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Adolf Satan update

[Apr 2,2007 4:40pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Contrary to popular belief, Adolf Satan is not broken up.
While I was on the road with AC last month we signed with Menace to Sobriety to do a new Adolf Satan full length. It will be titled Inject The Venom. I need to write a few more songs and then recoring will begin asap.
No live shows just yet.
[Apr 2,2007 5:23pm - shatteredliz ""]
Cool. Keep us posted on the live shows. Looking forward to seeing you guys in Brooklyn again!
[Apr 2,2007 5:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I never thought you broke up
[Apr 3,2007 9:58am - anonymous  ""]
Thats good news Josh
[Apr 3,2007 11:34am - metalguy ""]
[Apr 3,2007 5:09pm - brad weymouth  ""]
nice. where are you recording?
[Apr 4,2007 10:21am - Josh_Martin ""]
brad weymouth said:nice. where are you recording?

I dunno. Haven't thought about it yet. Still need to write half the album.
You interested?
[Apr 5,2007 8:23pm - brad weymouth  ""]
hell yeah. i still just have a 4 track, but a friend of ours has a digital 8 track im gonna show him how to use, i could possibly use that.
[Apr 5,2007 9:11pm - dj death  ""]
i think hes looking for more of a real studio, 24 tracks, nice rooms, good mics. Am i right mister martin??
[Apr 5,2007 9:12pm - dj death  ""]
That is good news by the way. Adolf Satan are unique.
[Apr 8,2007 11:21am - brad weymouth  ""]
dj death said:i think hes looking for more of a real studio, 24 tracks, nice rooms, good mics. Am i right mister martin??

i did a 4 track demo for them that sounds better than the cd fucko
[Apr 19,2007 1:47pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Brad, I was going to talk to you at the show on Fri. but since its canceled, send me an email through RTTP. I lost your email and phone#.

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