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I'm in a band

[Apr 20,2007 9:54pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
but I really want a death/thrash project to do. My band is more of a progressive metal/hardcore thing that was started before I tried out but I need something heavier and crushing.

Anyone who's in a band currently: Do you feel like this sometimes? Like, you're in a band that you give full attention to but there's something else you want to do on the side to take advantage of your talents?
[Apr 20,2007 9:58pm - Archaeon ""]
I think everyone feels that way

If I did all the project I wanted to I'd be in at least 10 bands
[Apr 20,2007 10:13pm - the_reverend ""]
if I did everything I wanted to do with RTTP, it would be a full time gig.
[Apr 20,2007 10:14pm - the_reverend ""]
well, more full time then it already is.
[Apr 20,2007 10:45pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I need to learn guitar so I can start writing and then recruit people to start the heaviest most crushing brutal DM band on the planet. I can't think of a single band that I have heard that satisfies my need for groove/blast/slam/breakdown/gutteral rape metal.
[Apr 20,2007 10:54pm - DUG_nli_again  ""]
if I had guitar gear this would've already happened, mikey.
[Apr 20,2007 10:58pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Get some fucking guitar gear. Seriously.
[Apr 20,2007 10:59pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I have ideas in my noggin that would make people that think devourment is heavy vomit in terror.
[Apr 20,2007 11:03pm - Archaeon ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I have ideas in my noggin that would make people that think devourment is heavy vomit in terror.

[Apr 20,2007 11:04pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
If this project ever came to light I swear that anybody watching the set would be punching babies with full-on erections.
[Apr 20,2007 11:13pm - Niccolai ""]
I do that anyways.
[Apr 20,2007 11:14pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
You'd have an excuse to do it in public this way.
[Apr 21,2007 11:18pm - DUG_nli_again  ""]
babies with full on erections? or having erections whilst punch said babies? either way, color me wet.
[Apr 22,2007 3:17am - Dwellingsickness ""]
And this one time at band camp......
[Apr 22,2007 6:32pm - nickyhelliot ""]

I wonder if this is ctb's band...
[Apr 22,2007 6:50pm - Archaeon ""]
hahahah that band is great
[Apr 22,2007 7:15pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Yikes that band is gay.
[Apr 22,2007 7:15pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
I'm in about a million bands so I never feel like that.
[Apr 22,2007 7:48pm - xanonymousx ""]
nickyhelliot said:http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=168888906

I wonder if this is ctb's band...

nope thats not ctb's band.... i believe it was already posted in another thread?
[Apr 22,2007 7:55pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
xanonymousx said:nickyhelliot said:http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=168888906

I wonder if this is ctb's band...

nope thats not ctb's band.... i believe it was already posted in another thread?

I also don't live in California if that's not too obvious, Sgt. Spanky.
[Apr 23,2007 10:38am - Yeti ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:but I really want a death/thrash project to do. My band is more of a progressive metal/hardcore thing that was started before I tried out but I need something heavier and crushing.

Anyone who's in a band currently: Do you feel like this sometimes? Like, you're in a band that you give full attention to but there's something else you want to do on the side to take advantage of your talents?

yes, i want to form a ridiculous spikes/corpsepaint/upside down crosses/Satan every other word insanity black hellstorm band in the vein of Marduk/Tsjuder/Urgehal/Infernal but i cant find anyone besides myself who is interested.
[Apr 25,2007 8:59am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
DUG_nli_again said:if I had guitar gear this would've already happened, mikey.

This band will be called MOSHASAURUS

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