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does anybody happen to have a decapitated hoodie

[Apr 7,2007 11:37pm - anonymous  ""]
i cant find one anywhere, a large or XL will work, a site that has them would also be great
[Apr 8,2007 12:45am - Ryan_M ""]
Go to the band's website and send them an e-mail asking them if they have any.
[Apr 8,2007 1:56am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Ryan_M said:Go to the band's website and send them an e-mail asking them if they have any.

Dude, that would be way to easy
[Apr 8,2007 9:20am - Archaeon ""]

scroll down
[Apr 8,2007 10:53am - anonymous  ""]
would a decapitated hoodie actually have a hood on it?


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