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Into eternity: my friends and I are idiots

[May 6,2007 10:21pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

we decided as a joke to do a dub "cover" of into eternity's spiraling into depression, the video is a joke so please no
"lol that's not the fingerings!!! youse is posersesz" comments, we don't know how to play this song we just thought it be funny to make a dub video to it.

I'm the one on bass.

comment it and rate it if you have a youtube account, and I know you do...just so you can look at pg porn
[May 6,2007 10:30pm - Ryan_M ""]
I liked the parts where you guys were playing cards and headbanging/singing - I don't know, for some reason that struck me as very amusing!
I think I've seen you around NHCTC before, and the guy who was singing in the video I've seen around - I usually see him walking all over the place with headphones on. Anyway, cool video!
[May 6,2007 10:35pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
hmmm if I would have to guess, you are the only dude who wears bands shirts there, I think I saw you too. You have short brown hair I think, and I can't remember what band shirts i've seen you wear, something with black metal or grindcore logos, the unreadable-at-long-distance-kind.

You must live in Nashua if you see the one singing, only I don't know if he ever wears headphones and walks around, even he will laugh if anyone mentions excersize and him in the same sentence. Maybe on mainstreet when he walks to shaws?
[May 6,2007 10:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you wierdos
[May 6,2007 10:44pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
next up we plan on doing something not metal, like some 80's song, and with a lot more cheesy costumes, props, cut scenes.
[May 6,2007 10:46pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
hahaha, acoustic shower shredding is an amazing market that metal has yet to discover the full potential of.
[May 6,2007 10:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'd like to see an SLC Punk type movie for New England Metalheads... make it happen.
[May 6,2007 10:56pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:i'd like to see an SLC Punk type movie for New England Metalheads... make it happen.

never seen slc punk, is it anything like "this is spinal tap"?

[May 6,2007 11:04pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:FuckIsMySignature said:i'd like to see an SLC Punk type movie for New England Metalheads... make it happen.

never seen slc punk, is it anything like "this is spinal tap"?

nothing like it. it's more of a drama overall, but there are some funny parts. you either love it or you hate, so i'd suggest renting it.
[May 6,2007 11:28pm - Aegathis ""]
i fucking died of laughing as the first verse started with that dude singing.
[May 7,2007 12:53am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
did anyone see abe linclon rise from behind the couch at the beginning, or ben franknlin on the shitter.
[May 7,2007 1:56am - Dwellingsickness ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:hahaha, acoustic shower shredding is an amazing market that metal has yet to discover the full potential of.

Guess you have not seen old Def Leppard videos then. hah

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