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Season Finale week

[May 20,2007 8:52pm - succubus ""]
ok sorry aaron but the simpsons hour long finale sucked

perhaps it's because i still haven't slept from yesterday and i'm working on my joey ramone bday bash pics so i only half paid attention but blah!

i saw the commercial for the family guy finale and it looks funny
[May 20,2007 8:55pm - yummy ""]
not too impressed with that Simpsons episode either.
[May 20,2007 9:02pm - sacreligion ""]
succubus said:perhaps it's because i still haven't slept from yesterday and i'm working on my joey ramone bday bash pics so i only half paid attention but blah!

no, it sucked
[May 20,2007 9:02pm - sacreligion ""]
400 episodes is as good a time as any to hang it up, especially when no part of said hour long spectacle was funny
[May 20,2007 9:05pm - succubus ""]
gotta say though FG is HILAROUS!
[May 20,2007 9:07pm - Anthny  ""]
Hmm thats a shame about the Simpsons because I thought the past few episodes were really funny. I'll catch it when it makes its way online.
[May 20,2007 9:09pm - yummy ""]
Family Guy is pretty good right now
[May 20,2007 9:26pm - pam ""]
FG was awesome. Wasn't really wow'd with The Simpsons.

American Dad on now.
[May 20,2007 9:29pm - JDDomination ""]
FG Highlights: Peter's tittie popped out on the mechanical bull, Hellraiser saltshaker prank,
Brian to 18 yr old Lois: Can I wham my ango bango into your velvet underground?,
Chevy Chase hosts Tonight Show,
Jetsons parody,
Eddie Murphy/Beverly Hills Cop references,
Lois: Something poked me. Quag: It's ok, it's just my wang,
Back to the Future references,
Peter punches fighting Chicken in the 80's,
American Dad Alien appearance.
[May 20,2007 9:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
24 tomorrow!!!!
[May 20,2007 9:51pm - yummy ""]
If I had pot this American Dad would be funnier. But, I had some giggles.
[May 20,2007 10:04pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Lost on Wednesday, which is all I care about.
[May 20,2007 10:07pm - succubus ""]
Heroes tomorrow!
[May 20,2007 10:10pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
waiting for Heroes to come out on DVD and then I'll be addicted to that.
[May 20,2007 10:34pm - pam ""]
I am about 15 episodes behind on Lost because I download them and Jon never wants to watch them but I have to wait for him. Total pain HUNNY.

I'm about to watch the finale of Grey's Anatomy. I don't want it to be over.
[May 20,2007 10:57pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Pam you have missed SO much, it's amazing what's been going on and the finale is going to be just as fantasgreat.
[May 20,2007 10:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
LOST has been so damn great! They have finally been revealing answers and tying up some previous plotlines. CATCH UP PAMELA AND JON!
[May 20,2007 11:00pm - TheAccursedDrummer ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:LOST has been so damn great! They have finally been revealing answers and typing up some previous plotlines. CATCH UP PAMELA AND JON!

No cable, no talking about Lost, la la la la laaaa... Poor pitiful me has to wait for the fucking DVD's, which sucks my nuts. I want to just get them via Torrent, but it'll take forever, I haven't seen a single episode this season. AARRGGHHH!!!!

P.S. Those records arrive yet?
[May 20,2007 11:06pm - pam ""]
I don't have cable either, download slacker!
[May 20,2007 11:07pm - pam ""]
[May 20,2007 11:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Yes! The 5 DEATH picture discs are great, thanks!
[May 20,2007 11:11pm - TheAccursedDrummer ""]
pam said:I don't have cable either, download slacker!

Bite it PITA.

AUTOPSY_666 said:Yes! The 5 DEATH picture discs are great, thanks!

Awesome, enjoy them. I miss 'em already.
[May 21,2007 1:21am - the_reverend ""]
JDDomination said:Peter punches fighting Chicken in the 80's

I'm watching it now and was like "that didn't happen" but I looked up and it did.
[May 21,2007 1:22am - the_reverend ""]
can't watch amaerican dad... need sleep...
[May 21,2007 3:39am - sacreligion ""]
am i the only person alive who hates lost? it's like a bunch of writers got baked and came up with a million ideas and said "let's throw em all into one show and then make up some bullshit to tie it all together seasons later"
[May 21,2007 4:32am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
LOST rules.
[May 21,2007 4:56am - sacreligion ""]
that's what everyone keeps tryin to tell me but i just ain't havin it
[May 21,2007 5:00am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Me either, I just can't get into it.
[May 21,2007 5:09am - Dwellingsickness ""]
I had to play Darts tonight, I missed Simpsons , Family Guy and American Dad. I was so pissed.
[May 21,2007 8:35am - jesus ""]
i know you all miss the best sunday night fox show ever..
[May 21,2007 9:09am - the_reverend ""]
I've n3v3r s33n l0st
[May 21,2007 11:15am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:LOST has been so damn great! They have finally been revealing answers and typing up some previous plotlines. CATCH UP PAMELA AND JON!

I haven't seen the last 4 or 5 episodes cause it seemed like they were just writing the plot as they went along with no sense of direction. I guess I'll have to watch this week and find some way to catch up on what i've missed. Where do you guys go to download past episodes?

[May 21,2007 11:32am - pam ""]
EZTV - TV torrents online

Right there.
[May 21,2007 12:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sweet! and trailer park boys too! score.
[May 21,2007 12:14pm - Sinistas ""]
I can't wait for the House finale.
[May 21,2007 12:38pm - Yeti ""]
sacreligion said:am i the only person alive who hates *insert tv show here*

thats how i feel about 97% of tv shows that everyone raves about.
[May 21,2007 8:55pm - succubus ""]
Heroes finale on NOW!
[May 21,2007 9:27pm - Anthny  ""]
K that 24 spoof on the Simpsons was bad.. I couldnt even watch more than 5 minutes. The second one is funny though.
[May 21,2007 9:44pm - succubus ""]
succubus said:Heroes finale on NOW!

i can't believe only 10 minutes left!
[May 21,2007 9:48pm - succubus ""]
Best Heroes episode to date
[May 21,2007 9:55pm - succubus ""]
that was amazing but i'm not going to post anything until aaron watches it

very cool the way it ended and that they showed a bit of next season
[May 21,2007 10:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Fantastic cliffhanger ending to the 24 season... now i have to somehow wait till january for the next season. grrrr.
[May 21,2007 10:09pm - pam ""]
Grey's Anatomy finale depressed the shit out of me. The Office finale ruled. (Think that was the finale anyway). Working on getting caught up on Lost now. We're only on episode 14!

Heroes bored the crap out of me...I don't understand the hype. I will probably download the whole season at once and try watching it again.

I'm just getting into House...likin' it.
[May 22,2007 9:18am - succubus ""]
up for heroes!
[May 22,2007 10:07pm - urinal turd  ""]
i was very dissapointed with heroes. there were so many holes. like why did peter need his brother to fly? he can fly himself. why was claire afraid to kill peter? she knows he can heal. how did all those people who hated syler let him get away right in front of them?
[May 24,2007 1:37am - brian_dc ""]

lost was fucking insane. They made up for every sub-par episode of the season with the finale.

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