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new england metal and hardcore fest day 1 recap

Palladium - main stage (Worcester, Ma) - [3_inches_of_blood][animosity][behemoth][bury_your_dead][daath][december_aeternalis][despised_icon][devildriver][devil_wears_prada][dimmu_borgir][kataklysm][nachtmystium][nora][randomshots][skeleton_witch][skinless][still_remains][the_faceless][thy_will_be_done][walls_of_jericho][100_demons][beneath_the_massacre][bloodlined_calligraphy][colin_of_arabia][death_before_dishonor][ligeia][merauder][palehorse][revocation][stick_to_your_guns][suicide_silence][the_funeral_pyre][xdeathstarx]
[Apr 27,2007 1:20pm - succubus ""]
[Apr 27,2007 1:21pm - the_reverend ""]
sorry if this is fractured ingrish... I haven't seen revocation on any of the lists yet...

funeral pyre, the: (second stage) bleeding through? Naw, just a girl on keyboard. I ran into find these guys playing. The sound was excellent for them. For some reason the 100-ish kids in the room were all back against the wall in the back of the room weird.

DECEMBER AETERALIS: (main stage) hard working guys and they are stuck at the beginning again. People should buy their merch cause they drive from NJ just to play this show. They had a new guitarist I don't think the singer was use to it cause he tripped over him.. Did they have more breakdowns?

colin of arabia:
[band=]: (second stage) finally, they are playing NEMHF. it will be a crime if this band isn't headlining this stage next year. "thank you for missing work to see us." their set was so awesome that it was hard to tare myself away at the end of their set. But I had to take off. It sucked cause they had 13 minutes left.

THY WIIL BE DONE: (main stage) when I got down there, heartbroke from leaving COA, the band shouted out COA. Nice! the singer jumped a lot while I wasn't there. They we were hardcore. I don't

XDEATH STARX: (second stage) they were have technical difficulties or something. I also thought they had 4 singers. I was a little bit pressed for time so I only shot a couple songs. The people that showed up there early were all about this band.

skeleton witch: (main stage) pretty excellent if I do say so myself. The photopit was empty like a zombie plague. Carina was the sole survivor. I snapped some quick shots. For a second I thought nachmystium switched into this place. Also the guitarist stageright looked like loki.

right now the stages are running at the same time. highly annoying!
[Apr 27,2007 3:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
the_reverend said:

Rev, WILL.
[Apr 27,2007 3:51pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, I was cutting and pasting.

daath: (main stage) I had no idea what to expect from these guys other than what I heard off the CD (ovum or what not). They were pretty good and a lot different from the typical roadrunner frey that has been out this decade.

PALE HORSE: (second stage) I have an idea for next year. A split headliner of COA and palehorse where they both set up on the same stage and play songs back and forth at each other. That would be the balls. Someone in power make this happen. They played a bunch of tracks off the CD that I got from B9. That room sounds so good for all the bands so far.

faceless, the: (main stage) sort of what has become standard deathcore sound. Sort of despised icony. I thought they were good, but I'm not sure why everyone has a huge boner over them. None the less, I want their CD.

BLOODLINED CALIGRAPHY: (second stage) they got a new singer and drummer(?) since the last time I saw them. The new singer seem wicked unsure of herself on stage. When I saw them last year, I thought they sounded a lot more nu-metal. This was straight hardcore.

I came downstairs and th lightrig was down. They had forgotten to put up the NEMHF and MB light things.

nora: (main stage) after they put up the light nora played and it was nora. I didn't really recognize anyone except the singer and drummer. I had to take off before no one takes pictures of the drummer, but so it goes.

revocation: (second stage) as I ran up the steps, I knew that was only one shredder, davocation. they were awesome. The upstairs was packed. granted you could tell the people who were there to see a deathcore band and who wasn't. It was like all rttp in the front. Hopefully, this happens more often. Now someone make that happen. the sound was awesome for them up.there.
[Apr 27,2007 4:00pm - Niccolai ""]
the_reverend said:

nora: (main stage) after they put up the light nora played and it was nora. I didn't really recognize anyone except the singer and drummer. I had to take off before no one takes pictures of the drummer, but so it goes.

Did you take a picture of their drummer?

I didn't know this was still a band, I thought they disapeared.
[Apr 27,2007 4:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
fuck, I didn't know Revocation was playing-I'd go for that!
[Apr 27,2007 4:09pm - Niccolai ""]
I didn't even know this was today. I also didn't know what bands were playing.

