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Dunlop Jazz III

[Apr 30,2007 4:08pm - brian_dc ""]

just got in a shipment of these. After playing with one for about 10 minutes every other pick I've ever owned feels like a paddle. This shall be my pick for all time now. These suckers are precise.
[Apr 30,2007 4:10pm - Niccolai ""]
I've used them since I started playing guitar.

I ordered 3 packs of them of musician.com (usually 6 come in these perticular packs) and they send me three boxes with 20 packs of six in them and only charges me for the 3 packs. So I have like a lifetime supply of these fuckers.
[Apr 30,2007 4:12pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah, I bought 8. So I figure as long as I don't lose a million, these are pretty rugged picks, so I should be set for awhile.

I love you get shit for free though.

*be's jealous*
[Apr 30,2007 4:12pm - brian_dc ""]
*8 packs of 6
[Apr 30,2007 4:16pm - Niccolai ""]

These picks last like 2 years each, and even when they dull down, you can rub them into the carpet and it sharpens them again.

Also, when I can't find my box of picks, I open the laundry dryer and there are about fifty stuck inside the door from leaving them in my pockets.
[Apr 30,2007 6:39pm - blue ""]
you are all wrong, this is the pick to destroy jazz IIIs.

[Apr 30,2007 6:47pm - Archaeon ""]
Can't stand these. I bought a bunch of picks a few months ago to try some other stuff out and couldn't stand the dinky ones.

forever love
[Apr 30,2007 6:54pm - fleshfries ""]
as soon as i used a jazz III i was hooked....i also like the Jazz II.....its hard for me to play with anything else....except....ehhh nevermind :P
[Apr 30,2007 7:21pm - ZJD ""]
These are all I've ever used and I haven't found anything better. Everything else seems too rigid and snappable to me.
[Apr 30,2007 7:40pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
ZJD said:[img]
These are all I've ever used and I haven't found anything better. Everything else seems too rigid and snappable to me.


I used the yellow dunlops for close to 15 years, and after switching to these I'll never use a thick pick again.

As for the jazz picks, I tried em out when I was a teenager. They're great, if you like retardedly thick picks and have fingers like a barbi doll.
[Apr 30,2007 7:42pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
blue said:you are all wrong, this is the pick to destroy jazz IIIs.


I liked the grip on these a lot more than the original jazz picks, but still was a bit too thick for me.
[Apr 30,2007 8:07pm - Niccolai ""]
They come in different thicknesses.
[Apr 30,2007 8:44pm - brian_dc ""]
for me, there's really no value for flexibility in my picks. As far as skinny fingers go...well, you got me there. I have long skinny fingers...I'll take it as an advantage.
[Apr 30,2007 8:44pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Niccolai said:They come in different thicknesses.

I'm pretty sure they don't make a .60 in that size.
[Apr 30,2007 8:45pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
brian_dc said: I have long skinny fingers...I'll take it as an advantage.

An advantage for sure. Not to mention, you're less likely to end up with arthritic knuckles.
[Apr 30,2007 8:46pm - brian_dc ""]
I already have arthritis in my legs and forearms from sports stuff. I'm waiting for the day when my fingers go. First I've heard of this having any relation to arthritis.
[Apr 30,2007 8:50pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Well, just from common sense, someone with big huge knobbly knuckles like myself is going to have a lot more surface area to grind.
[Apr 30,2007 8:53pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Archaeon said:[img]
forever love

[Apr 30,2007 10:11pm - blue ""]
brian_dc said:for me, there's really no value for flexibility in my picks.

amen to that. i use my picking hand to control dynamics, not the pick itself.
[May 1,2007 7:27am - Joshtruction ""]
I play dunlop tortex in different thickness depending on strings, music, and tuning. If you match the pick to your set up they are amazing.
[May 1,2007 8:05am - I_am_not_me ""]
Jazz III's rule. Yeah, I wear 'em down a good bit, but not nearly as fast as I do other picks.
[May 1,2007 8:08am - brian_dc ""]
the last picks I got were tortex 1.14mm picks. After about 30 minutes with those things they were rounded and shitty and I'd have to file them. So, this is a big step up in durability for me.

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