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Abnormality tracks posted on myspace!

[May 5,2007 10:31pm - DomesticTerror ""]

Holy shitballs, this is good!
[May 5,2007 10:42pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 5,2007 10:56pm - Archaeon ""]
Heard these earlier, tizzight tracks
[May 6,2007 8:21am - handinjury ""]
[May 6,2007 9:38am - hungtableed  ""]
Holy shit. I knew there was a reason why I couldn't fucking wait to hear some recorded material by you guys. Nice work.
[May 6,2007 10:27am - BornSoVile ""]
awesome demo, you guys did a fucking great job! MADM!
[May 6,2007 10:45am - fishcakes ""]
about goddam mutherfucking christraping time! sounds killer too. be sure and bring me a demmo on the 26th......
[May 6,2007 11:21am - fartendustnli  ""]
souds sick guys!! I don't know if it's just my computers sound,but the solos's sound like they are not loud enough? kinda buried in the mix.

the songs are tight though,i'll definately be downloading them.
[May 6,2007 12:29pm - infant_skin_suitcase ""]
[May 6,2007 8:27pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Thanks guys! We'll have discs @ the upcoming shows. The disc will have
a 4th track, which is a 1min intro/sample, that we didn't post on the Myspace page.
[May 7,2007 12:34am - Anthony ""]
me rikey

the vocals are brutal as fuck
[May 7,2007 12:53am - BornSoVile ""]
dude evan downloaded this and we spun it like 5 times tonight, shit kills, i fucking love. you should be proud of this!
[May 7,2007 1:03am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Sounds killer.
[May 7,2007 11:10am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 7,2007 12:02pm - Whoremastery ""]
outta control you fuckers!
[May 7,2007 12:19pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
:HAMMAH: Thanks!
[May 7,2007 1:07pm - mOe ""]
Good job, guys
this shit's goin on the Ipod as soon as I get to work. Brutal fackin drummin, Jay.
[May 7,2007 1:29pm - deathchicknli  ""]
BornSoVile said:dude evan downloaded this and we spun it like 5 times tonight, shit kills, i fucking love. you should be proud of this!

sweet, we are happy with it
[May 7,2007 1:30pm - deathchicknli  ""]
Anthony said:me rikey

the vocals are brutal as fuck

thanks man
[May 7,2007 1:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Mallika rules.
[May 7,2007 2:11pm - PaganMegaN ""]
Such good metal. What a killer band. Total support
[May 7,2007 2:13pm - Revocation ""]
sounds brootal
[May 7,2007 4:09pm - jere nli  ""]
wow, thanks! it means alot especially coming from you guys
[May 7,2007 6:52pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
mOe said:Good job, guys
this shit's goin on the Ipod as soon as I get to work. Brutal fackin drummin, Jay.

Thanks man.
[May 7,2007 7:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
Damn, this is definately the best thing any of you guys have ever done. A big old Root Beer CHEERS to Mikey for making such a nasty production.
[May 7,2007 7:15pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
[May 7,2007 7:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
BornSoVile said:definately the best

[May 7,2007 9:17pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
I fuck that one up everytime too.
[May 9,2007 6:04am - DOM  ""]
Thanks everyone, for my first real production job I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Physical copies will be available as soon as I get my shit together and make some. Look for the full length Dec '07 on Def Jam!

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