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Bush authorizes a (not so) covert military action in Iran.

[May 23,2007 2:34pm - sacreligion ""]

Either this is straight disinformation or ABC news is retarded by posting covert military actions online.

Then again, perhaps they're just doing their job. Or they're pretty biased against the Bush Administration.

[May 23,2007 2:41pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 23,2007 2:42pm - sacreligion ""]
i think that's what everyone said
[May 23,2007 2:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i have a feeling this is not going to go well.
[May 23,2007 2:46pm - sacreligion ""]
it's funny that Dick Cheney is all about it. I can't wait for these old fucks to die
[May 23,2007 2:47pm - the_reverend ""]
I wonder how many years bush is going to spend in the house and senate after his term for all the scandle investigations. best start practicing his "I do not recall"s now.
[May 23,2007 2:48pm - sacreligion ""]
i think the cocaine and alcohol habit would help that along
[May 23,2007 2:50pm - sacreligion ""]
i'm kinda thinking he'll use this and the iraq stalemate(it's not a war) to stay in office longer, saying that it needs to happen or freedom will perish.

the bible belt will eat that up
[May 23,2007 3:11pm - Yeti ""]
you know, i wouldnt be surprised if he was the first president to campaign to stay in office longer under the guise of "stay the course to victory". i cant believe this was published. this is teetering on the edge of a massive disaster. i mean it has all along, but this is unreal.
[May 23,2007 3:56pm - xmikex ""]
[May 23,2007 4:02pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Bloody hell...I really wish the US would stop fucking with other countries, they do this all the time, try to remove an elected government from office and replace them with a tyrannical dictatorship that will sell out the country's resources to outside interests and fuck the people over...then 10 or15 years later we can blame them for something and bomb the shit out of them.
[May 23,2007 4:49pm - SkinSandwich ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Bloody hell...I really wish the US would stop fucking with other countries, they do this all the time, try to remove an elected government from office and replace them with a tyrannical dictatorship that will sell out the country's resources to outside interests and fuck the people over...then 10 or15 years later we can blame them for something and bomb the shit out of them.

You don't exist, let alone your opinion.
[May 23,2007 5:02pm - Think_for_Yourself  ""]
By all means. Join in on the band wagon to impeach this administration, elect democrats to have them allow more illegal aliens into the country, give them more rights than US Citizens, and prayer rugs for all as Muslim countries take us over.

[May 23,2007 5:12pm - sxealex ""]
yea... we are gonna be taken over... we are already run by christian wackos...
[May 23,2007 5:16pm - Think_for_Yourself  ""]
And you don't think muslims will be worse?
[May 23,2007 5:20pm - pam ""]


[May 23,2007 5:21pm - Think_for_Yourself  ""]
Not quite.

Try and tell me how Kerry/Edwards in office would have been better.
[May 23,2007 5:25pm - pam ""]
Why so you can vomit right wing talking points back at me? Nah, I'm good.
[May 23,2007 5:26pm - yummy ""]
I don't think Kerry/Edwards was even a good alternative. C'mon, that's an old argument anyways. Looking forward is the idea.
[May 23,2007 5:33pm - Lamp ""]
There was no good candidate that stood a chance of winning the last election, nor do I think there will be one for a long time.
[May 23,2007 5:36pm - contagion ""]
all you dumbasses who are getting pissed, this thing bush did PREVENTS military action. fucking retards. we are just going to shit on thier economy a little bit to show them there are more ways than one to fuck with someones shit. i just cant wait for other countries to invade so i can bolt a ton of sheet metal to my car and grab a ton of guns and go road warrior on thier ass.
[May 23,2007 5:38pm - yummy ""]
you're out of your fucking mind contagion.
[May 23,2007 5:47pm - yummy ""]
Rob Walton/Ronald Mcdonald 2008.
[May 23,2007 5:49pm - Raycm  ""]
leafs through the writings of Nostradamus to see if he predicted contagion.
[May 23,2007 6:32pm - sacreligion ""]
contagion said:all you dumbasses who are getting pissed, this thing bush did PREVENTS military action. fucking retards. we are just going to shit on thier economy a little bit to show them there are more ways than one to fuck with someones shit. i just cant wait for other countries to invade so i can bolt a ton of sheet metal to my car and grab a ton of guns and go road warrior on thier ass.

if by "prevents" you mean "provokes"...then yes

they might be trying to draw the iranians into a violent reaction to make it seem as if "they started it"

kerry/edwards wouldn't have been able to do much more, but they lack the militant minds that some of you apparently love so much. why promote freedom when you can FORCE IT!
[May 23,2007 7:28pm - immortal13 ""]
I sense a draft coming.
[May 23,2007 7:35pm - anonymous  ""]
[May 23,2007 7:38pm - pam ""]
immortal13 said:I sense a draft coming.

