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I just did the best thing ever last nite!

[Apr 13,2007 4:27pm - whoremastery ""]
Me and a buddy of mine dave fox from murder stienbag played at an open mic nite at this BBQ rib joint in w. bridgewater MA. The place was packed with collage kids and locals of all ages. All the other musicains where getting up and playing radio songs(stp,pearl jam,ect)...then we get up.....

With only acoustic guitars we starting playing slayer's raining blood into black magic. The place went nuts!!!...They loved it!! Everyone was like"what the fuck are they playing" "how do you guys play that fast"!! The guy who booked it wants to pay us 100$ each and book us regularly. I don't know what was more funny...the fact that we were playing thrash metal acousticaly at a rib joint and singing words like "the power of satans might"while people eat thier ribs and wings...or seeing collage kids and 70 year olds with thier metal horns in the air. But we will be there again the 27th...it was the dumbest, yet greatest thing i have ever done...right up there with the air guitar competion bahaha!
the set list was:
Raining blood/black magic (slayer)
Wake up dead(megadeth)
Fabulous disaster(exodus)
No remorse(metallica)

next time we are doing:
Death,wargasm,sepultura,cromags,vio-lence and a whole shit load more:duffbeer:

[Apr 13,2007 4:33pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
hahaha I'm going to have to see this.
[Apr 13,2007 4:34pm - mOe ""]
thats sweet...come play an open mic out here in NOHO, these douchebags wouldnt know what hit em
[Apr 13,2007 4:37pm - whoremastery ""]
we're down man....we're silly just silly i tell ya!!!
[Apr 13,2007 4:40pm - the_reverend ""]
that's awesome.
[Apr 13,2007 4:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 13,2007 5:02pm - diamond_dave ""]
well done gents :NEWHORNS:
[Apr 13,2007 5:37pm - DreamingInExile ""]
damnit, why is this so far away, I'd love to see this!
[Apr 13,2007 5:48pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
hahaha...what rib place was it? i'll try to go if i'm in mass.
[Apr 13,2007 5:54pm - whoremastery ""]
chilli head on 106...it's real small..but it was a killer time.
[Apr 13,2007 5:59pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
sick. that's only about 20-25 minutes from my parents' house. i'll try to make it, work permitting of course.
[Apr 13,2007 6:02pm - whoremastery ""]
hell ya...it sounds strange with no distortion or drums...but thats what made it so ridiculous...that an the metal vocals...haha!
[Apr 14,2007 12:33am - deodiummortis ""]
What time is this happening? I work pretty much down the street from there.
[Apr 14,2007 9:22am - succubus ""]
Post details of you're next performace!!
date time address =)
[Apr 14,2007 9:29am - Mess ""]
that's awesome. i have to see this.
[Apr 14,2007 9:29am - retzam ""]
Hahahahaha that's awesome!
[Apr 14,2007 10:00am - xanonymousx ""]
this is awesome
[Apr 14,2007 11:58am - Whoremastery ""]
it's an open mic...im not sure when the guy is gonna book us for real but, we will be there the 26th. its a thursday nite. Starts around 7 and we wait till its our turn. Its at the chilli head BBQ on rt 106 in w. bridgewater.
[Apr 14,2007 1:08pm - Dankill  ""]
This I must see. If it's on a weekend, I'm there. Ribs and Thrash.
Tape this btw
[Apr 14,2007 2:08pm - Whoremastery ""]
i want too...dont have a camera..i need to buy one for this,my stand up comedy, and whoremastery shows...i better get savin!
ribs and thrash!
[Apr 14,2007 2:38pm - xanonymousx ""]
the 27th is a friday.
[Apr 14,2007 2:51pm - Whoremastery ""]
fuck! then i mean the 26th...i have a stand up comedy show the 27th...im getting my dates all mixed up..ill edit that post.
[Apr 14,2007 7:48pm - D2A-NLI  ""]
hahaha, funny shit.
[Apr 15,2007 12:35am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
did you sing or did you growl, grunt, and scream?
[Apr 15,2007 6:26pm - Whoremastery ""]
growl grunt scream and the classic tom araya old school high nots...aaaahhhhhhhhh!

next time set so far
wargasm intro
raining blood (again)
kill the christian(decide)
pull the plug/open casket(death)
river runs red(LOA)
to live is to die(acoustic part into)/creeping death(metallica)

[Apr 15,2007 7:18pm - yummy ""]
I would like to see this. Sounds rad.
[Apr 15,2007 7:35pm - mikepile  ""]
Oh man, this I gotta see!
[Apr 16,2007 12:30pm - Josh_Martin ""]
You should do a show with Impaled Northern Moonforest.
[Apr 16,2007 12:40pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
If I remember I'll be there! I love ribs!
[Apr 16,2007 1:23pm - Niccolai ""]
Bill floyd (bassist from rohis) plays there regularly.
[Apr 16,2007 2:29pm - Whoremastery ""]
Josh_Martin said:You should do a show with Impaled Northern Moonforest.

is that your side thing with seth? ive never heard it before.

[Apr 16,2007 2:31pm - Whoremastery ""]
you should go there and do the A.
C. picnic of love album...they would love it.
[Apr 16,2007 2:59pm - Agrippa ""]
If I had a hat Id tip it to you guys.
[Apr 16,2007 3:09pm - Whoremastery ""]
thanx man!!!
[Apr 16,2007 3:24pm - earl jackson/murdersteinbag  ""]
It was fucking great...I was there!!!!!!!!
[Apr 26,2007 7:52am - Whoremastery ""]
tonite!!!!! Don't miss thrash and ribs!
[Apr 26,2007 9:04am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Tonight? I thought it was tomorrow. fuck, I can't make it either way though. :(
Please post all about it though this is fucking great.
[Apr 26,2007 12:50pm - dreadkill ""]
dammit, if i didn't have to start moving tonight, i'd so go to this. it sounds hilarious. hopefully you guys will do it again and i will be able to go.
[Apr 26,2007 10:53pm - Whoremastery ""]
We just got a date for aug. 25th on a sat...we get 2 hrs.... and we will be ready! We played tonite and with my boy dave being sick we still tore up the place. We are going on a radio show in the next couple of weeks with this...and we got a open mic in attleboro we are gonna do.....RIBS N TRASH!

tonites set was:
Wargasm intro:
South of heaven/rainning blood(slayer)
River runs red(L.o.a.)
Pull the plug/open casket(death)
Oblivious to evil(deicide)
To live is to die/ damage inc. (metallica)
[Apr 26,2007 11:42pm - boine(nli)  ""]
i work in that same plaza when is the next time you gonna jam
[Apr 27,2007 9:32am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
River Runs Red? Fuck. Now I really wish I could have gone.

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