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aaron makes fun of my muscial tastes?

[May 17,2007 8:11am - succubus ""]
because i like some stuff he doesn't...
ohh mainstream music...anyhow..

so i got into work and was talking about the Velvet Revolver show when all of a sudden one guy asks me if i'm shooting the Daughtry (sp?), Nickelback and Saliva show. "ewwwwww NO"
and then another girl chimes in (who tortures me whenever i'm in her car because she listens to bad rap-you know a lot of radio crap) she doesn't know or like regular rock but she's yelling at me SHOCKED that I say all those bands suck..then they look up the show online and see that in ottawa Puddle of Mud is playing with them and they talk about going to that show. Granted I don't know "Daughtry" but i've seen the name before...it's like aahhhhhhhhhhh get me out of here~!!

Finally one of the guys that I sometimes take to shows came in and i asked him what he thought of those bands and of course he agreed with me.
[May 17,2007 10:52am - Granny_Monster ""]
Yeah, I get made fun of sometimes by a certain someone for liking Dinosaur Jr. and Sonic Youth. Whatever.

And in relation to your story, something kinda similar (slightly... in a way) happened to me when I was in California a few months ago.
A fellow SG saw that I was coming to town and suggested we hang out while I was there. She seemed cool, so sure. She picked me up where I was staying and when I got into the car she asked me what kind of music I usually listen to. I told her "Mostly metal" and he says something like "I have just the thing". Next thing I know we're driving down the Bay Bridge BLASTING Disturbed and she's singing along. I kinda really wanted to jump out of the car.
She seemed nice enough, though. Maybe I can get her into some good stuff when I move out there. Nu-metal just don't cut it.

[May 17,2007 10:55am - pam ""]
I think Daughtry is that American Idol dude? Bald guy? I saw him on TV on Extra or something about Idol winners that don't sell records.

I get made fun of for shit I like, who cares? PJ Harvey is a goddess and if you want to take my metal card away for thinking so...go ahead.
[May 17,2007 10:56am - largefreakatzero ""]
Granny_Monster said:Yeah, I get made fun of sometimes by a certain someone for liking Dinosaur Jr. and Sonic Youth. Whatever.

And in relation to your story, something kinda similar (slightly... in a way) happened to me when I was in California a few months ago.
A fellow SG saw that I was coming to town and suggested we hang out while I was there. She seemed cool, so sure. She picked me up where I was staying and when I got into the car she asked me what kind of music I usually listen to. I told her "Mostly metal" and he says something like "I have just the thing". Next thing I know we're driving down the Bay Bridge BLASTING Disturbed and she's singing along. I kinda really wanted to jump out of the car.
She seemed nice enough, though. Maybe I can get her into some good stuff when I move out there. Nu-metal just don't cut it.

You should have grabbed the wheel and swerved off of the Bay Bridge, ending both your life and hers. That would be taking one for the team.
[May 17,2007 11:04am - Granny_Monster ""]
pam said:
I get made fun of for shit I like, who cares? PJ Harvey is a goddess and if you want to take my metal card away for thinking so...go ahead.

Agreed! Some people are suprised when they look at whats on my ipod because the artists on it are so varied.
[May 17,2007 11:16am - dreadkill ""]
music is gay.
[May 17,2007 12:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i enjoy several musical styles... why pigeon hole yourself?
[May 17,2007 12:29pm - succubus ""]
ok so you guys rip people new asshoels on here because of bands they like...and then i make a comment and looks like Granny is the only one who gets my point...
her first post does anyhow.
and pam, you still like great music =) metal or not

but really .. does anyone on here like nickelback????
[May 17,2007 12:31pm - dreadkill ""]
nickelback is the beatles of my generation, only better. they should be enshrined in the rock n roll hall of fame already. Ô_Ô
[May 17,2007 12:33pm - Yeti ""]
Nickelback's first album "Silver Side Up" isnt all that bad for radio rock, but anything post is just garbage. oops, there goes my metal membership. see i think old ICP is awesome, and i get shit for it all the time. fuck em.
[May 17,2007 12:33pm - ariavette ""]
my mp3 player is all kinds of different music.. who cares what ppl think.. gets me through the boring endless day so fuck it
[May 17,2007 12:36pm - ariavette ""]
Yeti said:Nickelback's first album "Silver Side Up" isnt all that bad for radio rock, but anything post is just garbage. oops, there goes my metal membership. see i think old ICP is awesome, and i get shit for it all the time. fuck em.

The very first one is really the only one i like " the state" most ppl have never even heard of it. the new stuff makes me want to rip my ears off though.
[May 17,2007 12:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I dont particularly enjoy listening to Nickelback but I have alot respect for Chad Kroeger's songwriting capabilities.

[May 17,2007 12:40pm - dreadkill ""]
chad kroeger is like john lennnon mixed with bob dylan, mixed with james taylor...on steroids. the man is untouchable.
[May 17,2007 1:25pm - sacreligion ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:I dont particularly enjoy listening to Nickelback but I have alot respect for Chad Kroeger's songwriting capabilities.

ya know...i kinda did for a while too...but um, it's the same damn song, every song

except the two "heavy" tracks per album

they are on their fuckin 7th single off of their most recent release or something, right? dudes are ROLLIN in $$$

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