I sense another 400 reply thread and some long replies from HTL/Hoser/hungtableed coming.
[May 23,2007 7:52pm - the_reverend ""]
I need to get quite a few years older so their draft won't touch me. didn't they extend it to 38?
[May 23,2007 7:53pm - yummy ""]
I was expecting that too pam.
[May 23,2007 7:56pm - yummy ""]

The Military Draft

By Ken Adachi <Editor>
Feb. 3, 2004

A mandatory draft is coming and it will come soon. Make no mistake about it. If you have a 'specialty' field such as health care worker or even computer skills (such as a degree in computer science), you could be 'drafted' into government service up to the age limit of 44 years old. You will have no choice in the matter as the Presidential Executive Order has already been signed and has become the "law", without the messy annoyance of congressional voting or debate, of course. The new age limit of conscription will also be pushed up to 36 years (update: June 2006. now changed to 42 years ) of age, not 26 years as was the traditional limit. They have now tied in Selective Service Registration with applying for a driver's licence in some 34 states so far.

One of the articles below touches on staying out of the military based on a claim of Conscientious Objector, but you should explore every possible idea to stay out of the Meat Grinder, not just this traditional technique. Once you're in the military, you're in and you can't do a damn thing about. It's a lot harder to get out or avoid being shot once you're standing on foreign soil wearing your battle gear and your spiffy Nazi style steel helmet taking orders from Sargeant Gung Ho. Even if you register as a Conscientious Objector, you've still registered. They have your name and all your other vital info in order to seek you out. You also need to explore your avoidance options BEFORE they pull off another staged 'terrorist' attack and close the borders and airports.

I voluntarily joined the military many years ago and thought it was the right thing to do. I felt good about it and told others that it was a good way to grow up and see the world. At the time, of course, I thought that the government was legit, that the U.S. was the "good guy" of the world, and that we were 'maintaining the peace' and preventing the spread of communism and all of that brainwashing crap that they keep feeding us, generation after generation. Now I know better. The government is in the hands of satanic, globalist traitors who are following a script to destroy America and its people (from within & without), in order to decimate the only country remaining that could (or would) offer any real opposition to the one world government takeover.

You have to be careful when visiting government web sites from your home computer. They undoubtedly keep record of anyone who visits their sites. If you are a person looking to avoid the draft, you are notifying them that you are interested in this topic, along with your computer ID, etc. Even the Conscientious Objector web sites listed below may be covert operations to gather information on draft resisters. One has no way of knowing for sure, so it's better to go to a library or Internet cafe to visit these sites, or use the home computer of a person who is beyond draft age.

In any event, if you want info sent to you via snail mail, use the PO Box of a business person or of an older friend, but don't send anyone your real name and home address. Please remember, if you list your Social Security number or date of birth, along with your name and address on any sort of application, rental lease, driver's licence, school registration, doctor's office, etc., the government can find you in a micro second. All such computers are tied into big government data collecting computers. Use a PO Box and voice mail number for contact on every form you fill out (don't use your real home address to get a PO Box either. If necessary, find someone who already has a PO Box, and add your name to it). If they insist on a home address, pre-arrange to use the address of a friend or the parents of your friend, or better yet, use your imagination.
[May 23,2007 8:39pm - the_reverend ""]
if I get drafted, I'm going to take my millions of scene points and move to some 3rd world shithole country and live off my savings until america pardons me (or a catfish swims up my peehole). RTTP will be moving to a server on sealand and all the pictures of shows will involve dudes with their dongs hanging out and djembi drums.

brave new world.
[May 23,2007 8:40pm - yummy ""]
What chaos!!!
[May 23,2007 11:14pm - sacreligion ""]
in response to the article yummy posted:

that's forcing the assumption that there is indeed a "new world order" that will be taking shape. assuming that everyone involved in politics is like that is absurd, as there is still the slight matter of the election process(granted, bush's election recount scandal is a disgrace to this process but that's because the bush family has oil power and money to throw around.)