Where the hell has my mind been lately? I would have actually paid to go see this show.
[Apr 27,2007 4:12pm - mOe ""]
this is the first metalfest in like 3 years ive missed
[Apr 27,2007 4:17pm - Archaeon ""]
I'm so happy Revocation got on this. I'm sure they made a ton of new fans.
[Apr 27,2007 4:23pm - FIMSnli  ""]
i will be heading down there shortly on foot. much metal ahead.
[Apr 27,2007 4:32pm - the_reverend ""]
you are a dude banger for missing revocation. I was wearing their shirt. fan #1!!! super.

devil wears prada: (second stage) eh, after getting spat on by the guitarist a couple times, I decided to head up stairs. I swear I've seen this band before. (I think it's still remains I'm thinking of.) I was promised 10 dudes in panda suit dry humping each other the Dido and enya. WTF. goat catalyst, you lied to me. and that makes me a sad panda.

beneath the massacre: (second stage) wow I would not mess with that singer. He was massive. they said this was their first time touring the states, but I'm pretty sure they played the westcoast. The guitar riffs were awesome. That guy is a master and it looked like he was barely doing anything at all. The front row was all little kids too. Weird.

animosity: (main stage) they jumped on last minute and are playing both days. This was a chance for them to play some new tracks since all shall perish isn't playing. They got a really long set too.

ligeia: (second stage) they were cool to see on a real stage. The crowd wasn't insane like the show in hooksett, but this is a bigger show with a real sound system..

still remains: (main stage) they were ok. I think they changed up some members since the last time I saw them. I wasn't really interested in seeing them now for no particular reason.

stick to your guns: (second stage) bass drops? I'm pretty sure they were coming from the bassplayer. I was expecting a since the flood clone. That will teach me to judge a boox by it's cover. they were hardcore with some gutteral vocals and the affore mentioned bass drops.
[Apr 27,2007 5:59pm - the_reverend ""]
despised icon: (main stage) ok, wasn't it al (goratory) who bitched when people posted that he was in this band? And here he is on stage with all these canucks. WTF buddy? Seriously, they were awesome and I would have loved to stay for the whole set, but I had to get up stairs.

100 Demons: (second stage) I ran up on stage and then was like "there is no room for me on that stage." all the dudes in this band are looking trim. Either they's been working out or starving on tour, reesh and the new/old singer bruce have been doing some serious training. I slipped past them and was on the edge of the stage. Awesome singing along with these dudes.

death before dishonor: (second stage) watching them on metal fest for the second time in a row is awesome. these leads the whole show, the whole fest in a good direction. With FBC/Terror 2 years ago to last year with DBD (w/ ken susi) and now this year with COA/PALEHORSE, etc... Makes me thing next year will be even better. It also makes me wonder how long until this band is on SOTU. I was pressed for time when I got in there and only got to be there for a couple songs, but the place was wild. If you asked, they delivered.
[Apr 27,2007 7:00pm - the_reverend ""]
skinless: (main stage) hardpressed, I ran out of DBD's set and down to catch the last couple from skinless. They made a front to back wall of death, something else, and a zombie wall of death where everyone moved slow as a zombie while doing a wall of death. This lasted until the lights cut, but that's good enough for me. Their last song was the optimist.

suicide silence: (second stage) they were heavy. The new track was as heavy as all their other stuff. Of course, the crowd was very young. It took them a while to set up. I think it was cause the drummer wanted his kit and not the house kit that everyone else was using. I think a lot of people who hate them wouldn't hate them if they got rid of the myspace stigma.

nachtmystium: (main stage) what a great band. People dug them and rocked a long. At one point, the lead dude broke a string and had to change guitars. Oh and they had their real bassplayer this time. Excellent. When they were done, they walked off stage without saying a word.

kataklysm: (main stage) way way way way wayway way way way way way way way way waywei too long to set up. too many way's? well, maybe now you get that I'm equating way's to time that it took them to set up which was a long ass time. Once they got started, there were way way way way way way way way way way way way way way too many people in the photopit (way's are now people. Keep up.). I heard merauder start a long time before this kataklysm so I snapped a few an left.
[Apr 27,2007 8:19pm - the_reverend ""]
goatcatalyst lied and he is here. he also didn't make fun of the devil loves prada.
[Apr 27,2007 8:21pm - the_Network_booking ""]
Just found out we are playing the MAIN STAGE tomorrow around 2:30 pm...YEAH!!!!
[Apr 27,2007 8:32pm - the_reverend ""]
merauder: (second stage) this band has been all about familia since before you were probably born (or atleast going to shows). My first chance to see them was Hellfest 2004. I totally missed them there. I was search for carina's keys. I did the key check a bunch of times during their set. Race mixing deathmetal & hardcore has been par for the course over their history. People with long hair or short hair or no hair are welcome in their crowd. This is the best way to be.
[Apr 27,2007 8:37pm - the_reverend ""]
3 inches of blood: (main stage) lots of smoke and people rocking out. Um.. Not much more to say.

