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Captain Powerkok!!

[Apr 1,2007 10:04am - powerkok ""]
that just sounds right.
[Apr 1,2007 10:48am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
[Apr 1,2007 10:49am - xanonymousx ""]
true that
[Apr 1,2007 10:52am - sacreligion ""]
lieutenant commander sacreligion?

i have this hilarious image in my head of kok at the bow of a ship with one knee up and a giant ridiculous pirate hat with his arms propped up on his sides
[Apr 1,2007 10:53am - succubus ""]
have you seen the main page? go look now
[Apr 1,2007 10:55am - xanonymousx ""]
i just watched the youtube videos.
[Apr 1,2007 10:57am - sinistas ""]
HAHAHA, tens of dollars.
[Apr 1,2007 10:57am - sacreligion ""]
admiral aaron will be a ten-aire by the end of this day
[Apr 1,2007 10:59am - xanonymousx ""]
[Apr 1,2007 11:24am - Dr. sphincto(rear admiral)  ""]

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