the only thing i fear is bush trying to stay in office. if that happens, then there is cause for concern. then again, i said the same thing about iran after the iraq war: "the only thing i fear is bush trying to invade iran. if that happens, then there is cause for concern"

hmmmmmm...dark times ahead, but totally encompassing, they are not
[May 23,2007 11:22pm - Dankill  ""]
The funny thing is that people are acting like us doing black ops against the Iranians is such a bad thing like they haven't been provoking and attacking people since 1979.
Are you kidding? They have been one of the biggest organizers and funders of international terrorism for almost three decades!
If you wanna talk about right now try, funding Hezbollah to destablize Lebannon and attack Israel, Funding, training and arming shia militas and death squads in Iraq and doing the same for the Taliban in Afganistan.
If Iran gets to play black ops with us, please tell me why in the hell should we NOT?
[May 23,2007 11:31pm - sxealex ""]
our gas prices are fucked.
[May 23,2007 11:32pm - sxealex ""]
its gonna be cheaper to clone dinos and kill them and then transport them back in time and bury them near us then to buy a tank of gas.
[May 23,2007 11:42pm - sacreligion ""]
Dankill said:The funny thing is that people are acting like us doing black ops against the Iranians is such a bad thing like they haven't been provoking and attacking people since 1979.
Are you kidding? They have been one of the biggest organizers and funders of international terrorism for almost three decades!
If you wanna talk about right now try, funding Hezbollah to destablize Lebannon and attack Israel, Funding, training and arming shia militas and death squads in Iraq and doing the same for the Taliban in Afganistan.
If Iran gets to play black ops with us, please tell me why in the hell should we NOT?

how do you know for a fact they've been funding terrorism? and if so, they haven't been directly responsible for any attacks on the US. While they may be committing black ops in their region, it's their business. We have no right to just show up and say "hey we're america you can't do that."

when there is legitimate proof of them conspiring against us or they provoke us in some way, then it will be justified. this course of action is just self-righteous
[May 24,2007 12:13am - yummy ""]
I only posted that before to verify the draft age. I don't think I'll be drafted. Although, I do fear that this is just the tip of the iceberg with sending our navy in just to "check things out".
[May 24,2007 1:09am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

check out the comments, they are all
"this is monstrous, you guys are "Traders" to America for airing this"
[May 24,2007 8:45am - xmikex ""]
Goddamnit, my messageboard quips and photobucket skills are certain to catch the eye of the military recruiters. I'm dead.
[May 24,2007 12:56pm - pam ""]
Dankill said:The funny thing is that people are acting like us doing black ops against the Iranians is such a bad thing like they haven't been provoking and attacking people since 1979.
Are you kidding? They have been one of the biggest organizers and funders of international terrorism for almost three decades!
If you wanna talk about right now try, funding Hezbollah to destablize Lebannon and attack Israel, Funding, training and arming shia militas and death squads in Iraq and doing the same for the Taliban in Afganistan.
If Iran gets to play black ops with us, please tell me why in the hell should we NOT?

Because we can't fucking win. How many more years of disastrous war do you people need to convince you that we cannot beat fucking fundamentalism. I mean for fuck's sake...we're losing in Iraq...why not start another war in Iran and lose that, too? Weeeeee!
[May 24,2007 1:39pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I hope we go to war with Iran, those persian actually can stand up to us and put up a fair fight.
[May 24,2007 2:00pm - sacreligion ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:I hope we go to war with Iran, those persian actually can stand up to us and put up a fair fight.

that's actually probably the worst thing that can happen. i don't think many of you actually realize what this course of action could possibly lead to

:nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke:
[May 24,2007 2:06pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
no one would ever use nukes unless they were completely insane, then they would be stopped.

No government, not even the North Korea would ever risk the use of nukes
[May 24,2007 2:09pm - sacreligion ""]
that's what this iranian move is all about, because of the fear that they will have nukes in the next couple of years

it's really not that far-fetched
[May 24,2007 2:36pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Since the US is the largest violator of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty I think we should be looking into our own policies before pointing fingers at others. Our illegal occupation of Iraq has caused a massive arms buildup around the world, and I'd love to know how this makes ANYONE safer or does anything but INCREASE terrorism and threat of nuclear war. Our own government is the largest terrorist organization right now. Despite what you were raised to believe, we're not fucking special for dropping out of our mothers on this piece of land, it does not give us special superpowers to tell people who live in other places what to do and act like arrogant fucktards toward the rest of the world with no bad consequences. The minute we get that into our tiny heads the world will be a better place.
[May 24,2007 2:51pm - sacreligion ""]
you're saying "our tiny heads" as if it applies to all americans

most americans hearts are in the right places, it just so happens that the rest of america's power structure is in the right place
[May 24,2007 3:10pm - the_reverend ""]
if we attack iran, the first thing they would do is light off any rocket they have at isreal.
[May 24,2007 3:11pm - Yeti ""]
no one is going to fire a nuke. ever. whether terrorist or not, we all know whats going to happen.
[May 24,2007 3:16pm - hungtableed  ""]
Kill em all and let allah sort em out

[May 24,2007 3:27pm - Josh_Martin ""]
If ABC News knows about this, you can be sure that Iranian intelligence already knew anyway. This "leak" means nothing.
If this actually works this is a great way to get iranians to start killing each other off so our soldiers don't have to do it. I'd like to see them develop a nuclear program with a civil war going on. Unfortunately, its a Bush plan so its bound to turn into a clusterfuck.
18 more months....

