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Drummer and Lead Guitarist wanted for King Diamond/Mercyful Fate tribute.

[May 28,2007 7:50pm - sinistas ""]
Reposted from Myspace:

Members of The Accursed and Dreaded Silence are doing a King Diamond/Merciful Fate tribute band for this fall. We are looking for a sick ass lead guitarist to be my M.W. ,M.D. ,P.B. G.D.etc. We are also looking for a drummer. So if you are fans of the King and want to hang out drink beers and jam some real fucking metal give us a call from the grave. HAILS Loki Larouqe, Ken Gillis Diamond, and Metal George Patino

You can contact Loki here:

[May 28,2007 8:25pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
where do you guys practice? this would be fun as hell but i live down on the cape...balls

either way this better happen
[May 29,2007 8:39pm - kelly nli  ""]
they all more or less live near the cape (new bedford/ fairhaven) area
[May 29,2007 8:42pm - sinistas ""]
talk to Loki, I'm just reposting for him.
[Jun 15,2007 10:35am - Sinistas ""]
bump, this sounds like a cool project
[Jun 15,2007 12:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thats friggin awesome

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