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Biggest Display of Faggotry Ever

[May 13,2007 1:02pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[May 13,2007 1:10pm - ZJD ""]
I think split tongues and the like are sweet and the Lizardman is way cooler than Jesus.
[May 13,2007 1:17pm - ZJD ""]
Also, two non-emo looking guys with no piercings/tattoos/etc holding hands is a way bigger display of "faggotry" than any of this.
[May 13,2007 1:29pm - Archaeon ""]
[May 13,2007 1:38pm - Hoser ""]
Can't wait till these morons with the big gay ear stretches and shit get old and have to explain to their grand children why they destroyed their bodies for fashion. Their earlobes will be drooping to the floor and they will look really fucking stupid. Then they can explain to their grandkids that they look stupid because they fell for FASHION. Now they think that they're soooooooo original and way different than the rest of horrible society, but the bottom line is that they all look like jerks.
[May 13,2007 1:39pm - Hoser ""]
Earrings are for 3 types of people.

1.) Girls
2.) Pirates
3.) Faggots

Which one are you?
[May 13,2007 1:41pm - horror_tang ""]
One evening on a computer - a waste of more of your life
The soda you drink while surfing the web - 75 cents
Taking the time to look for people with piercings - 25 points on the gayometer
Taking the time to post them on a messageboard and label it faggotry - PRICELESS!!!
[May 13,2007 1:46pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
oh god, attack of the clones?
[May 13,2007 1:46pm - immortal13 ""]
I'm a pirate.
[May 13,2007 1:56pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Some of those chicks are kinda hot. (their "scene" and music is gay, yes.)
Nothing wrong with tattoos though. unless there trendy and unoriginal.
[May 13,2007 2:01pm - Niccolai ""]
Hoser said:Can't wait till these morons with the big gay ear stretches and shit get old and have to explain to their grand children why they destroyed their bodies for fashion. Their earlobes will be drooping to the floor and they will look really fucking stupid. Then they can explain to their grandkids that they look stupid because they fell for FASHION. Now they think that they're soooooooo original and way different than the rest of horrible society, but the bottom line is that they all look like jerks.

Ears stretch back.

I had my ears stretched to an inch, outgrew stretching, took them out, and now I can't fit anything thicker then a standard earring in there. I don't wear anything in my ears anymore though.

I don't have a problem with basic piercing stretching.. but people are taking it to fucking far. Anyone who has jewelry the size of a hockey puck in their ear is trying way to hard to prove something.
[May 13,2007 2:02pm - Niccolai ""]
swamplorddvm said:Some of those chicks are kinda hot. (their "scene" and music is gay, yes.)
Nothing wrong with tattoos though. unless there trendy and unoriginal.

Tattooes are trendy and unoriginal period. Reguardless of theme.
[May 13,2007 2:03pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Not really. You could say the same for music then. almost everyone likes music.
[May 13,2007 2:09pm - Niccolai ""]
Music isn't comparable, due to huge amounts of variation and recent breakthroughs in instruments, and sounds.

There aren't too many tattooes that aren't trendy and unoriginal that have been done in the last 2000 years.

Tattooes don't haveto be original and un-trendy to be cool and appreciated. The whole point of tattooing in the last 2000 years is trend anyways.

Tattooes are art, art is a trend in it's own right. anyone who over analizes art to see it as anything more needs more hobbies.
[May 13,2007 2:20pm - Murph ""]
Niccolai said:
Tattooes are art, art is a trend in it's own right. anyone who over analizes art to see it as anything more needs more hobbies.

I'll ANALIZE you.
[May 13,2007 2:20pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I know it's art. and so is music. Some people really do like the way art looks on the body. MOST do it for trend, (if they think so or not) and most people creat music for the same reason. That's why most people want their music to be heard by other people. (I'm not saying they realy don't enjoy making music.)
[May 13,2007 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I know one of those dudes. I thought this was going to contain a picture of WWW
[May 13,2007 9:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[May 13,2007 9:52pm - ArrowHead is logged in... NOT  ""]
Niccolai said:
Tattooes are art, art is a trend in it's own right. anyone who over analizes art to see it as anything more needs more hobbies.

