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Greatest sports franchise ever

[Jun 1,2007 2:05pm - jesus ""]
the bruin's little brother...

[Jun 1,2007 2:44pm - jesus ""]
[Jun 1,2007 2:45pm - jesus ""]
[Jun 1,2007 3:26pm - Beaver McD  ""]
Breakfasts come and go Renee. Now Hartford, the whale? They only beat Vancouver once maybe twice in a lifetime.
[Jun 1,2007 5:50pm - atthehaunted ""]
Yes Mall Rats!!
[Jun 1,2007 7:13pm - brian_dc ""]
this isn't about Real Madrid?
[Jun 1,2007 7:30pm - jesus ""]
madrid = merda

[Jun 2,2007 9:18am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[Jun 2,2007 10:08am - jesus ""]
chelsea sucks, and frank lampard is a fat bastard
[Jun 2,2007 10:23am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[Jun 2,2007 10:25am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
hey do you have that channel on comcast that plays english premier pretty much all day? i dont know where else to watch it
[Jun 2,2007 10:44am - jesus ""]
fox soccer channel? nah i dont have it. real irish pubs show the premiership often tho.
as far as the EPL i like tottenham, theyre going to have good years ahead

but its all about benfica
of course

[Jun 2,2007 10:56am - Murph ""]
I've got FSC.

ManU all the way, dude.

[Jun 2,2007 11:10am - brian_dc ""]
I'm actually an Arsenal fan...but Real Madrid has dominated the world for so long.
[Jun 2,2007 11:17am - jesus ""]
arsenal is a a bunch of cheating cunts since theyre conception.

oh and henry has a fat wife
and fred ljungberg has aids. true story
[Jun 2,2007 1:47pm - intricateprocess ""]

bring back the whalers, but fuck ulf samuelsson

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