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[Apr 4,2007 3:06pm - DreamingInExile ""]
WTF, it's April!!!

I'm so tired of this fucked up New England weather... :middlefinger:
[Apr 4,2007 3:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yeah this is awful.
[Apr 4,2007 3:08pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I was just looking outside and thinking the same thing. I have so much shit to do today after work, too... UGH!!!
[Apr 4,2007 3:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
good thing the sox game isnt in Boston ... although that would be strange to see.
[Apr 4,2007 3:11pm - reverend_cziska ""]
[Apr 4,2007 3:13pm - sacreligion ""]
^^ my sister has the "Best Of Snow"

don't ask me how you get a "best of" cd with one hit...but he managed to pull it off
[Apr 4,2007 3:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm so so so happy!
[Apr 4,2007 3:24pm - hungtableed  ""]
What the hell is up with this shit. I went out to run earlier and it started up. What the balls!
[Apr 4,2007 3:26pm - Yeti ""]
yeah this is some bogucity.
[Apr 4,2007 3:34pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, it's just a little rain down here in the new beffitt area
[Apr 4,2007 3:41pm - sacreligion ""]
snow just officially started in woostah
[Apr 4,2007 3:41pm - Archaeon ""]
its been gr1m snowin up north for a while
[Apr 4,2007 4:02pm - Lamp ""]
Temperature in my town is currently 45 degrees.

[Apr 4,2007 4:54pm - succubus ""]
It was snowing in portsmouth..started as rain and then turned into snow. I'm currently on the train from newburyport heading to boston and there's def. Accumulation..the closer to boston I get, the whiter it is.
[Apr 4,2007 5:00pm - shatteredliz in brooklyn  ""]
Wow! I had no idea. It's not snowing here at all.
[Apr 4,2007 5:02pm - dreadkill ""]
reverend_cziska said:[img]

lick your boom boom down!
[Apr 4,2007 6:39pm - powerkok ""]
T Minus 3 weeks and counting......fuck snow.
[Apr 4,2007 6:43pm - PryoryofSyn ""]
It feels like white diarrea outside!
This must be what it's like for crabs crawling in a vagina.
[Apr 4,2007 8:16pm - yummy ""]
45 degrees.......and raining here. I'll take snow over rain. New Englanders bitch the most about the weather, yeah it's possible that we have the worst inconsistent climate in the world so there is a little room to complain, but enough. If you don't work outside you are penalyzed mucho whining privileges.
[Apr 4,2007 8:19pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
it's official, God Hates New England.
[Apr 4,2007 8:35pm - pam ""]
I've already dug out my summer shoes... :(

April always sucks.

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