walls of jericho: (main stage) they played all the songs that I wanted to hear. Plus some songs of the new CD that I don't know. I was trying to get the singer's tattoos to pop out nicely. During that there was an ungodly amount of fake smoke for a few minutes. It was so thick that you couldn't see anything. It was like ships passing in the night in there. I would see these dark shadows coming at me and then BANG it's a person. my brain getting slow now... more bands...

DEVIL DRIVER: (main stage) I had no clue who was on next. thinking that dark tranquility was on next until... they went on. All the members of this band except one have huge devil driver tattoos on their forarms. It's like they were branded and the drummer always wears that same SBC shirt. While they were playing, metalunion chuck was puking.
[Apr 27,2007 9:08pm - the_reverend ""]
looks like I need to replaces some spaces thar!
[Apr 27,2007 9:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I looks like dark tranquility isn't showing up.
[Apr 27,2007 9:30pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
hahahah that would be hysterical. i know a couple people who went explicitly to see dark tranquility.
[Apr 27,2007 9:34pm - the_reverend ""]
bury your dead: (main stage) to the new singer, I would say "you sir are no matt bruso" granted I think I told matt that we was no joey back in the day. Matt grew his pipes after busting them through a couple of BYD tours. The new guy just sings different. He sounds more like the old singer from premonitions of war. There is something wrong with the sound too. Mark's usually driving drums aren't audible. I just basically hear clicks. For the last 2 songs, matt came out and sang with them. awesome last show for him with the band. For the very last song, phll (all that remains) came out too and scream. to the ladies: sorry, they all left their shirts on so no xXxultraxXxsexXxy nood doods. lolz!
[Apr 27,2007 10:34pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
on my way down there now

i say it's worth the $40 for dimmu seeing as how i haven't seen them in 3 years and they're one of my favorite bands

p.s. WASTED!
[Apr 27,2007 10:36pm - the_reverend ""]
behemoth: (main stage) plenty of smoke during their set. I love behemoth.. But I'm getting tired and zone out on their whole set (after fighting in the photopit). They sounded awesome... But... So many hours ofmusic and running around has poked holes in my spongey brain. this band appearantly came to the USA to drink our alcohol an fuck our womenfolk. people, please lock your daughters up at night.
[Apr 27,2007 11:19pm - Aegathis ""]
he said that when they toured with Morbid Angel last year too, haha. So pissed i missed them but I'm sure theyll tour when the new cd comes out soon.
[Apr 28,2007 1:01am - the_reverend ""]
I'm back at home... this is going to take me a little while.
[Apr 28,2007 1:02am - the_reverend ""]
I gotta go through 2.5K pictures now.
[Apr 28,2007 1:16am - yummy ""]
so was it a good time overall?
[Apr 28,2007 1:46am - the_reverend ""]
ok, it took me like 27 mintues to sort all the pictures.... and 20 minutes to sort the second stage. now I'm processing the second stage before moving on to the main stage.
[Apr 28,2007 1:47am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Dimmu was awesome... also Suicide Silence was very good. i had never heard them before and was highly impressed..
[Apr 28,2007 1:49am - the_reverend ""]
I keep looking at all the bands I saw and thinking "damn, that was a really good time"
[Apr 28,2007 1:49am - the_reverend ""]
all the locals that they put on the show was the bestest part
[Apr 28,2007 2:05am - wakeoftearz  ""]
What happened to All Shall Perish? I am bummed. The Faceless were pretty damn good, guitars were too low so I told them to turn up, sounded better after that. I was caught off guard by the Death cover by Revocation, hadnt heard much of them. 3 inches of blood rocked, I had no idea there were so many people that would go apeshit for Kataklysm like that, I almost lost my glasses. Behemoth killed as usual, As Above So Below was reaaaaaaaal fast. Cant wait for tomorrow!
[Apr 28,2007 2:53am - Alx  ""]
the_reverend said:I keep looking at all the bands I saw and thinking "damn, that was a really good time"


You sure did, and so did I! :krusty:
[Apr 28,2007 3:01am - the_reverend ""]
bastard.. that was rape!
[Apr 28,2007 3:02am - the_reverend ""]
that picture makes me think of http://fattyfeelsleftout.ytmnd.com/
[Apr 28,2007 3:04am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
that was the most crowded photopit I have ever seen, ever.
[Apr 28,2007 3:10am - cav ""]
today was cool. i saw a good 80% of the bands that played for at least a couple songs. death before dishonor (i cant believe this was my first time seeing them, so good! so fun!) and despised icon were probably the stand out performances for me.

