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Steven Wright appreciation

[Apr 25,2007 12:57pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
This guys dry sense of tapped humor cracks me up. He is on Comedy Central right now, but just about over. Good times.


HAHA!! "Wind chimes are for stupid people so they would know when there was a breeze"
[Apr 25,2007 12:58pm - pam ""]
YES, I love Steven Wright.
[Apr 25,2007 1:03pm - brian_dc nli  ""]
[Apr 25,2007 1:28pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
One of the BEST!
[Apr 25,2007 1:31pm - Ryan_M ""]
Much appreciated. One of my favorite stand up comics.
[Apr 25,2007 1:51pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Go get "I have a Pony." It came out like twenty years ago but is still relevent now and wicked funny. "Some people are afraid of heights. I'm afraid of widths."

He was also Guy on the couch in Half Baked.
[Apr 25,2007 2:59pm - dreadkill ""]
he grew up in my town. one of his brothers worked for my dad and another brother paved my driveway. i thought it was actually steven wright paving my driveway.
[Apr 25,2007 7:54pm - yummy ""]
One of my favorites. I have a Pony is hilarious.
I like to take a humidifier and put it in a room with a dehumidifier and let em battle it out.
[Apr 25,2007 7:55pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I accidentally spiled spot remover on my dog. now he's gone.
[Apr 26,2007 12:07am - JoeyCobra ""]
dreadkill said:he grew up in my town. one of his brothers worked for my dad and another brother paved my driveway. i thought it was actually steven wright paving my driveway.

Burlington High School is also known for the fact that Amy Poehler's Mother teaches there.
[Apr 26,2007 1:09am - dreadkill ""]
true, amy poehler had the same english teacher as me at bhs
[Apr 26,2007 1:35am - litacore ""]
K-Billy's super sounds of the seventies

. . .

The Behoie-moth
[Apr 26,2007 6:15pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i just listened to "I have Pony" the other day. classic.
[Apr 27,2007 5:29pm - BlackoutRick ""]
litacore said:K-Billy's super sounds of the seventies

. . .

The Behoie-moth

Holy Shit!! Good call!! Resevoir Dogs!! He was the DJ. YES!!

[Apr 27,2007 5:36pm - BornSoVile ""]
Watched Natural Born Killers the other night, forgot he was in that!
[Apr 28,2007 12:44pm - Cecile Brown  ""]
He's currently living inCambridge, seen him in WHOLE FOODS afewtimes
[Apr 28,2007 1:41pm - Kinslayer  ""]
That's awesome. I want to see him at Whole Foods. He's one of few 'celebrities' I'd want to approach and shoot the shit with.

[Apr 28,2007 3:03pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
BornSoVile said:Watched Natural Born Killers the other night, forgot he was in that!

oh yeah, I forgot about that too. Somehow everything that dude says is hilarious. It's all in his delivery.

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