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Car Bomb appreciation

[Apr 20,2007 10:37pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I picked up "Centralia" not too long ago and it's definitely one of my favorite releases of this year. I believe what they do is how, "techcore" as I like to coin it, should sound like.

Rev, you should play them more often on your show.
[Apr 20,2007 11:12pm - xanonymousx ""]
he played them for about 4-5 weeks straight.
they are pretty interesting how they combine everything.
[Apr 20,2007 11:27pm - jim_is_to_lazy_to_login  ""]
they arent doing anything no one else has done
[Apr 20,2007 11:29pm - Archaeon ""]
i think you just said they are original
[Apr 21,2007 4:26am - pam ""]
I thought this was about the drink.
[Apr 21,2007 6:34am - Dwellingsickness ""]
pam said:I thought this was about the drink.

So did I, What a bummer.
[Apr 21,2007 8:54am - xanonymousx ""]
hmmm i've never had the drink i was told it was too hardcore for myself.
[Apr 21,2007 10:53am - pam ""]
I think the Irish Carbomb might be the most wonderful beverage ever. You should try it. I don't know what car bomb this thread concerns, but I can guarantee it's not as awesome as the drink.
[Apr 21,2007 10:54am - This_Is_Heresy ""]
pam said:I think the Irish Carbomb might be the most wonderful beverage ever. You should try it. I don't know what car bomb this thread concerns, but I can guarantee it's not as awesome as the drink.

[Apr 21,2007 11:46am - mOe ""]
this band does rule, even with the "SIX SIX SIX" part
[Apr 21,2007 2:59pm - FIMSnli  ""]
[Apr 21,2007 4:03pm - succubus ""]
Dwellingsickness said:pam said:I thought this was about the drink.

So did I, What a bummer.

me x3
[Apr 23,2007 12:21am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
[Apr 24,2007 11:48am - Strep Cunt  ""]
The only car bomb I'm into is when W.O.W. did it.

Ich! Ni! San! Chi!!
[Apr 24,2007 12:08pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I heard one song from this band and I thought it was more boring metalcore. Two thumbs down.
[Apr 24,2007 12:56pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
succubus said:Dwellingsickness said:pam said:I thought this was about the drink.

So did I, What a bummer.

me x3

i think we should start a thread about the drink
[Apr 24,2007 1:04pm - Strep Cunt  ""]
I'm sure the drink is awesome, but come on.....

[Apr 24,2007 6:36pm - brad weymouth  ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I picked up "Centralia" not too long ago and it's definitely one of my favorite releases of this year. I believe what they do is how, "techcore" as I like to coin it, should sound like.

Rev, you should play them more often on your show.

this band is horrible, but i fucking hate the techcore. how come all the new bands have singers that just say "shwa shwa shwa" all the time
[Apr 24,2007 6:45pm - mOe ""]
umm...this dude doesnt really do that
he's actually got a pretty decent range of shit he does, I kinda think of him as poor mans mike patton
[Apr 24,2007 7:02pm - brad weymouth  ""]
mOe said:umm...this dude doesnt really do that
he's actually got a pretty decent range of shit he does, I kinda think of him as poor mans mike patton

the song m^a, i think thats it. i heard it on Sirius. it has some ok parts but over all it sounds like it's just a bunch of riffs they couldnt make a song out of so they just randomly threw them together....
whatever, i dont like it. you do. lets drink
[Apr 24,2007 7:18pm - mOe ""]
[Apr 24,2007 7:23pm - xanonymousx ""]
i actually got a sampler of this band last year at metal fest its still in the wrapper.

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