[May 24,2007 8:22pm - Dankill  ""]
So pretty much you're saying that you don't believe that Iran has or ever has anything to do with international terrorism or that they are currently helping train fund and arm people in Iraq attack military and civilian targets?
[May 24,2007 11:17pm - sacreligion ""]
do you have any receipts? i'm just saying you can't do it on suspicion...that's what happened when we first went in Iraq. "They're funding terrorists." "They have weapons of mass destruction." "We have to stop Saddam."

While he may have very well been a serious threat and the world might be a better place without him in power, it still was a move that is highly questionable.
[May 25,2007 3:17am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

Just as long as we can enslave some of those
[May 25,2007 10:28am - Yeti ""]
holy fucking shit. that girl is mesmerizing. she reminds me of what Mileena from Mortal Kombat would look like in the flesh. you cant see that Baraka style grill.
[May 25,2007 11:38am - sacreligion ""]
that's why you gotta go for kitana, man...same person, just no baraka grill
[May 25,2007 11:59am - HailAtWork  ""]
sacreligion said:do you have any receipts? i'm just saying you can't do it on suspicion...that's what happened when we first went in Iraq. "They're funding terrorists." "They have weapons of mass destruction." "We have to stop Saddam."

While he may have very well been a serious threat and the world might be a better place without him in power, it still was a move that is highly questionable.

Haha, so true, the US never should have put Saddam into power, trained his men, gave him our tax dollars and tons of weapons. Funny huh? We funded terrorism, and now we're funding more terrorism under the guise of preventing it.
[May 25,2007 12:00pm - sacreligion ""]
it's a lucrative business, war is
[May 25,2007 12:00pm - sacreligion ""]
great population control of the poor, as well
[May 25,2007 12:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
HailAtWork said:sacreligion said:do you have any receipts? i'm just saying you can't do it on suspicion...that's what happened when we first went in Iraq. "They're funding terrorists." "They have weapons of mass destruction." "We have to stop Saddam."

While he may have very well been a serious threat and the world might be a better place without him in power, it still was a move that is highly questionable.

Haha, so true, the US never should have put Saddam into power, trained his men, gave him our tax dollars and tons of weapons. Funny huh? We funded terrorism, and now we're funding more terrorism under the guise of preventing it.

that's the result of the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" ideology.

[May 25,2007 1:15pm - Yeti ""]
sacreligion said:that's why you gotta go for kitana, man...same person, just no baraka grill

hahahaha i bet Jade would do better. she is a nimble little minx.
[May 25,2007 1:19pm - pam ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:HailAtWork said:sacreligion said:do you have any receipts? i'm just saying you can't do it on suspicion...that's what happened when we first went in Iraq. "They're funding terrorists." "They have weapons of mass destruction." "We have to stop Saddam."

While he may have very well been a serious threat and the world might be a better place without him in power, it still was a move that is highly questionable.

Haha, so true, the US never should have put Saddam into power, trained his men, gave him our tax dollars and tons of weapons. Funny huh? We funded terrorism, and now we're funding more terrorism under the guise of preventing it.

that's the result of the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" ideology.

My Foreign Policy professor called it the "asshole you know vs asshole you don't know" factor.

"Yeah he's a prick...but he's OUR prick."
[May 25,2007 5:51pm - Dankill  ""]
I'm just saying that it's not like this is new. Intelligence agencies around the world have been saying for a couple decades that Iran is one of the biggest enablers of terrorism since the early 80s.

And saddly, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" isn't going away anytime soon, nor is it new or are we the only ones to do it.
Shit, how do you think the allies felt fighting along side a monster like Stalin in World War II? The Nazis vs the Soviets was one of the biggest "who is worse if they win?" questions ever when you look at how brutal both were and then what happened to eastern europe.
[May 26,2007 12:47am - sacreligion ""]
let's just agree that the world is fucked
[May 26,2007 10:19am - Dankill  ""]
I can always agree on that

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