That is the single dumbest statement I've ever seen on this board. Including my own posts, and anything by HailTheLeaf.
[May 13,2007 10:49pm - bobdeaD  ""]
i dont mind the girls rockin the mod haircut...some of them are hot. But the fuckin guys make me wanna choke them out...brutal.
[May 14,2007 12:10am - Ryan_M ""]
I don't understand the point of this thread. You posted 41 images of emo kids just to remind us that they're all examples of faggotry?
"I'll chalk up mad scene points and totally show how metal I am if I gather up as many pictures of emo kids as I can, and post them in a thread where I call them all gay."
[May 14,2007 12:22am - Lamp ""]
tOtAlLy NoT cHrIsTiAn
[May 14,2007 12:39am - Niccolai ""]
ArrowHead is logged in... NOT said:Niccolai said:
Tattooes are art, art is a trend in it's own right. anyone who over analizes art to see it as anything more needs more hobbies.

That is the single dumbest statement I've ever seen on this board. Including my own posts, and anything by HailTheLeaf.

So tattooes aren't art?

..and art is more then art? Is art also the third season of stargate SG1?
[May 14,2007 12:44am - kylenli  ""]
wow this thread is awful... and everywhere i look this jesus kid is trying to fit in..
[May 14,2007 12:45am - Lamp ""]
I just noticed one of those girls is wearing a Chiodos shirt, hahahaha.
[May 14,2007 12:46am - Niccolai ""]
That's why this thread should be turned into all pictures of stargate SG1.

That stargate atlantis bullshit is for pussies.
[May 14,2007 12:51am - Niccolai ""]
Lamp said:I just noticed one of those girls is wearing a Chiodos shirt, hahahaha.

Yet another thread is lost to the chiodo onslaught










[May 14,2007 1:05am - Mike_Giallo ""]
I have a HUGE scene girl fetish.
[May 14,2007 1:57am - Dwellingsickness ""]
This thread further proves my point that lip piercings are fucking gay. This thread is the biggest display of faggotry ever.
[May 14,2007 3:26am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
by the thread title, do you mean that the biggest display of faggotry is you trying to make yourself look cool by making fun of people who are even bigger losers than you?
[May 14,2007 11:17am - babyshaker nli  ""]
what is up with almost everyone there having snake bite peircings. And i further support the posting of more chiodo pictures to cleanse this thread of h-mo
[May 14,2007 11:51am - Holocaust  ""]
That's pretty gay but costumes and face paint is far gayer.
[May 14,2007 12:24pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I got it from a myspace bulletin. I didn't search for anything.

Where the hell are you people getting the idea that I'm trying to fit in?! That's retarded. Do you think I'm pathetic enough to need acceptance by the internet to continue my feeble little life?
[May 14,2007 12:32pm - Niccolai ""]
No. ..Wait.. Yes?
[May 14,2007 12:35pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I think this is the biggest display of faggotry ever:

[May 14,2007 2:13pm - pam ""]
Hoser said:Can't wait till these morons with the big gay ear stretches and shit get old and have to explain to their grand children why they destroyed their bodies for fashion. Their earlobes will be drooping to the floor and they will look really fucking stupid. Then they can explain to their grandkids that they look stupid because they fell for FASHION. Now they think that they're soooooooo original and way different than the rest of horrible society, but the bottom line is that they all look like jerks.

Stretched ears make me want to vomit. It's the most unattractive, disgusting, idiotic trend I've ever seen.
[May 14,2007 9:33pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I got it from a myspace bulletin.

And that is where it should have stayed.:point:
[May 14,2007 9:36pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Dwellingsickness said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:I got it from a myspace bulletin.

And that is where it should have stayed.:point:

I shared it with you so we could share in the disdain for the downfall of teenage society.
[May 14,2007 9:39pm - Lamp ""]
Aren't you a teenager yourself?