First off: Everyone using Krank cabs and lots of Krank amps...FUCKING LAME!

anyways, i came upstairs while revocation was playing symbolic, that was a nice surprize. i had no idea they were playing that time slot. i would have watched more.

byd was so bad. new singer sucks. foreign accent on a boston "hardcore" band...ew. sound sucked as always, they NEED a sound guy that knows what hes doing. i could go on but why bother.

devildriver is the lamest band ever, i wanted to leave. but behemoth and dimmu did not disappoint even though i had to sit through an hour set to hear mourning palace and spellbound as an encore.

overall it was definitely worth going...cant wait to see hulud tomorrow. ill be there bright and early to see the miles between at 1230. good buddies of mine, if your into hardcore you should see them.
[Apr 28,2007 4:00am - the_reverend ""]
chris reminded me of that today.
the worst thing is I'm still working on things and I have to go move my car. lame!
[Apr 28,2007 4:03am - the_reverend ""]
most annoying website navigation
[Apr 28,2007 10:12am - pam ""]
I had fun yesterday, today will probably be a lot less fun.
[Apr 28,2007 10:35am - Aegathis ""]
god damn i really wish i coulda gone. How many people went over to the Zircon space afterwards?
[Apr 28,2007 10:54am - the_reverend ""]
I can not get my pee to not be yell'er.. wtf...
[Apr 28,2007 11:08am - yummy ""]
keep the clear fluids flowing.
Rev, you're getting old.
[Apr 28,2007 11:09am - DrewBlood ""]
i once impersonated the singer from devil driver on a radio show, good times!
[Apr 28,2007 11:11am - yummy ""]
I'm going to head up to this pretty soon. Missed this day, but getting laid was way more important.
We'll see....I might even enjoy myself. might.....................be a winner.
[Apr 28,2007 11:37am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Aegathis said:god damn i really wish i coulda gone. How many people went over to the Zircon space afterwards?

not THAT many...it was a good time though

dimmu was fuckin awesome, although it got kind of muddy in some parts
[Apr 28,2007 3:31pm - Shannon nli  ""]
I lost my long sleeve "let us pray" Vital remains shirt at the fest lastnight,if anyone finds it.....let me know:(
[Apr 28,2007 3:43pm - norsk popsicle elf  ""]
yup, last night kicked ass.
[Apr 28,2007 5:12pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
these two pics came out awesome, rev


[Apr 28,2007 7:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
vortex is a giant person.
[Apr 28,2007 7:31pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
the_reverend said:I can not get my pee to not be yell'er.. wtf...

haha... Try cranberry juice.
[Apr 29,2007 11:34am - succubus ""]
[Apr 29,2007 11:42am - the_reverend ""]
wow.. the singer of kataklysm has no soul in that picture.
[Apr 29,2007 2:24pm - pam ""]
succubus said:http://thephoenix.com/onthedownload/PermaLink.aspx?guid=6a1cf81e-7744-46da-859a-cb233d4c5720

Nice shots, Carina!!

The Devil Wears Prada might be the queerest looking band I've ever seen.
[Apr 29,2007 2:28pm - Anthony ""]
pam said:succubus said:http://thephoenix.com/onthedownload/PermaLink.aspx?guid=6a1cf81e-7744-46da-859a-cb233d4c5720

Nice shots, Carina!!

The Devil Wears Prada might be the queerest looking band I've ever seen.

holy shit did you see them play??

it was literally the gayest thing i've ever seen, i shit you not...
[Apr 29,2007 3:19pm - pam ""]
Anthony said:pam said:succubus said:http://thephoenix.com/onthedownload/PermaLink.aspx?guid=6a1cf81e-7744-46da-859a-cb233d4c5720

Nice shots, Carina!!

The Devil Wears Prada might be the queerest looking band I've ever seen.

holy shit did you see them play??

it was literally the gayest thing i've ever seen, i shit you not...

