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World of Warcraft DDR (FLASH GAME)

[May 28,2007 3:07pm - sxealex ""]
Motorhead! http://www.wowddr.com/level8.html

[May 28,2007 3:15pm - sxealex ""]
i got 102 as my highest shits hard
[May 28,2007 3:28pm - sxealex ""]
124 and im stopping 4 now
[May 28,2007 4:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I can't get my dance pad to hoo up to it.
[May 28,2007 5:29pm - sxealex ""]
bind arow keys to the dance pad on the system. hehehe
[May 28,2007 5:31pm - sxealex ""]
its pretty buggy... sometimes it cuts me off at like 10 points
[May 28,2007 6:01pm - sxealex ""]
220 is my current high
[Jun 1,2007 10:12pm - anonymous  ""]
sxealex said:Motorhead! http://www.wowddr.com/level8.html


[Nov 3,2007 8:54pm - anonymous  ""]
262 as my highest on lvl 60.

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