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Death Among Thieves

[Apr 13,2007 12:15am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Did they break up?
[Apr 13,2007 12:17am - Lamp ""]
Leigh Rush demanded that they break up because they're nothing but a bunch of faggot hobby rocker douches.
[Apr 13,2007 12:21am - the_reverend ""]
didn't their CD just come out?
[Apr 13,2007 2:41am - horror_tang ""]
What a huge loss for the vibrant scene in Maine.
[Apr 13,2007 8:51am - Dwellingsickness ""]
More gigs for Blue Collar Product now haha
[Apr 13,2007 10:43am - soilworker ""]
yeah they did break up but the drummer and bassist are now playing in lord bascon vs. the waffle machine and brutal death metal band putrescine.

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