There are idiots everywhere. Making a spectacle out of one group of idiots is stupid because that leaves out tons of other idiots in the world. It's not like they're making you dress that way, just stay the fuck away from them like I do. I would rather not think about or even acknowledge the existence of any of the people you posted pictures of and I'm sure just about everyone here would agree with me, you aren't funny or cool, shut the fuck up and please kill yourself as soon as possible.
[May 14,2007 9:41pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:Aren't you a teenager yourself?

There are idiots everywhere. Making a spectacle out of one group of idiots is stupid because that leaves out tons of other idiots in the world. It's not like they're making you dress that way, just stay the fuck away from them like I do. I would rather not think about or even acknowledge the existence of any of the people you posted pictures of and I'm sure just about everyone here would agree with me, you aren't funny or cool, shut the fuck up and please kill yourself as soon as possible.

I'm 19 but I don't think like a teenager. My mind set is in a much older stage.

And you think telling me to kill myself makes you funny or cool? Don't be a hypocrite.
[May 14,2007 9:44pm - horror_tang ""]
Each tattoo I have has a special meaning. They all mean that I was drunk, young and stupid. I just wish I had some killer tribal.
[May 14,2007 9:45pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I'm 19 but I don't think like a teenager. My mind set is in a much older stage.


That's what they all say, hahahaha.

And you think telling me to kill myself makes you funny or cool? Don't be a hypocrite.

I'm not trying to be funny or cool, I'm trying to advocate your death because I think it would make the world a better place.
[May 14,2007 9:51pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:I'm 19 but I don't think like a teenager. My mind set is in a much older stage.


That's what they all say, hahahaha.

And you think telling me to kill myself makes you funny or cool? Don't be a hypocrite.

I'm not trying to be funny or cool, I'm trying to advocate your death because I think it would make the world a better place.

People might say that but you haven't met me in person so you can't assume I'm like everyone else.

I just laugh at people like you, Lamp, who think that by killing people you disagree with makes the world a better place to live. News flash bud, the world never changes. You can hate what I believe in, my opinions, or just the things I say in general but there is one thing you could do to save you the aggravation of acknowledging me: IGNORE ME. Simple? Yes. Practical? Yes. Do yourself a favor.

[May 14,2007 9:51pm - horror_tang ""]
At 19 I was mature well beyond my years. I could buy beer without an ID. I also knew everything and knew my life would work out as planned. So, I sit here a former professional football player, teaching math at a high school and coaching football.
[May 14,2007 9:57pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:People might say that but you haven't met me in person so you can't assume I'm like everyone else.

You are not special and neither am I. The fact that you would actually brag about being mature is pretty much a tipoff that I would never want to know you in person anyway. Maturity is conformity.

I just laugh at people like you, Lamp, who think that by killing people you disagree with makes the world a better place to live. News flash bud, the world never changes. You can hate what I believe in, my opinions, or just the things I say in general but there is one thing you could do to save you the aggravation of acknowledging me: IGNORE ME. Simple? Yes. Practical? Yes. Do yourself a favor.

I disagree with people all the time who I like. I don't like you, so if you died I would just get a quick laugh and move on. I don't even think I have to touch the stupidity of a comment like "the world never changes", blah blah blah, and you want me to ignore you but you can't be bothered to ignore the people who bother you? You're truly awesome. We should trade action figures.
[May 14,2007 10:01pm - atthehaunted ""]
Some of the chicks at the top are hot the scary thing is some of the guys look like transvestites. I've always thought the emo look was intensely gay.
[May 14,2007 10:48pm - horror_tang ""]
Lamp said:We should trade action figures.

Damn, I wish I still had GI Joe with the binocular eye. I know my robot-bigfoot (from the Six Million Dollar Man series) is packed away with the old tall Darth Vader.
[May 14,2007 11:19pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:People might say that but you haven't met me in person so you can't assume I'm like everyone else.

You are not special and neither am I. The fact that you would actually brag about being mature is pretty much a tipoff that I would never want to know you in person anyway. Maturity is conformity.

