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new Nessie sighting?

[May 31,2007 12:37pm - Yeti ""]

how cool would it be if this video was truly 100% real. it doesnt show the video, but i'm sure it will be online shortly.
[May 31,2007 1:11pm - Raycm  ""]
I have a Star Trek shirt for sale and two tickets to a singles dance in Sheboygan.
[May 31,2007 1:19pm - the_reverend ""]
video link puleez
[May 31,2007 1:45pm - TheAccursedDrummer ""]
[May 31,2007 1:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i dunno
[May 31,2007 5:03pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
I am a huge believer in Nessie, have been ever since I was 5 or so. I've searched out every book and footage because it's a great legend, but that is (as of recent footage) some of the better ones that I've ever seen. With the age of HD cameras they're will no doubt be more sightings, as well as more well done hoaxes

The only thing I can imagine that would happen is Nessie came to shore and asked the Scientist for Three Fitty.

[May 31,2007 7:55pm - Ryan_M ""]
Obviously something is moving in the water, but all I see is a thin dark strip on the surface, I can't see how anyone would think it could be a large dinosaur-like animal swimming around. If this is some of the best footage of the Loch Ness monster available, I'm not impressed. Sorry.
[May 31,2007 9:16pm - Yeti ""]
i just watched the video, it wasnt nearly as extravagant as i had hoped. there is definitely something moving in the water, and yes its in Loch Ness, but thats hardly even tangible never mind proof. i love the idea of cryptozoology, but there is no PROOF. i want definitive proof. that could be anything. that lake is so fucking huge and deep, who knows what size something can grow to in it. and black shapes can look twice the real size when in murky water, especially on a cloudy day. its cool, but not nearly what i had hoped for.
[Jun 1,2007 9:43am - xmikex ""]
It still baffles me how science still can't find anything definitive when it comes to Nessie. It's absolutely fascinating stuff, and I wish someone came up with something solid.
[Jun 1,2007 11:04am - sacreligion ""]
these things capture the imagination because there IS no proof...if there was proof that this thing existed one of two things would happen:

1) they'd try to capture it and either unleash it's wrath or kill it
2) people wouldn't care anymore now that they know it's real, they'd just be inspired to prove other things like bigfoot, etc.

i believe in some sorts of cryptozoology, but not giant dinosaurs living in lakes. it just seems totally unfeasible, as it would take a family of stranded nessie's to keep the chain going for millions of years, and if there were more than one they would've been definitely spotted by now.

that video looks like either a large sturgeon or something of the like, maybe a turtle. maybe even a huge eel or snake, but no dinosaur
[Jun 1,2007 11:06am - sacreligion ""]
i also wouldn't be surprised if all the eyewitness reports over the years were just of a creature that migrated there out of pure circumstance, like a crocodile or something

or maybe:

[Jun 1,2007 12:54pm - ariavette ""]
that's actually what I was thinking. just a big snake that's been able to grow over the years b/c of the size of the lake.
[Jun 1,2007 1:12pm - the_reverend ""]
can't be a big snake. average water temp: 42° F
a snake would die.
[Jun 1,2007 1:13pm - sacreligion ""]
obviously you don't watch enough snake movies
[Jun 1,2007 1:17pm - the_reverend ""]
you don't either.
1/2 the snakes are killed in movies by cold.
[Jun 1,2007 2:08pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
or by Samuel L Jackson
[Jun 1,2007 3:27pm - ariavette ""]
maybe it's a unique breed that has adapted to the cold.
[Jun 1,2007 3:43pm - the_reverend ""]
42F will kill a human pretty quickly too. anyone ever swam in water like that? you go into shock pretty damn fast.

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