I was embarassed for her.

Another time I was driving through Rockland going like 8 mph. I couldn't figure out why I was going so slow, but one by one the cars in front of me kept taking off, or turning onto another street until finally I saw what the problem was. There was this old ass lady driving with like 2 feet of snow on the top of her car. There wasn't any snow on the rest of her car except for this 2 foot tall white mohawk of snow that was gradually falling to pieces as she drove. Every 50 feet or so a huge chunk of snow would crash on her windsheild and she'd slam on the brakes and try to brush it off with her wipers. Eventually this one big sheet of snow fell on her windsheild, so big that the wipers couldn't brush it off they could only move it back and forth. So now this lady is driving with a curtain of snow swishing back and forth in front of her where she's probably only actually seeing the road in like 5 second intervals. I can see her moving her head around trying to see around it but of course it keeps moving. It was something you'd expect out of Mr. Bean. It was even more embarassing considering it was like 4 days after a snow storm, it was 60 degrees out, and no one else had an ounce of snow on their cars.
[Mar 30,2007 9:42am - anonymous  ""]
women: nature's punching bag.
[Mar 30,2007 10:38am - davefromthegrave ""]
xmikex said:I was driving down Comm ave once and I saw this car struggling to make a turn like it was trying to navigate around molten lava or something. I finally got pissed and drove around it and what did I see... some stupid ass girl driving with her windshield obstructed by a bunch of bright orange flyers. Apparently it wasn't worth the 8 seconds it would have taken to just take the flyers off her windshield when she got in the car like a normal person. It's not like they weren't noticable either. They were 8 x 11 and bright bright orange. I was embarassed for her.

Another time I was driving through Rockland going like 8 mph. I couldn't figure out why I was going so slow, but one by one the cars in front of me kept taking off, or turning onto another street until finally I saw what the problem was. There was this old ass lady driving with like 2 feet of snow on the top of her car. There wasn't any snow on the rest of her car except for this 2 foot tall white mohawk of snow that was gradually falling to pieces as she drove. Every 50 feet or so a huge chunk of snow would crash on her windsheild and she'd slam on the brakes and try to brush it off with her wipers. Eventually this one big sheet of snow fell on her windsheild, so big that the wipers couldn't brush it off they could only move it back and forth. So now this lady is driving with a curtain of snow swishing back and forth in front of her where she's probably only actually seeing the road in like 5 second intervals. I can see her moving her head around trying to see around it but of course it keeps moving. It was something you'd expect out of Mr. Bean. It was even more embarassing considering it was like 4 days after a snow storm, it was 60 degrees out, and no one else had an ounce of snow on their cars.

You shoulda rammed that bitch. There's no fucking excuse for that.
[Mar 30,2007 10:39am - ariavette ""]
anonymous said:women: nature's punching bag.

someone hasn't gotten laid in a while..
[Mar 30,2007 10:46am - davefromthegrave ""]
that story reminds me of this video of U.S soldiers driving a humvee through iraq. They can't stop because they're afraid of rocket attacks. This looks like a hell of a lot of fun.

[Mar 30,2007 10:52am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
xmikex said:I was driving through Rockland going like 8 mph

Be careful! The Rockland cops will pull you over for speeding.
[Mar 30,2007 10:54am - xmikex ""]
davefromthegrave said:that story reminds me of this video of U.S soldiers driving a humvee through iraq. They can't stop because they're afraid of rocket attacks. This looks like a hell of a lot of fun.


holy hell that's nuts. that's got to be a terrifying way to live. there's always a small part of me that wants to enlist though.

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