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Dennis Rodum quits SPAWN OF POSSESSION

[Apr 5,2007 4:36pm - Archaeon ""]

"Drummer Dennis Röndum of the Swedish technical death metal outfit SPAWN OF POSSESSION has announced his departure from the band. His statement on the matter reads as follows:

"After 10 years in SPAWN OF POSSESSION I have decided to move on and attempt other challenges in life. My reasons for leaving the band are various but the one most notable is my lack of interest in drumming as of late, where I feel I don't have the dedication to be an extreme metal drummer anymore. My interest in music [is] still there but my drive to play blast beats is lost.

"I wish to send out a big thanx to all the fans and other bands I've had the pleasure to encounter on the road while touring with SPAWN OF POSSESSION. You all made it worthwhile. I sincerely wish the guys in SPAWN OF POSSESSION the best of luck in the future and I look forward to new sick tunes from the band."

SPAWN OF POSSESSION's sophomore album, "Noctambulant", was released last year via Neurotic Records. The CD was recorded at Pama Studios in Kristianopel, Sweden with producer Magnus Sedenberg."

terrible news
[Apr 5,2007 4:40pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 5,2007 6:21pm - IntestinalAvenger ""]
My second favorite Death Metal band. That sucks...
[Apr 5,2007 6:25pm - Anthny  ""]
damn thats shitty news
[Apr 5,2007 6:29pm - Archaeon ""]
I have no idea who could fill this guy's shoes
[Apr 5,2007 6:33pm - blue ""]
boo urns.
[Apr 5,2007 9:55pm - urinal turd  ""]
the_reverend said:[img]

haha...that;s what i thought it said too.
[Apr 5,2007 10:40pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Man, these guys are getting bigger and then this happens.
[Apr 5,2007 11:17pm - Archaeon ""]
exactly dude, they were offered a slot on the Maryland Deathfest but never responded, this is probably why. Odious Mortem got the slot and they are definitely worthy. It will be interesting to see who replaces him.
[Apr 5,2007 11:20pm - jesus ""]
urinal turd said:the_reverend said:[img]

haha...that;s what i thought it said too.

wait, this isnt about the worm?
[Apr 6,2007 12:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
somehow i knew there would be a dennis rodman reference immediately following this post.
[Apr 6,2007 1:22am - i_have_fucking_insomnia  ""]
That's what I thought too, oh, I'm so unoriginal.

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