I just laugh at people like you, Lamp, who think that by killing people you disagree with makes the world a better place to live. News flash bud, the world never changes. You can hate what I believe in, my opinions, or just the things I say in general but there is one thing you could do to save you the aggravation of acknowledging me: IGNORE ME. Simple? Yes. Practical? Yes. Do yourself a favor.

I disagree with people all the time who I like. I don't like you, so if you died I would just get a quick laugh and move on. I don't even think I have to touch the stupidity of a comment like "the world never changes", blah blah blah, and you want me to ignore you but you can't be bothered to ignore the people who bother you? You're truly awesome. We should trade action figures.

I'm not bothered by you at all actually. I mean, I don't really know why you don't like me but your answer wouldn't surprise me. I'm just a regular guy. I don't think you were hugged much as a child.
[May 14,2007 11:19pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[May 15,2007 1:00am - Lamp ""]
Hatred is what makes me feel truly alive.
[May 15,2007 6:12am - Murph ""]
horror_tang said:At 19 I was mature well beyond my years. I could buy beer without an ID. I also knew everything and knew my life would work out as planned. So, I sit here a former professional football player, teaching math at a high school and coaching football.

[May 15,2007 11:40am - Josh_Martin ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I'm 19 but I don't think like a teenager. My mind set is in a much older stage.

This was the 2nd biggest display of faggotry ever.

[May 15,2007 12:47pm - Yeti ""]
just about every single teenager from 13-19 says that.
[May 15,2007 12:51pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
I hang out with girls that look like that all time for the blowsies. Come to think of it, every girl I'm friends with has gaged ears, piercings, and tattoos. As long as they don't act all "scenesterlike" I don't care. I think that look is cute.

The guys can fuck off though, they look queer.
[May 15,2007 5:19pm - horror_tang ""]
Murph said:horror_tang said:At 19 I was mature well beyond my years. I could buy beer without an ID. I also knew everything and knew my life would work out as planned. So, I sit here a former professional football player, teaching math at a high school and coaching football.


Insert picture of fat coach.
[May 15,2007 5:40pm - immortal13 ""]
I'll admit I have a thing for scene girls. Some of them are hot, and I've gotten many of them into better music than Atreyu and shit.

I had this one girl all of a sudden ask me to burn the cds for The Faceless and Nile. She's even asking for a cop of Burn My Remains' cd when it's out.
[May 16,2007 1:19pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
Hoser said:Can't wait till these morons with the big gay ear stretches and shit get old and have to explain to their grand children why they destroyed their bodies for fashion. Their earlobes will be drooping to the floor and they will look really fucking stupid. Then they can explain to their grandkids that they look stupid because they fell for FASHION. Now they think that they're soooooooo original and way different than the rest of horrible society, but the bottom line is that they all look like jerks.

hopefully they'll be the ones solely responsible for a low birthrate among caucasians because the thought of them breeding is slightly scary
[May 16,2007 1:35pm - Niccolai ""]
immortal13 said:
I had this one girl all of a sudden ask me to burn the cds for The Faceless and Nile. She's even asking for a copy of Burn My Remains' cd when it's out.

Tell her to stop being a whore and pay for the CDs like everyone else.

If she has 60 dollars to spend on a bullet belt and 43 different shades of hello kitty hair dye, she can drop 11 dollars on a CD.
[May 16,2007 6:45pm - immortal13 ""]
That's what I say.

It's like the air freshener I wanted a few years ago:

Ass, gas or grass, no one rides for free.
[May 16,2007 7:01pm - fucking pissed all the time  ""]
[May 16,2007 7:03pm - brian_dc ""]
this guy was really looking forward to spending his misplaced 12 seconds looking at something he thought was gayer.

wait...is your post the biggest display of faggotry ever then?

"Dammit,in those 12 seconds I could have killed myself"

shit, in that case, you're right. what a waste of time.
[May 16,2007 7:09pm - fucking pissed all the time  ""]

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