No, thankfully. I would have heckled them and probably gotten slapped by boys in eyeliner.
[Apr 29,2007 3:24pm - pam ""]

Someone make with the photoshop'n...stat.
[Apr 30,2007 9:50am - baby_d ""]
the_reverend said:

funeral pyre, the: (second stage) bleeding through? Naw, just a girl on keyboard.

i don't know whether to be angry at you .....or take this as a compliment. ha...either way don't ever mention that band again!
[Apr 30,2007 10:30am - Yeti ""]
Dimmu was fucking awesome. Galder looks so happy in all of those pictures. the only complaint i have is that the "diaboli" studded guitar strap was pretty gay, otherwise the show was fucking insane.
[Apr 30,2007 2:46pm - the_reverend ""]
dimmu borgir: (main stage) it was cool to see them. It's been a long time. The song selection was excellent. My only comment is the sound was weird. When I was standing for most of the time, is sounded like the music was coming from up over and behind the band. It was a bit quiet. Especially with the synths. I remember standing next to galder in 03 @ NJMHF and my gay-dar went off. I think it's the 3 musketeer mustache.
[Apr 30,2007 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
bahahaha yeah that porn-star moustache is too much. the sound was odd, it was one of those shows where you wouldn't enjoy it too much unless you were really familiar with the material. the keys were way too low in some parts. they kept amazing time though, i can only imagine what thats like with the sound on stage. there was only one time where they had to look at each other to keep time.
[Apr 30,2007 3:14pm - xanonymousx ""]
succubus do you have any more shots of the show?
or are the ones on the phoenix it?
oh yeah i saw last weeks phoenix today and good shots rev.
[Apr 30,2007 8:15pm - succubus ""]
xanonymousx said:succubus do you have any more shots of the show?
or are the ones on the phoenix it?
oh yeah i saw last weeks phoenix today and good shots rev.

yep..going through them now i'll post a link to day 1 as soon as i'm done

[Apr 30,2007 8:16pm - succubus ""]
Shannon nli said:I lost my long sleeve "let us pray" Vital remains shirt at the fest lastnight,if anyone finds it.....let me know:(

that sucks..call the palladium to see if they have it in their lost and found..you never know

[Apr 30,2007 8:18pm - pam ""]

My craptastic pictures from Friday. Next year I will have a nice camera. I will. I will. I WILL.

[Apr 30,2007 8:29pm - Anthonynli  ""]
succubus said:xanonymousx said:succubus do you have any more shots of the show?
or are the ones on the phoenix it?
oh yeah i saw last weeks phoenix today and good shots rev.

yep..going through them now i'll post a link to day 1 as soon as i'm done

awesome i cant wait to see them
[Apr 30,2007 8:30pm - Anthonynli  ""]
pam said:http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b84/whattakunt/NEMHF%202007/Friday/

My craptastic pictures from Friday. Next year I will have a nice camera. I will. I will. I WILL.

sweet pam thanks for taking pics of us
[Apr 30,2007 8:35pm - pam ""]
You're welcome. You guys were killer!
[Apr 30,2007 11:58pm - succubus ""]
hahahah i remember you taking that...lol

my pics are up

i had a lot of people in the crowd asking about people pics...so i posted A LOT

the bands i shot on day 1:3 Inches of Blood, Animosity, Behemoth, Bury Your Dead, Daath, December Aeteralis, Despised Icon, Devil Driver, Devil Wears Prada, Dimmu Borgir, Kataklysm, Nachtmystium, Nora, People, Revocation, Skeleton Witch, Skinless, Still Remains, The Faceless, Thy Will be Done, Walls of Jericho,
[May 1,2007 12:28am - the_reverend ""]
[May 1,2007 12:41am - sxealex ""]
dimmu has to learn to whiten their teeth if they are gonna whiten their faces.
[May 1,2007 1:29am - pam ""]
sxealex said:dimmu has to learn to whiten their teeth if they are gonna whiten their faces.

[May 1,2007 1:58am - GoatCatalyst ""]
Anthony said:pam said:succubus said:http://thephoenix.com/onthedownload/PermaLink.aspx?guid=6a1cf81e-7744-46da-859a-cb233d4c5720

Nice shots, Carina!!

The Devil Wears Prada might be the queerest looking band I've ever seen.

holy shit did you see them play??

it was literally the gayest thing i've ever seen, i shit you not...

those queens are so fucking lucky i was a state away during their set. i would have brought WRATH
[May 1,2007 8:24am - succubus ""]
May 1,2007 12:28am - the_reverend]
thanks aaron!
[May 1,2007 10:30am - Yeti ""]
sxealex said:dimmu has to learn to whiten their teeth if they are gonna whiten their faces.

gingivitis is kvlt.
[May 1,2007 11:56am - succubus ""]
i want to make sure revocation sees this..so up...
[May 1,2007 1:06pm - Anthony ""]
succubus said:i want to make sure revocation sees this..so up...

i checked out the pics and they are awesome carina, thanks so much! it's great to have another set of photos from you.

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