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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Murph.
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[QUOTE="Murph:604280"]deadlikemurf said:[QUOTE]i agree with the your UN point 100% the big problem is the pc world climate will never allow for that type of strong-arm mediation.... i say strong-arm as a positive.. sometimes the best way to end a fight is to give everyone a smack in the mouth.. I do concede that Hamas has reasons to back what they do, however ,same as the irish situation (IRA), some methods employed are questionable at best. They do to an extent have their backs against the wall, but i can't get past the absolute pimping that the Palestinian brigades pushes on the youth there. I also agree with your point that it's much less a fight about "hatred of the Jew" as many think. This is much more a fight based in this generational tradition of war, real estate, false pride, and politics. Religion serves as a sort of scapegoat in my eyes (much like the irish "troubles"), which is tough for me to say as I'm about as agnostic (raised irish catholic) as they come. check out that death in gaza video i posted if you haven't yet. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it. it's really well done and portrays the conflict as it unfolds in gaza city, mainly through the eyes and accounts of the youth. I'll never wonder again how it happens that children are brought up to hate.[/QUOTE] From one Murph to another, don't ever say you're agnostic. Gnosis is the Latin from "knowledge," and A-Gnosis means without knowledge. You're certainly not without knowledge, so let's all let that ridiculous moniker die, because it's kind of like women signing a petition to end women's sufferage. Bastards.[/QUOTE]
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