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walking at night appeesh!

[May 13,2007 3:08am - the_reverend ""]
I decided to head out into the night with my cot in my coat. there is no one around but a few drunk dudes. on my way back, I walk by a girl bawling and blubbering and a dood saying "stephanine, stephanine.. let's just go home". I'm like 3 blocks away and I can still hear her
[May 13,2007 12:11pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
is a cot ...a bet...or did you mean you were carrying your cat around hhah, that'd be a funny picture.

PS I think I saw you walking in Manchester on Thursday? I was on some highway an dI saw this dude up on the overpass that looked, and dressed exactly like you, with the huge camera bag and everything.
[May 13,2007 12:26pm - the_reverend ""]
thursday I was walking around boston. I meant cat. llowed to go outside except in her cage or when I carry her. she sits with her head out my hoodie and watches things.
[May 13,2007 12:49pm - DrewBlood ""]
the_reverend said:thursday I was walking around boston. I meant cat. llowed to go outside except in her cage or when I carry her. she sits with her head out my hoodie and watches things.

need a picture of this for the next cute cat photo thread
[May 13,2007 1:50pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
hahah I got the funniest picture in my head of the cat from that "very serious" picture poking it's head out of the pocket of your hoody.

We have a joke about my friend and how his sweatshirt is hiding millions of kittens in it, he always smells like cat piss.

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