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just got RUSH tickets!

[Apr 3,2007 6:48pm - cav ""]
going to the tweeter center show with my dad. should be pretty awesome. there were some serious service charges for these though, $10 convenience charge, $7 facility charge, and like $4.99 processing charge....per ticket! fuckin retarted.... but i probably wont end up paying for it anyways. cant wait! i heard they were amazing. anyone on here seen them before?
[Apr 3,2007 6:49pm - retzam ""]
I haven't seen them but I hear they are absolutely incredible live.
[Apr 3,2007 6:52pm - mOe ""]
my coworker got tickets for various tour stops in the area, he's all pumped about it. When he talks to me about it i'm just like "awesome, dude..."
[Apr 3,2007 6:53pm - cav ""]
haha, well if he knows your a drummer he probably just assumes you like them.
[Apr 3,2007 7:01pm - dreadkill ""]
shit, i need to get tickets. i've seen them live before. hands down the best live band i've ever seen. rush is the greatest band ever. you will love the show.
[Apr 3,2007 7:02pm - dreadkill ""]
cav said:haha, well if he knows your a drummer he probably just assumes you like them.

considering neil peart is the best drummer ever, every drummer should enjoy rush (and no, i don't want anyone on rttp trying to say derek roddy and john longstreth and flo mounier are better than peart, because they aren't). FACT: neil peart is the greatest drummer ever. deal with it.
[Apr 3,2007 7:03pm - dreadkill ""]
my last comment was not directed at anyone in particular, just so cav knows i'm not spouting off in his direction.
[Apr 3,2007 7:20pm - mOe ""]
well, Neil Peart ISNT the best drummer ever
nor is he the MOST INFLUENTIAL...people who love Rush just think he is because he is a good drummer
[Apr 3,2007 7:26pm - dreadkill ""]
he's the best
[Apr 3,2007 7:39pm - mOe ""]
if anything, Stewart Copeland is way more influential that Peart
[Apr 3,2007 8:13pm - brian_dc ""]
Stewart Copeland and Neil Peart rule
[Apr 3,2007 8:15pm - sxealex ""]
its not easy being cheesy
[Apr 3,2007 10:01pm - urinal turd  ""]
mOe said:if anything, Stewart Copeland is way more influential that Peart

amen, and better.
[Apr 3,2007 10:06pm - cav ""]
sxealex said:its not easy being cheesy

oooh burn
[Apr 4,2007 3:17am - sxealex ""]
[Apr 4,2007 5:55am - metalguy ""]
Neil Peart is definitely not the best drummer ever.
[Apr 4,2007 8:54am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I go see Rush if Bubbles and the Shitrockers were the opening band.

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