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True Black Metal Isolation

[Apr 30,2007 2:01am - CNV  ""]
[Apr 30,2007 10:32am - Yeti ""]
the word "true" should be banished from music.
[Apr 30,2007 11:24am - xmikex ""]
that's fucking crazy.
[Apr 30,2007 12:03pm - powerkok ""]
pretty interesting, I couldnt find part 4 or 5 tho.
[Apr 30,2007 4:54pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Apr 30,2007 4:59pm - PHLAWLESS STYLEZ  ""]
Nocturno needs to get on Atkins.
[Apr 30,2007 5:20pm - BornSoVile ""]
you can watch 4 and 5 on vbs.tv
[Apr 30,2007 5:57pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
The other parts are pretty damn cool, especially when Gaahl takes them up to his grandfather's house up on the mountain.
[Apr 30,2007 11:06pm - powerkok ""]
BornSoVile said:you can watch 4 and 5 on vbs.tv

Thanks duder.
[Apr 30,2007 11:28pm - tomx nli  ""]
this was pretty awesome and totally re-energized my enthusiasm for black metal. the only shitty part was the whiny journalist that decided to only bring a sweatshirt and nike dunks to norway. fuck that fag. yays for gaahl.
[Apr 30,2007 11:36pm - powerkok ""]
ya that kid was a huge pussy about it. oooohh wahhh I cant breathe.
[Apr 30,2007 11:37pm - powerkok ""]
Gaahl shoulda stabbed him and ate him.
[Apr 30,2007 11:49pm - yummy ""]
I couldn't imagine what it would be like to live there. Only one other student? I wasn't born to be black metal.
[Apr 30,2007 11:51pm - powerkok ""]
Isolation builds charectar
[May 1,2007 12:06am - CNV  ""]
Isolation allows one to find their true self

You do not need social affirmations from any sort of herd or group telling you your doing what is wrong or right

That shit is for faggots
[May 1,2007 1:12am - powerkok ""]
CNV said:Isolation allows one to find their true self

very true, but it has also driven many men crazy.
[May 1,2007 7:06am - Ryan_M ""]
yummy said:I couldn't imagine what it would be like to live there. Only one other student?

That blew my mind too. And the other student killed himself! You go to school for 11-12 years with only one other kid and he commits suicide. That's nuts.

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