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Hoooray for giving your two week notice!

[May 9,2007 7:00am - Mess ""]
and not having another job in line!
and having to pay monthly...

-car bills
-credit card bills

but hey! camping season is just starting!
after almost 5 years of this shit, it's time to try to find some sort of median.
[May 9,2007 7:14am - the_reverend ""]
middian is where the monsters live.
[May 9,2007 7:15am - Mess ""]
how do i say what i'm trying to say dude?
[May 9,2007 7:24am - the_reverend ""]
what is the town of quincy going to do with out their #1 rape sketch artist? did you get sick of people sayin "is that a self portrait?"
[May 9,2007 7:33am - Mess ""]
the guilt consumes me
[May 9,2007 9:38am - SteveOTB ""]
I wish I could give my today notice. I don't want to be at the job anymore but I need to pay bills and I can't seem to find a new one.
[May 9,2007 10:04am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Quitting is awesome. It's almos as great as getting fired.
[May 9,2007 10:10am - Mess ""]
yeah, i'd like to keep these guys as a good reference though
[May 9,2007 10:54am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i've been on "vacation" for 3 weeks. currently i am trying to choke down that Strip drink from GNC in order to pass a drug test so i can get back to work. the grape flavor does nothing.
[May 9,2007 11:38pm - brad weymouth  ""]
you were fucked up tonight dude, hope your interview went alright
[May 10,2007 12:03am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
haha, i gave my 2 weeks notice on friday as well. but, since i agreed to make a full season commitment through the end of june, and i'm good friends with my boss, we evened it out at may 29th. i have one day off, which is this coming friday, until may 29th. working 7 days a week and working up to 16 hours (which i did today, awesome), for any amount of money, doing bullshit that means nothing to me in the long run is not worth it at all. luckily i'll have enough money banked to get me through 3 months without having to do shit. all i'll be doing is drawing, lifting, and drawing some more. oh and sleeping...a lot of that.
[May 10,2007 12:16am - dj death  ""]
sounds like a good time mister richards!
[May 10,2007 12:17am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
yeah it's fuckin' awesome wasting your life for nothing, skraight up nuggles.
[May 10,2007 6:11am - Mess ""]
brad weymouth said:you were fucked up tonight dude, hope your interview went alright

yeah, last night was rough but come on? it was a wednesday night man! hahaha. i think the interview went ok though. it's just a part time night job 3 nights a week doing the door at a club. i got hooked up with that from a friend of a friend of a friend. i still need to find something stable for the day time. i know i don't want to be sitting on my ass like i have been for the last 5 years.
[May 10,2007 6:20am - Mess ""]
MFR: my last day is the 23rd.
[May 10,2007 10:46am - shatteredliz ""]
You know what might be even better than that? Getting laid off at the end of June and getting severence for July and August. Time to travel!!
[May 10,2007 10:47am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
When is your interview at LazyTown studios Mess?
[May 10,2007 10:49am - Mess ""]
lazytown called and said i could have a roll with the show playing some type of bear? that might be cool?
[May 10,2007 10:58am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 10,2007 11:17am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jun 5,2007 3:57pm - Mess ""]
two weeks, and still no job. this is fucking rough. atleast i should be getting my 401k money soon so i can pay a few bills. that should buy me atleast a couple more weeks but i need something now. if anyone one knows of places hiring assholes like me, give a shout!
[Jun 5,2007 4:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
do some temp work.
[Jun 5,2007 4:06pm - Mess ""]
i've done a little side work so far i put in a fence. i want to stick with outside stuff getting paid under the table.
[Jun 5,2007 4:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you could always go into the prostitution business like this upstanding citizen...

[Jun 5,2007 4:23pm - Mess ""]
or i could become a hitman?
[Jun 5,2007 8:57pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I have a couple people you could kill.
[Jun 5,2007 9:00pm - sxealex ""]
[Aug 13,2007 6:21am - Mess ""]
my master plan worked...

1. i quit my job way back when
2. i cashed out of my 401(k)
3. 401(k) money = 4 month vacation
4. my old job took me back and today is my first day back in 4 months.

fuck the system
[Nov 12,2008 11:57am - Mess ""]
so, i fucked up again. i quit my office job without giving them my 2 week notive about 10 months ago and i haven't been able to find anything since. well, i'm going to say fuck it and try to get my office job back. i called the old boss last thursday and she said she'd have to think about it. it's been 6 days and still no call. i'm hoping she calls soon. i have no other ideas for employment. i should've stuck it out at that job but i do hate office work. fuck it and deal with it. i've been getting offers to work for 9 or 10 bucks an hour. this shit sucks. i'm 2grand in the hole for rent. my bills, i haven't even touched them and i owe people a lot more. shit sucks.
[Nov 12,2008 12:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sell drugs
[Nov 12,2008 12:06pm - Mess ""]
i tried and it's annoying. i want to murder everyone that wakes me up at night looking to score. so, that game is not for me.
[Nov 12,2008 12:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
shit... well maybe try to get into healthcare (medical coding/billing). can be boring but theres usually jobs and they pay pretty decent.
[Nov 12,2008 12:22pm - the_reverend ""]
any job pays better than no job.
[Nov 12,2008 12:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sell your soul to the devil. you could get at least a couple hundred for it i bet.

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