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What's your favorite DEATH record?

[Apr 2,2007 4:29pm - xanonymousx ""]
I've been listening to leprosy a lot lately
[Apr 2,2007 4:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Apr 2,2007 4:36pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Apr 2,2007 4:38pm - Murph ""]

[Apr 2,2007 4:50pm - HailAtWork  ""]
Leprosy or Individual Thought Patterns
[Apr 2,2007 4:58pm - JDDomination ""]
I love all of them, I think Chuck's guitar work on "Sounds of Perserverence" was amazing, his voice too, but I think for actual songs Individual Thought Patterns takes it.
[Apr 2,2007 4:58pm - dreadkill ""]

symbolic for me
[Apr 2,2007 5:03pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Back From the Dead, Infernal Death, or Reign of Terror.
[Apr 2,2007 5:07pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Apr 2,2007 5:07pm - the_reverend ""]
symbolic has the most "hits"
leprosy has the best 1 or 2 songs
sounds has the best guitarwork and recording.
[Apr 2,2007 5:12pm - dreadkill ""]
the_reverend said:symbolic has the most "hits"
leprosy has the best 1 or 2 songs
sounds has the best guitarwork and recording.

i agree with you, good clergyman.
[Apr 2,2007 5:16pm - Murph ""]
the_reverend said:symbolic has the most "hits"
leprosy has the best 1 or 2 songs
sounds has the best guitarwork and recording.

I'd agree with the drum recordings, as Christy's kit sounds unbelievably raw and powerful, but guitar-wise I hate it (sounds too digitized). I actually love Human for it's 6-string heaviness, but Symbolic to me has the best recording/production.
[Apr 2,2007 5:19pm - Nuclear Winter  ""]
Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy.

"Evil Dead" and "Pull the Plug" are two of my favorite death metal songs ever.
[Apr 2,2007 5:22pm - dreadkill ""]
pull the plug is the best death metal song of all time.
[Apr 2,2007 5:23pm - the_reverend ""]
symbolic's recording is way over compressed. when I listen to the CD, I wonder if they recorded it off a tape. and on Sounds, if the digitied sounds means "clean hi end and a better sound range reproduction" then you are correct sir.
[Apr 2,2007 5:24pm - dreadkill ""]
i like the sounds production better than symbolic's
[Apr 2,2007 5:27pm - the_reverend ""]
pull the plug is one of the hits off leprosy. it has also been stuck in my head since opening this thread.
[Apr 2,2007 5:40pm - deadlikemurf ""]

"pull the plug" fucking rules as well.
[Apr 2,2007 5:47pm - metal_church101 ""]
Complete Albums:

Human and Individual Thought Patterns.

Favorite Songs (some):

Evil Dead, Beyond the Unholy Grave (both off Scream Bloody Gore) and Overactive Imagination (off of Individual Thought Patterns.)
[Apr 2,2007 6:19pm - Neverpurified ""]
For me it's a tie between Human and Individual Thought Patterns. I mean, look at the musicians on those two.

Human: Steve D and 1/2 of CYNIC

ITP: Steve D, Gene Hoglan and Andy LaRouque

There's isn't anything I'd change on those 2. I liked TSOP alot, but i think Richard Christy's drumming is a little too over the top on some places. Gene's drumming was perfect on ITP. Steve D's fretless lines were amazing on both releases. and the Combination of Chuck and Steve with Paul and Sean from CYNIC made for an absolutely amazing record with Human
[Apr 2,2007 7:08pm - powerkok ""]
[Apr 2,2007 7:15pm - brian_dc ""]
I just don't know. This question always comes up and I say Symbolic, but that doesn't really do justice to how into pretty much every Death album I am.
[Apr 2,2007 7:20pm - litacore ""]
[Apr 2,2007 7:34pm - Anthony ""]
[Apr 2,2007 7:36pm - Anthony ""]
Although they're all amazing. If i had to take one band's discography to a desert island and never hear anything else again, it would either be Death or Alice in Chains.
[Apr 2,2007 7:41pm - BornSoVile ""]
SH is easily the most overlooked. It's the heaviest in my opinion, plus the leads on it kill.
[Apr 2,2007 7:41pm - Archaeon ""]
[Apr 2,2007 7:43pm - Archaeon ""]
BornSoVile said:SH is easily the most overlooked. It's the heaviest in my opinion, plus the leads on it kill.

very very true

I like the lyrics on that one to

"some say shes naive..............SHES A STUIPD BITCH!"

[Apr 2,2007 7:44pm - BornSoVile ""]
yeah man, it's chuck's angriest album!
[Apr 2,2007 8:05pm - rotivore ""]
scream bloody gore is the most menacing......love the vocals!!
[Apr 2,2007 8:11pm - Anthony ""]
Scream Bloody Gore is definitely the most evil
[Apr 2,2007 8:27pm - Archaeon ""]
"maggots for a cock"
[Apr 2,2007 8:45pm - rotivore ""]
Id say they go in order, scream bloody gore to individual, well individual is better than human. symbolic and sounds I do not care for........I like one song off each, and one is the PAINKILLER cover which arguably the best cover ever pulled off. Chuck was arguably the greatest musician in metal. Mutilated, mutilated, MUTILLLATEDDD!!!!! So sick!!
[Apr 2,2007 8:52pm - the_reverend ""]
you know I just realized I don't have SBG or ITP.
[Apr 2,2007 9:11pm - Ryan_M ""]
My 3 faves: Scream Bloody Gore, Human, and Symbolic. Human would be the top favorite out of those three though.
[Apr 2,2007 9:18pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
dreadkill said:REPOST!

X50...How many times can this thread be made,seriously?
[Apr 2,2007 9:50pm - the_reverend ""]
but the subject matter is so good.
[Apr 2,2007 10:31pm - Dankill  ""]
It's REALLY hard, but I've always been partial towards the first three albums.
Scream Bloody Gore
Spirtual Healing
[Apr 3,2007 3:07am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
First three albums are my favorites, and in that order.
[Apr 3,2007 8:47am - DreamingInExile ""]
1.) Human / Individual Thought Patterns
(have to agree with kyle on this one) Human was the turning point of Chucks musicianship, Death went from flat out raw power to a more melodic and technical standpoint, further proving that Chuck was a deity of some sort (thanks to the guys from Cynic pushing him to expand on ideas he already was formulating)

2.) Symbolic / Leoprosy / Spiritual Healing
Some of the best Death songs are on these albums, hands down!

3.) Sound of Perseverance / Scream Bloody Gore
Sound was overproduced and while Christy's drumming was insane, it was a little much for 'Death' at points, and SBG was just so kvlt and underproduced unless I'm in the mood to not care about production, I have a hard time listening to this album.

I also agree with anyone that stated "REPOST" but, really, who cares? It's fucking DEATH!!!!

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